Index of Lots for Auction 169

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Das Erste Buch der Cosmography...Title PagesMunster, Sebastian1588B+120.00
2Theatri Geographiae Veteris Tomus Prior in quo Cl. Ptol. Alexandrini Geographie Libri VIIITitle PagesHondius/Bertius1618B+130.00
3Theatri Geographiae Veteris Tomus Posterior in quo Itinerarium Antonini Imperatoris Terrestre & Maritimum Provinciarum Romanarum...Title PagesHondius/Bertius1618B+120.00
4Liber Quartus Urbium Praecipvarum Totius MundiTitle PagesBraun & Hogenberg1620B+120.00
5[Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbium Belgicae Liberae ac Foederatae]Title PagesBlaeu, Johannes1649B+180.00
6Atlas Minor...Title PagesMercator/Jansson1651B+110.00
7De Bello Belgico [with book] R.P. Famiani Stradae Romani e Societate Iesu de Bello Belgico Decas PrimaTitle Pages, Low CountriesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1649B+unsold
8The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. Presenting an Exact Geography of the Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland and the Isles Adjoyning...Title PagesSpeed, John1676B50.00
9Mercurio Geografico Overo Guida Geografica in Tutte le Parti del Mondo...Title PagesRossi, Giamcomo Giovanni1690B150.00
10Nouveau Theatre d'Italie Tom. ITitle PagesMortier, Pierre1704B+160.00
11A New Universal Atlas Containing Maps of the Various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World...Title PagesDesilver, Charles1855Bunsold
12Carolus II. D.G. Mag: Brit: Fran: & Hiber: Rex &ct.Frontispiece, PortraitWhite, R.1680A85.00
13[Lot of 5] Globus Terrestris [and] America [and] Africa [and] Asia [and] EuropaWorld & ContinentsOrtelius/Coignet1609B+1200.00
14[Lot of 7 - Puzzle Maps] Mappemonde [and] Amerique du Nord [and] Amerique du Sud [and] Afrique [and] Oceanie [and] Europe [and] BelgiqueWorld & ContinentsLogerot, Auguste1855400.00
15Descrittione del MappamondoWorldPorcacchi, Tomaso1572B+300.00
16Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio quam ex Magna Universali Gerardi Mercatoris...WorldMercator, Rumold1587B2750.00
17Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius, Abraham1587A4500.00
18De Globo TerraeWorldHondius/Bertius1600A300.00
19[Untitled - World and Horological Diagrams]WorldRitter, Franz1607A2400.00
20Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldOrtelius/Coignet1609B+425.00
21Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica TabulaWorldBlaeu, Willem1635Bunsold
22A New and Accurat Map of the World Drawne According to ye Truest Descriptions Latest Discoveries & Best Observations yt Have Beene Made by English or StrangersWorldSpeed, John1651B+unsold
23Orbis Vetus, et Orbis Veteris Utraque Continens, Terrarumq Tractus Arcticus, et Antarcticus...WorldSanson/Mariette1657Aunsold
24Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux-Plans-Hemispheres, ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes les Parties de la Terre et de l'Eau, Suivant les Relations les Plus NouvellesWorldSanson/Jaillot1691B+unsold
25Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldCluver, Philipp1697A275.00
26Carte Generale du Monde, ou Description du Monde Terrestre & Aquatique / Generale Waereld Kaart, of Beschryving van de Land en Water WaereldWorldMortier, Pierre1700B+400.00
27Mappe-Monde, Planisphere, ou Carte Generale du MondeWorldLa Feuille, Daniel de1700A160.00
28Nova Delineatio Totius Orbis Terrarum Per Petrum Vander AaWorldAa, Pieter van der1703A1000.00
29Mappe-Monde pour Connoitre les Progres & les Conquestes les Plus Remarquables des Provinces-Unies, Ainsy que Celles des Compagnies d'Orient et d'Occident...WorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1708A375.00
30Plan de l'Histoire Universelle, ou l'on voit les Quatre Monarchies du Monde, et Tous les Anciens Etats Aussi Bien que ceux qui Subsistent AujourdhuyWorldChatelain, Henry Abraham1708B+220.00
31De Werelt CaartWorldDanckerts/Wetstein1718B+750.00
32Carte dans Laquelle on voit la Route que le Centurion a Tenu dans le Voiage au Tour du MondeWorldAnson, George1749A200.00
33[Series of Hemispheres] Plate LXXXIVWorld1765A+unsold
34Mappe-Monde Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie, Relativement aux Auteurs les Plus Modernes...WorldBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B+180.00
35[Lot of 2] Hemisphere Occidental [and] Hemisphere OrientalWorldBrion de la Tour, Louis1778B+170.00
36Planisphere Suivant la Projection de MercatorWorldBonne, Rigobert1780A160.00
37Orbis Vetus in Utraque Continente Juxta Mentem Sansonianam Distinctus, nec non Observationibus Astronomicis RedactusWorldRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1785B+300.00
38De Wareld in een Ronde Gedaante van de Noord Pool te Zien... [on sheet with] De Wareld Verbeeld in de Gedaante van een Hard en Geleege na de Stelling van de Hr. Guil de L'IsleWorldKeizer/De Lat1786B+160.00
39The World, 1795WorldRussell, John C.1795B+70.00
40Mappe-Monde ou Carte Generale de Toutes les Parties du Globe, Corrigee et Augmentee des Decouvertes du Cap. Cook, de Celles de la Perouse en 1801...WorldDelamarche, Charles Francois1804A85.00
41PlanisphereWorldLevasseur, Victor1845A75.00
42[Japanese Manga World Map - New Cartoon View of the World]World1924B+2200.00
43[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere - Map of Discovery [and] Eastern Hemisphere - Map of DiscoveryWorldNational Geographic Magazine1928B+325.00
44Carriers of the New Black PlagueWorld, World War II1938B+1000.00
45Air France Reseau Aerien MondialWorld1956A275.00
46Macrobii Ambrosii Aurelii Theodosii, Viri Consularis, & Illustris, in Somnium Scipionis, Lib. II. Saturnaliorum, Lib. VII...Ancient WorldMacrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodo1550B+550.00
47[On 4 Sheets] Tabula Itineraria ex Illustri Peutingerorum Bibliotheca quae Augustae Vindel...Ancient WorldOrtelius, Abraham1598B+3500.00
48Sei Libri della Cosmografia Universale, ne Quali Secondo che n' Hanno Parlato i piu Veraci Scrittori son Disegnati [on verso] S.M. Anno Aetatis Suae 60Eastern Hemisphere, PortraitMunster, Sebastian1558B+150.00
49Orbis Veteribus Noti Tabula NovaEastern HemisphereDelisle, Guillaume1714A150.00
50A New Projection of the Eastern Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane (Shewing the Proportions of Its Several Parts Nearly as on a Globe)Eastern HemisphereHardy, John1776B60.00
51Eastern HemisphereEastern HemisphereTallis, John1851A140.00
52Nova et Accurata Poli Arctici et Terrarum Circum Iacentium DescriptioNorth PoleJansson, Jan1684B+800.00
53Hemisphere Septentrional pour voir Plus Distinctement les Terres ArctiquesNorth PoleDelisle, Guillaume1714B+500.00
54Hemisphere Meridional pour voir Plus Distinctement les Terres AustralesSouth PoleDelisle, Guillaume1714B+400.00
55Globus CoelestisCelestialOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
56Planisphaerium Caeleste Secundum Restitutionem Hevelianam et HallejanamCelestialEimmart/Homann1720B+unsold
57Typus Corporis Lunaris Panselini, una cum Maculis, Faculis, Montibus, Fontiumque Ebullitionibus...MoonKircher, Athanasius1682B+400.00
58Theoria Solis per Eccentricum Sine EpicycloSolar System, SunCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708A650.00
59Theoria Trium Superiorum PlanetarumSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708B+600.00
60Theoria Veneris et MercuriiSolar SystemCellarius/Schenk & Valck1708B+unsold
61Nouvelle Carte de la Sphere pour Faire Connoitre les Divers Mouvemens des Planetes et Leurs Diverses Revolutions...Solar SystemChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A300.00
62Pasquins Windkaart. Op de Windnegotie van 't Iaar 1720Cartographic Miscellany, Playing CardsAnon.1720Aunsold
63Psal. Civ. V. 5-9. Terra suis Fundata Basibus / Psal. Civ. V. 5-9. Die Erde auf Ihren Grund-FestenCartographic Miscellany1735A85.00
64Tavola SfericaCartographic MiscellanyCassini, Giovanni Maria1788B+50.00
65AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBotero, Giovanni1598A700.00
66AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBertius/Claesz1609A275.00
67AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHondius, Jodocus1623B+3750.00
68America Noviter DelineataWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHondius, Henricus1631B600.00
69Americae Nova TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
70Americae Nova Descriptio Western Hemisphere - AmericaSeile, Anae1663B600.00
71Americae Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBucelin, Gabriel1664A180.00
72Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaWit, Frederick de1678B850.00
73AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMorden, Robert1687B+175.00
74AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMoll, Herman1695A170.00
75AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaCluver, Philipp1697B+275.00
76A New Map of America from the Latest ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaSenex, John1719B+900.00
77Carte du Gouvernement de l'AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A60.00
78Nouvelle Carte de l'Amerique, avec Tous ses Royaumes, Etats, Iles, Ports, Bayes et Rivieres, Dressee Suivant les Plus Nouvelles Decouvertes par les Habiles Geographes...Western Hemisphere - AmericaAa, Pieter van der1720A1100.00
79Americae Aucta DelineatioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaAnon.1740A160.00
80Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas Relationesque Recentissimas et Observationes...Western Hemisphere - AmericaHaas/Homann Heirs1746A300.00
81Carte Generale de l'AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaPalairet, Jean1754A230.00
82A New General Map of America. Drawn from Several Accurate Particular Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBowen, Emanuel1757A150.00
83Mappe Monde Hemisphere OccidentalWestern Hemisphere - AmericaAnon.1762A80.00
84Carte de l'Amerique et des Mers VoisinesWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1763A190.00
85Hemisphere OccidentalWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B+100.00
86L'Amerique Suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de la Condamine, et Plusieurs Autres Nouvle. ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaLe Rouge, George Louis1777A300.00
87Charte von America. Nach den Neuesten Materialien...Western Hemisphere - AmericaStreit, Friedrich Wilhelm1817B+200.00
88Western HemisphereWestern Hemisphere - AmericaTallis, John1851B75.00
89Amerique Septentrionale par N. Sanson...Colonial North AmericaSanson/Mariette1669A1400.00
90America BorealisColonial North AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699B+650.00
91L'Amerique Septentrionale. Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences...Colonial North AmericaDelisle, Guillaume1700B+unsold
92'T Noorder deel van Amerika door C. Kolumbus...Colonial North AmericaAa, Pieter van der1707B+350.00
93Carte Contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride, Dressez sur les Meilleures Observations & sur les Memoires les Plus NouveauxColonial North America & West IndiesChatelain, Henry Abraham1719B+450.00
94Amerique Septentrionale Divisee en ses Principales Parties, ou sont Distingues les uns des Autres les Estats...Colonial North AmericaSanson/Jaillot1719B+800.00
95Americque Septentrionale par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du RoyColonial North AmericaSanson, Nicolas1752B+200.00
96An Accurate Map of North America, Drawn from the Best Modern Maps and Charts and Regulated by Astronl. ObservatnsColonial North AmericaBowen, Emanuel1747A100.00
97Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada, et Nlle. AngleterreColonial North AmericaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B+150.00
98[On 2 Sheets] An Accurate Map of North America. Describing and Distinguishing the British and Spanish Dominions on This Great Continent; According to the Definitive Treaty Concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763...Colonial North AmericaBowen & Gibson1775Bunsold
99A New Map of North AmericaNorth AmericaHarrison, John1785A75.00
100Amerique Septentrionale Dressee sur les Relations les Plus Modernes des Voyageurs et Navigateurs ou se Remarquent les Etats UnisNorth AmericaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1791B+400.00
101A General Map of North America from the Best AuthoritiesNorth AmericaMcIntyre, A.1795B+100.00
102North AmericaNorth AmericaWilkes, J.1796A60.00
103[Lot of 2] North America from the Best Authorities [and] North AmericaNorth America1810-27A70.00
104[Lot of 2] A New Map of North America, Agreeable to the Latest Discoveries [and] North AmericaNorth America1810-40B+65.00
105Map of North AmericaNorth America1833B100.00
106Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1843B+120.00
107Map of North America to Illustrate Olney's School GeographyNorth America, TexasRobinson, D.F. & Co.1844B+120.00
108North AmericaNorth America, TexasTallis, John1850B180.00
109[Lot of 3] Colton's North America [and] Johnson's North America [and] Johnson's North AmericaNorth America1859-65170.00
110Map of Linguistic Stocks of American Indians Chiefly within the Present Limits of the United StatesNorth AmericaPowell, John Wesley1890A120.00
111Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du Cours et des Environs de la Riviere de Mississipi...Colonial Eastern North America & West IndiesDelisle, Guillaume1703B+2000.00
112Particular Draughts and Plans of Some of the Principal Towns and Harbours Belonging to the English, French, and Spaniards, in America and West Indies...Colonial Eastern North America & West IndiesBowen, Emanuel1747B+275.00
113The Isle of California. New Mexico. Louisiane. The River Misisipi. And the Lake's of CanadaWestern North America, CaliforniaMoll, Herman1723B+220.00
114Carte de la Partie de la Cote Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue Pendant les Etes de 1792, 1793, et 1794...Western North AmericaVancouver, George (Capt)1799B220.00
115La Baja d'Hudson Terra di Labrador e Groenlandia con le Isole Adiacenti di Nuova ProjezioneCanada & GreenlandZatta, Antonio1778B+120.00
116British AmericaCanadaTallis, John1851A80.00
117Nova Francia et Regiones AdiacentesEastern Canadade Laet, Joannes1630B1300.00
118A New & Accurate Map of the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Briton, St. John and Anticosta; Together with the Neighbouring Countries of Nova Scotia, Canada &c...Eastern CanadaBowen, Emanuel1747B190.00
119A Map of Hudsons Bay and StraitsEastern Canada, GreenlandJefferys, Thomas1756B+90.00
120[Lot of 3] Carte de la Baye de Hudson, pour Servir a l'Histoire General des Voyages [and] Carte de l'Acadie, Isle Royale, et Pais Voisins... [and] Carte du Golphe de St. Laurent et Pays Voisins...Eastern CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas175790.00
121Carte de l'Isle d'Orleans et du Passage de la Traverse dans le Fleuve St. Laurent Dressee sur les Manuscrits du Depot des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la MarineSt. Lawrence River, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744B+55.00
122[Lot of 2] Le Fleuve Saint-Laurent Represente Plus en Detail que dans l'Etendue de la Carte [and] The River St. Lawrence, Accurately Drawn from D'Anville's Map Publish'd Under the Patronage of the Duke of OrleansSt. Lawrence River, Canada1755-84unsold
123Carte du Cours du Fleuve de St. Laurent Depuis son Embouchure Jusqu'au Dessus de Quebec. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesSt. Lawrence River, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+80.00
124Plan du Port Royal dans l'Accadie Appelle Aujourd' par les Anglois Annapolis RoyaleNova Scotia, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744B+120.00
125A Plan of the City & Harbour of Louisburg; Shewing That Part of Gabarus Bay in Which the English Landed, Also Their Encampment During the Siege in 1745Nova Scotia, CanadaAnon.1758B+110.00
126Plan du Bassin de Quebec et de Ses EnvironsQuebec City, CanadaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A90.00
127Quebek, de Hoofdstad van Kanada; aan de Rivier van St. Laurens: door de Engelschen Belegerd en by Verdrag Bemagtigd, in 't Jaar 1759Quebec City, CanadaTirion, Isaac1759A200.00
128A Plan of the City of QuebecQuebec City, CanadaWeld, Isaac1798B+65.00
129Partie de la Carte du Capitaine Cluny Auteur d'un Ouvrage Anglois Intitule American Traveller Publie a Londres en 1769Colonial United States, Canada & ArcticRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1772A100.00
130Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouvertes qui y ont ete Faites...Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesDelisle, Guillaume1703B+1600.00
131Canada of Niew Vrankryk Getrokken uit Verscheide Fransche, Engelsche, en Hollandsche Beschryvingen Enz.Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesSanson, Nicolas1705A425.00
132Canada ou Nouvelle France, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc. Augmentees de NouveauColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaAa, Pieter van der1730B325.00
133Nouvelle Carte Particuliere de l'Amerique ou sont Exactement Marquees la Nouvelle Bretagne, le Canada ou Nouvelle France, la Nouvelle Ecosse, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Nouvelle York...Colonial Northeastern United States & CanadaPopple/Covens & Mortier1741B+unsold
134Carta Geografica del Canada nell' America SettentrionaleColonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesAlbrizzi, Girolamo1742B+650.00
135Partie de l'Amerique Septent? qui Comprend la Nouvelle France ou le CanadaColonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1755A450.00
136Part of North America; Containing Canada, the North Parts of New England and New York; with Nova Scotia and Newfound Land...Colonial Northeastern United States & Canada, Great LakesBarrow, John (Sir)1759A120.00
137L'Acadia, le Provincie di Sagadahook e Main, la Nuova Hampshire, la Rhode Island, e Parte di Massachusset e ConnecticutColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaZatta, Antonio1778B+180.00
138Carte Reduite du Nord des Etats-Unis avec l'Interieur du Pays. Pour Servir a Intelligence de Cette Histoire...Northeastern United States & Canada1830B+unsold
139Canada ou Nouvelle FranceColonial Eastern United States & CanadaMallet, Alain Manesson1684A200.00
140A Map of New France Containing Canada, Louisiana &c. in Nth. America. According to the Patent Granted by the King of France to Monsieur Crozat...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaMoll, Herman1717A400.00
141A Map of the British and French Settlements in North AmericaColonial Eastern United States & CanadaHinton, John1755B+750.00
142Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Seple. avec le Canada et la FlorideEastern United States & CanadaLattre, Jean1790A180.00
143Carte Generale des Etats-Unis, des Haut et Bas-Canada, de la Nouvle. Ecosse, du Nouvau. Brunswick, de Terre-Neuve, &a. Seconde EditionEastern United States & Canada, TexasBrue, Adrien Hubert1843B+110.00
144Geological Map of the United States Canada &c. [bound in] Travels in North America; with Geological Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova ScotiaEastern United States & CanadaLyell, Charles1845B+450.00
145La Louisiana, Parte Settentrionalle, Scoperta Sotto la Protettione di Luigi XIV, Re di Francia, Etc.Colonial Central United States & Canada, Great LakesCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1695A+4000.00
146Carte des Lacs du Canada pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Central United States & Canada, Great LakesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A325.00
147Partie Occidentale du Canada et Septentrionale de la Louisiane avec une Partie de la PensilvanieColonial Central United States & Canada, Great LakesD'Anville/Santini1775A650.00
148Map of the Oregon Territory from the Best Authorities [bound in] Astoria or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky MountainsNorthwestern United States & CanadaWilkes, Charles1851A120.00
149United StatesUnited StatesRobinson, D.F. & Co.1828B400.00
150[Lot of 2] No. 5 Map of the United States... [and] Mitchell's School Atlas: Comprising the Maps, Etc., Designed to Illustrate Mitchell's School and Family Geography United States, AtlasesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1839-49B300.00
151[Untitled - United States]United States, TexasGilman, E.1848B550.00
152Geologische Karte der Vereinicten Staaten und Britischen Provinzen von Nord_AmerikaUnited StatesMarcou, Jules1855B+unsold
153Johnson's New Military Map of the United States Showing the Forts, Military Posts &c. with Enlarged Plans of Southern Harbors...United States, Civil WarJohnson and Ward1861B+120.00
154United StatesUnited StatesBartholomew, John1867B70.00
155[Lot of 5] United Air Lines - A Gay Geography of the Main Line Airway [and] California [and] Territory of Alaska [and] This Map Locates the Panama Canal Zone, Porto Rico and Virgin Islands... [and] LouisianaUnited StatesWhite, Ruth Taylor1939150.00
156Defense Map of United States Prepared by C.S. Hammond & Co., N.Y. Showing the Mobilization of Our Military and Economic ResourcesUnited States, World War IIHammond, C. S.1942A325.00
157Danny Arnold's Pictorial Map of How the West Was Won Showing Pioneer Trails and Battles, Indian's Territories, Stagecoach Lines...United States1950B+325.00
158A Map of Florida and ye Great Lakes of CanadaColonial Eastern United StatesMorden, Robert1688B+450.00
159Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du Mississipi Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Entrautres sur ceux de Mr. le MaireColonial Eastern United StatesDelisle, Guillaume1718B+4000.00
160A New & Accurate Map of Louisiana, with Part of Florida and Canada, and the Adjacent Countries. Drawn from Surveys, Assisted by the Most Approved English & French Maps & Charts...Colonial Eastern United StatesBowen, Emanuel1747B+600.00
161Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Dressee d'Apres des Cartes AnglaisesEastern United StatesBrion de la Tour/Desnos1784A190.00
162Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et du Cours du MississipiEastern United States, FranklinBrion de la Tour, Louis1788B+unsold
163United StatesEastern United StatesAnon.1805B+100.00
164The United States of AmericaEastern United StatesCummings & Hilliard1816B230.00
165Charte von den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America mit LuisianaEastern United StatesPluth, F.1818A220.00
166United States of America Compiled from the Latest & Best AuthoritiesEastern United StatesMelish, John1820B+650.00
167[Lot of 7] New-York, and Adjacent Country [and] District of Columbia [and] Boston... [and] Baltimore, Annapolis... [and] Charleston... [and] View of the Country Round the Falls of Niagara [and] Ballston & Saratoga Springs, City of Albany...Eastern United States CitiesMelish, John1822unsold
168Mitchell's National Map of the American Republic or United States of North America. Together with Maps of the Vicinities of Thirty-Two of the Principal Cities and Towns in the UnionEastern United StatesMitchell, Samuel Augustus1845B+425.00
169Phelps's National Map of the United States, A Travellers Guide. Embracing the Principal Rail Roads, Canals, Steam Boat & Stage Routes, Throughout the UnionEastern United StatesPhelps, Ensigns & Thayer1848B+475.00
170United StatesEastern United StatesTallis, John1850B+160.00
171Map Shewing the Railways in the United States of America and Canada... [bound in] Report to the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations...Eastern United States, Railroads1857A200.00
172Colton's United States Shewing the Military Stations Forts &cEastern United States, Civil WarColton, Joseph Hutchins1861B+150.00
173Lloyd's New Map of the United States the Canadas and New Brunswick from the Latest Surveys Showing Every Railroad & Station Finished to June 1862 and the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts...Eastern United StatesLloyd, James T.1863B+200.00
174Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York et Pensilvanie pour Servir a l'Histoire Philosophique & Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux IndesColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1783B+150.00
175Map of the Northern, or, New England States of America, Comprehending Vermont, New Hampshire, District of Main, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and ConnecticutNew England - United StatesRussell, John C.1795B+250.00
176[Lot of 4] A New Map of Maine [with] Map of New Hampshire & Vermont [with] Map of Massachusetts and Rhode Island [and] Map of ConnecticutNew England - United StatesDesilver, Charles1856A100.00
177Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesHondius, Henricus1652B+1200.00
178Eine Neue Charte von Virginia und MarylandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesMoll, Herman1729A900.00
179A Map of the Western Parts of the Colony of VirginiaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesGibson, John1754B+275.00
180A Map of Virginia and MarylandColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesJefferys, Thomas1756B+425.00
181Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland, ou de la Baie de Chesapeack et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire des Etablissemens Europeens...Colonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1773A200.00
182A Chart of Delaware Bay and River, from the Original by Mr. Fisher of PhiladelphiaColonial Mid-Atlantic, Delaware BayAnon.1779B+140.00
183A Map of the Roads Leading to the Town of Britania in the British Settlement Susquehanna County Penna.Mid-Atlantic United StatesTanner, Henry Schenck1819B+80.00
184[Lot of 2] Maryland [and] Johnson's Delaware and MarylandMid-Atlantic United States1838-65120.00
185Strategic War Points of the United StatesMid-Atlantic United States, Civil WarWyld, James1861B+400.00
186A Map of the Chesapeake Bay "Land of Pleasant Living"Eastern Virginia, Maryland, Delaware1959B+850.00
187Virginia et FloridaColonial Southeast United StatesMercator/Hondius1610B+250.00
188Virginiae Item et Floridae Americae Provinciarum, Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesHondius, Jodocus1628B900.00
189Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq Regionum Nova DescriptioColonial Southeast United StatesBlaeu, Willem1680B+800.00
190Karte von den Kusten des Franzosischen Florida nach den Ersten Entdeckungen EntworffenColonial Southeast United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760A65.00
191Carte de la Nouvelle GeorgieColonial Southeast United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A+325.00
192Partie Meridionale de la Louisiane, avec la Floride, la Caroline et la Virginie, par le Sr. d AnvilleColonial Southeast United StatesD'Anville/Santini1776A700.00
193A Map of Those Parts of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Georgia Which Were the Scenes of the Most Important Operations of the Southern ArmiesSoutheast United StatesLewis, Samuel1807B100.00
194Map Showing Route of Marches of the Army of Genl. W.T. Sherman from Atlanta, GA. to Goldsboro, N.C. to Accompany the Report of Operations from Savannah, GA. to Goldsboro, N.C.Southeast United States, Civil WarU.S. War Department1866B+140.00
195FloridaColonial Southern United StatesDuval/Beer1681B160.00
196Florida zoo als het van de Spaanschen en Franschen Wordt BezetenColonial Southern United StatesSanson, Nicolas1705A350.00
197Map of the Province of West FloridaSouthern United StatesKitchin, Thomas1781B+140.00
198[Lot of 2] A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia; Comprehending the Spanish Provinces of East and West Florida... [with] The American Geography...Southern United States, FranklinMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1789C+600.00
199Carte de la Floride de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial South Central United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+150.00
200Les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Partie OccidentaleCentral United StatesBonne, Rigobert1788B+100.00
201Kaart der Mississippi, van Deszelfs Oorsprong tot aan den Mond van den Missouri...Central United States, Mississippi RiverPike, Zebulon1812B+500.00
202Countries Bordering on the Mississipi and Missouri [bound in] Journal of a Tour Into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw...Central United StatesSchoolcraft, Henry Rowe1821B+350.00
203Map Illustrating the Plan of the Defences of the Western & North Western Frontier, As Proposed by Charles Gratiot, In His Report of Oct. 31, 1837Central United StatesGratiot, Charles1837-1860B+80.00
204The Old Northwest Territory Preceding and Following the Ordinance of 1787...Central United States1936B+230.00
205MVA in BlueprintCentral United States1945B+21.00
206Il Paese de' Selvaggi Outagamiani, Mascoutensi, Illinesi, e Parte delle VI. NazioniColonial Upper Midwestern United StatesZatta, Antonio1778A350.00
207The Northwestern Territories of the United StatesUpper Midwestern United StatesCarey, Mathew1812B+250.00
208North America Sheet V The North West and Michigan TerritoriesUpper Midwestern United StatesSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1833A60.00
209Land en Volk-Ontdekking in't Noorder Gedeelte van America, door P. Marquette en Joliet; Gedaan in't Jaar 1673Mississippi River ValleyAa, Pieter van der1707A650.00
210Map of the States of Missouri and IllinoisIllinois & MissouriHinton, Simpkin & Marshall1832A100.00
211Map of Minnesota Territory by J.H. YoungMinnesota & DakotasThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B+150.00
212Johnson's Minnesota and DakotaMinnesota & DakotasJohnson & Browning1861A40.00
213Page's Map of Dakota, 1881Dakota TerritoryPage, H. R.1881B+200.00
214Map Showing Positions of Nebraska State Troops in Indian Campaigns of the Winter of 1890-91Nebraska & South DakotaU.S. Government1894A120.00
215Map of Lewis and Clark's, Track Across the Western Portion of North America, from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean...Western United States1842A275.00
216Map of Oregon and Upper California from the Surveys of John Charles Fremont and Other AuthoritiesWestern United StatesFremont/Preuss1848B+1100.00
217Californien, Oregon, Utah und Neu-MejicoWestern United StatesFlemming, Carl1850B+130.00
218Geological Map of the Route Explored by Lieut. A.W. Whipple Corps of Topl. Engrs. Near the Parallel of 35 North Latitude from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean 1853-1854...Western United StatesWhipple, Amiel Weekes1854B+55.00
219United States. Western StatesWestern United StatesBlack, Adam & Charles1865A90.00
220Kaart der Binnenlanden van Louisiana, Vervattende alle de tot dien tijd Onbekende Landen...Southwestern United StatesPike, Zebulon1812Aunsold
221That Part of Disturnell's Treaty Map in the Vicinity of the Rio Grande and Southern Boundary of New Mexico...Southwestern United StatesU.S. Government1851B+100.00
222Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A130.00
223Johnson's California, with Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and ArizonaSouthwestern United StatesJohnson and Ward1864B75.00
224Map of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and ArizonaSouthwestern United StatesWilliams, J. David1873B+120.00
225Colton's New Mexico and ArizonaArizona & New MexicoColton, G.W. & C.B.1873B+80.00
226[Lot of 2] Territory of ArizonaArizonaGeneral Land Office1901-07A+100.00
227Clason's Guide Map of ArizonaArizonaClason Map Company1920B+36.00
228[Lot of 2] Topographical Sketch of the Gold & Quicksilver District of California. July 25th 1848 [and] Upper Mines Nos 1 & 8 [on sheet with] Lower Mines or Mormon Diggings. No. 3Northern CaliforniaU.S. Government1848B325.00
229Sketch of General Riley's Route Through the Mining Districts July and Aug. 1849...Central CaliforniaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849B+180.00
230Southern California's Standard Guide Book by the Los Angeles Times...Southern California1910B+190.00
231Auto Road Map of Los Angeles Riverside Orange San Bernardino [on recto] Map of PasadenaSouthern CaliforniaThurston, Albert1913A120.00
232Plan de la Baie de Monterey Situee dans la Californie Septentrionale...Monterey Bay, CaliforniaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797A300.00
233Topographical Map of the Yosemite Valley and VicinityYosemite, CaliforniaWheeler, George (Lt)1883A+130.00
234Map of Los Angeles Together with a Ready Reference Guide...Los Angeles, California1909B+160.00
235Plan of the City of Washington in the Territory of Columbia... [bound in] An Historical Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West-Indies... Vol. IIIWashington, D.C.Russell, John C.1795B+unsold
236City of WashingtonWashington, D.C.Tanner, Henry Schenck1836A150.00
237Washington. D.C.Washington, D.C.Magnus & Co.1860B+120.00
238[Lot of 2] Map of the Cities of Washington and Georgetown D.C.Washington, D.C.U.S. Government1876B+120.00
239Defenses of Washington. Extract of Military Map of N.E. Virginia, Showing Forts and RoadsWashington, D.C., Civil WarU.S. Government1891A120.00
240The State of Florida Compiled in the Bureau of Topographical Engineers from the Best AuthoritiesFloridaU.S. War Department1846B+600.00
241[Florida Sheet] Eastern United StatesFloridaLetts & Son1883A41.00
242Copy of a Map of the Seat of War in Florida Forwarded to the War Department by Major Genl. W. Scott U.S.A.Central FloridaU.S. War Department1836B+75.00
243Plan de la Baye de Pensacola dans la FloridePensacola, FloridaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764Aunsold
244Plano de la Ciudad y Puerto de San Agustin de la FloridaSt. Augustine, FloridaLopez de Vargas Machuca, Thomas (don)1783A500.00
245Plan of the Siege of SavannahSavannah, Georgia, Revolutionary WarSmith, Charles1796B+1600.00
246[Lot of 4] A Canoe of the Sandwich Islands, in the North Pacific Ocean, with the Rowers Masked [and] Homme de l'Isle Sandwich avec son Casque [and] A Savage of the Sandwich Islands Dancing [and] Jeune Femme de l'Isle SandwichHawaii, NativesCook, James (Capt.)1785-1800unsold
247Chart of the Sandwich IslesHawaiiCook/Hogg1785A400.00
248Chart of the Sandwich Islands to Accompany the Paper by the Bishop of HonoluluHawaiiWeller, Edward1868A150.00
249Lanai Government SurveyLanai, HawaiiHawaii Territorial Surveys1878B+180.00
250[Lot of 2] Plan of Franklinville, in Mason County, Kentucky [and] Plan of Lystra, in Nelson-County; KentuckyKentucky1795B+15.00
251KentuckyKentuckyArrowsmith & Lewis1812A180.00
252A New Map of Kentucky with Its Roads & Distances from Place to Place Along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesKentuckyThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B+45.00
253Cours du Fleuve Saint Louis Depuis ses Embouchures Jusqu'a la Riviere d'Iberville et Costes VoisinesLouisiana, Mississippi RiverBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+180.00
254A New Map of Louisiana with Its Canals, Roads & Distances from Place to Place, Along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesLouisianaThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B+100.00
255County Map of the State of MaineMaineMitchell, Samuel Augustus1860B+27.00
256[Lot of 3] Bar Harbor Mount Desert Island Maine [and] Territory Reached by Eastern Steamship Company and Its Connections [and] Road Map Mount Desert Island MaineMaine1887-1934250.00
257Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique du MarylandMarylandBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+150.00
258Route of the Western Rail Road. East of Connecticut RiverMassachusetts1837Bunsold
259Plan de la Ville de Boston et ses EnvironsBoston, MassachusettsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1770A160.00
260A Chart of the Coast of New England, from Beverly to Scituate Harbour. Including the Ports of Boston and SalemBoston, MassachusettsLodge, John1774A425.00
261John MalcomBoston, Massachusetts, Revolutionary War1784B+180.00
262Plan of the City of BostonBoston, MassachusettsBoynton, George W.1844B+unsold
263Geological Diagram, of the Field Notes of the Surveys of Township and Subdivision Lines, in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, in the Years 1844 and 1845 [in report]Upper Michigan & WisconsinGeneral Land Office1846B+100.00
264[Lot of 7 - Minnesota & Wisconsin Surveys]Minnesota & WisconsinGeneral Land Office1855-1879160.00
265Map of the State of MinnesotaMinnesotaAndreas, Alfred T.1874B+110.00
266MississippiMississippiBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838A+unsold
267Diagram of the Surveying District South of TennesseeMississippiGeneral Land Office1838Aunsold
268MississippiMississippiTanner, Henry Schenck1846Aunsold
269Custer's Battle-Field (June 25th 1876) [bound in] Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War...Part IIIMontanaMaguire, Lieut. Edward1876B+1000.00
270Territory of MontanaMontanaGeneral Land Office1876B+60.00
271Map of the Territory of New Mexico, Made by Order of Brig. Gen. S.W. Kearny...New MexicoAbert & Peck1846-47B+200.00
272Territory of New MexicoNew MexicoGeneral Land Office1876B+60.00
273[Lot of 2] New Mexico [and] Map of the Territory of New MexicoNew Mexico1894-9880.00
274[Untitled - Upstate New York and Lake Ontario]Western New York1810B150.00
275Plan of the Encampment and Position of the Army Under His Excelly. Lt. General Burgoyne at Braemus Heights on Hudson's River Near Stillwater...Colonial Saratoga, New York, Revolutionary WarFaden, William1780B+650.00
276Plan of the Position Which the Army Under Lt. Genl. Burgoine Took at Saratoga on the 10th of September 1777, and In Which It Remained Till the Convention Was SignedColonial Saratoga, New York, Revolutionary WarFaden, William1780B+700.00
277Plan of the Position Taken by Genl. Burgoyne on the 10th of Octr. 1777 in Which the British Army Was Invested by the Americans Under the Command of Genl. Gates...Saratoga, New York1818B80.00
278[Lot of 4] An Eye Sketch of the Falls of Niagara [and] Trigonometrical Survey of the Falls of Niagara... [and] Birdseye View of Niagara Falls, and the Surrounding Country [and] Natural Section from Lewiston to Niagara FallsNiagara Falls, New York1798-1843120.00
279New-York ses Mouillages et ses Atterages...New York Bay & BightDepot de la Marine1854B+700.00
280Colton's Map of the New York Wilderness Compiled by W.W. Ely M.D...Adirondack Mountains, Northern New YorkColton, G.W. & C.B.1869B+170.00
281[Lot of 3] Map Showing the Waterworks Systems of Long Island, New York [and] Map Showing the Position of the Main Ground-Water Table on Long Island, New York... [and] Long Island Sunrise Trails...Long Island, New York1903-29A150.00
282Map of West Point New York (with variations)West Point, New York1928A+230.00
283Colton's North CarolinaNorth CarolinaColton, G.W. & C.B.1855A75.00
284Boundary of the Creek Country Surveyed Under the Direction of the Bureau of Topl. Engs.OklahomaSitgreaves, Lorenzo (Capt.)1858B+90.00
285Progress of Survey and Subdivision Indian TerritoryOklahomaU.S. Department of Interior1896B+150.00
286Historical Atlas Map of Marion & Linn Counties Oregon...Oregon1878B+unsold
287PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1840A100.00
288Map of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations; Corrected and Enlarged with Many AdditionsRhode IslandLockwood, Benoni1819B+35.00
289Port of Providence Rhode Island from a Trigonometrical Survey Under the Direction of A.D. Bache Superintendent of the Survey of the Coast of the United States...Providence, Rhode IslandU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1899B+6.00
290South CarolinaSouth CarolinaCarey, Mathew1801B60.00
291A Plan of Charles Town from a Survey of Edwd. Crisp in 1704Charleston, South Carolina1858B+150.00
292The War in Texas; A Review of Facts and Circumstances, Showing That This Contest Is a Crusade Against Mexico...Texas1837B+140.00
293[Texas Statehood Document] Acts and Resolutions Passed at the Second Session of the Twenty-Eighth Congress of the United States...TexasU.S. Government1845B150.00
294[Lot of 3] Johnson's Texas [and] Tunison's Texas and Indian Territory [and] TexasTexas1856-86160.00
295Carte du Texas pour les Missions et Voyages... [bound in] Journal d'un Missionnaire au Texas et au MexiqueTexasDomenech, Emmanuel1857B+250.00
296County Map of Texas, and Indian TerritoryTexasHarrison & Warner1875B170.00
297[Lot of 3] Oil Map of Oklahoma and Texas [and] [Untitled - Map Showing Balcone's Fault] [and] Twin Wild-Cats!! --- In the Heart of Gusher LaneTexas, Oil1919-36230.00
298Map of the Great Salt Lake and Adjacent Country in the Territory of Utah [on sheet with] The Great Salt Lake (Mormon) City and Surrounding CountrySalt Lake City, UtahWeller, Edward1860B+170.00
299The State of Virginia from the Best AuthoritiesVirginiaLow, E.1799B75.00
300VirginiaVirginiaArrowsmith & Lewis1812A140.00
301Map of the Field Operations of the Army of Virginia During the Months of July and August 1862VirginiaPope, John1866B46.00
302Territory of WashingtonWashingtonGeneral Land Office1876B+60.00
303WisconsinWisconsinTanner, Henry Schenck1841B230.00
304WisconsinWisconsinColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+50.00
305[Lot of 5] Survey of the Entrance to Milwaukie, Wisconsin [and] ... Mouth of Sheboygan River, Wisconsin [and] ... Kewaunee River, Wisconsin [and] ... Root River, Wisconsin [and] ... Manitowoc River WisconsinEastern Wisconsin, Lake MichiganU.S. Government1836B+80.00
306Map of a Reconnaissance from Carroll Montana Ter. to the Yellowstone National Park and ReturnYellowstone, WyomingLudlow, William (Capt.)1875B+60.00
307The Famous Hysterical Map of Yellowstone Park Including a Few Minor? ChangesYellowstone, Wyoming1948B+130.00
308Carte de la Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Comprenant les Possessions EspagnolesUnited States & MexicoBrion de la Tour, Louis1788B+110.00
309No. 4 Map of the United States and Texas / No. 5 Map of Mexico and GuatimalaUnited States & MexicoMitchell, Samuel Augustus1839B+unsold
310Nueva Hispania Tabula NovaSouthern United States & MexicoRuscelli, Girolamo1598B+900.00
311A Map of Mexico or New Spain Florida Now Called Louisiana and Part of California &c.Southern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaMoll, Herman1717A250.00
312Le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Partie Septentrionale de l'Ancien, ou de la Nouvelle EspagneSouthern United States & MexicoBonne, Rigobert1780A120.00
313MejicoSouthern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaAlabern, Pablo1830B140.00
314Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique, est Tiree de Celle qui a ete Envoyee par un Grand d'Espagne...Southwestern United States & Mexico, CaliforniaFer, Nicolas de1700B+650.00
315Mexico, or New Spain; in Which the Motions of Cortes May Be Traced...Southwestern United States & MexicoKitchin, Thomas1821B+120.00
316MexicoSouthwestern United States & MexicoHall, Sidney1828B+150.00
317Map of Gilliam's Travels in Mexico Including Texas and Part of the United StatesSouthwestern United States & Mexico, Texas1846B180.00
318Topographical Sketch of the Southernmost Point of the Port of San Diego, and Measurement of the Marine League for Determining Initial Point of Boundary Between the United States and Mexican Republic...Southwestern United States & Mexico, San DiegoGray, Andrew B.1848Aunsold
319Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of MexicoSouthwestern United States & MexicoSDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge1848B+500.00
320Mexico, California and TexasSouthwestern United States & Mexico, TexasTallis, John1850B+180.00
321Hispaniae Novae sive Magnae, Recens et Vera Descriptio MexicoBry, Theodore de1595B325.00
322Hispaniae Novae Nova DescriptioMexicoMercator/Jansson1634B+60.00
323Delineatio Nova et Vera Partis Australis Novi Mexici, cum Australi Parte Insulae Californiae Saeculo Priori ab Hispanis DetectaeMexico, Baja CaliforniaScherer, Heinrich1703B+unsold
324St. Francisco de CampecheSan Francisco de Campeche, MexicoAllard, Carel1690B+unsold
325Haven van Aquapulco in t Coninkryk van Nova Spagnien, in de Zuyd ZeeAcapulco, MexicoValentyn, Francois1726A200.00
326Originalkarte der Californischen Halbinsel nach den Aufnahmen der fur die Lower California Company...Mexico, Baja CaliforniaPetermann, Augustus Herman1868Aunsold
327Spanish Dominions in North America Southern PartCentral America & MexicoPinkerton, John1811B+unsold
328[Olano Rebuilds his Ship in Panama]PanamaBry, Theodore de1594A500.00
329Carte de l Isthme de Darien et du Golfe de PanamaPanamaWafer, Lionel1715B+200.00
330Description de l'Isthme de Darien, des Proprietez du Pais et de la Ville de Panama...PanamaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719Aunsold
331Carte de l'Isthme de Panama et des Provinces de Veragua Terra Ferme et Darien pour l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesPanamaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B+150.00
332Nombre de Dios, Gelegen Tusschen Zuid en Noord Amerika, aen de Noordzee / Nominis Divini Fanum, Isthmi Americani Oppidulum Septentrionale Mare RespiciensNombre de Dios, PanamaSchenk, Pierre1700A1000.00
333Bay et Chateau de Porto BelloPortobelo Bay, PanamaAa, Pieter van der1726A120.00
334Portus Pulchri, in Isthmo Panamensi Siti Accurata Ichnographia...Portobelo, PanamaHomann Heirs1743A250.00
335Perspectivische Vorstellung des Hafens, Castels u. der Stadt Porto Belo...Portobelo, PanamaHomann Heirs1743A200.00
336Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo. En 1736Portobelo, PanamaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754B+130.00
337Survey of the Harbour of Panama by the Sloops Descubierta & Atrevida by Order of His Catholic Majesty. In the Year 1791Gulf of PanamaArrowsmith, Aaron, Sr.1800B375.00
338Profils en Long et en Travers du Canal Propose pour la Jonction des Deux Oceans a Travers l'Isthme de PanamaPanama Canal1845B+unsold
339Peruviae Auriferae Regionis Typus. Didaco Mendezio Auctore [on sheet with] La Florida. Auctore Hieron. Chiaves [and] Guastecan Reg.Gulf of Mexico, Florida & PeruOrtelius, Abraham1592B+550.00
340Culiacanae, Americae Regionis, Descriptio [on sheet with] Hispaniolae, Cubae, Aliarumque Insularum Circumiacientium, DelineatioGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanOrtelius, Abraham1612A400.00
341Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali, cum Terris AdiacentibusGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBlaeu, Willem1643B+650.00
342Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali ac Regiones Adiacentes, a C. de May Usque ad Lineam AequinoctialemGulf of Mexico, Caribbean & Southern United StatesVisscher, Nicolas1682B+675.00
343Mappa Geographica, Complectens I. Indiae Occidentalis Partem Mediam Circum Isthmum Panamensem II. Ipsumque Isthmum. III. Ichnographiam Praecipuorum Locorum & Portuum ad has Terras Pertinentium...Gulf of Mexico & CaribbeanHomann Heirs1740B+300.00
344Carta del Golfo del Messico e dell' Isole AntilleGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1781A180.00
345Dominia Anglorum in Praecipuis Insulis Americae ut sunt Insula S. Christophori Antegoa Iamaica Barbados nec non Insulae Bermudes vel Sommers…Caribbean & BermudaHomann Heirs1759B+180.00
346Archipelagi Americani Delineatio GeographicaCaribbeanScherer, Heinrich1700B+unsold
347West IndiesCaribbeanPinkerton, John1815B+unsold
348Cuba Insul [on sheet with] Hispaniola [and] Havana Portus [and] I. Iamaica [and] I. S. Ioannis [and] I. MargaretaGreater AntillesMercator/Hondius1610B+130.00
349Chart to Illustrate the Landfall of Columbus 12 October 1492Bahamas, Hispaniola & CubaRoyal Geographical Society1856B+300.00
350Abbildung Welcher Gestalt die Spanische Silberflotta von dem Hollandischen General Peter Peters Hann an der Insul Cuba...CubaBry, Theodore de1691B+325.00
351Isla de CubaCubaCoello y Quesada, Francisco1853B+500.00
352Havana, Ville Capitale de l'Isle de Cuba en AmeriqueHavana, CubaAa, Pieter van der1729A350.00
353A Plan of the Havanna with the Different Attacks in the Siege 1762 Drawn on the SpotHavana, CubaGibson, John1762B+unsold
354Panorama de la Habana Capital de la Isla de Cuba la Reina de las Antillas...Havana, CubaWillmann, Edward1855A1800.00
355Isola de Iames, o Giamaica, Possedutta del Re Britannico, Divisa in Parrocchie...JamaicaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1692A140.00
356Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique aux Anglois avec les Passages Entre Cette Isle et Celles de St. Domingue, et de CubaJamaicaBuache, Philip1740A250.00
357Bowles's New Pocket Map of Jamaica, Divided into It's Parishes, &c. from the Actual Surveys of Sheffield and OthersJamaicaBowles, Carrington1775Bunsold
358Carte des Havres de Kingstown et de Port RoyalKingston, JamaicaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A100.00
359Le Plan de l'Isle de St. Jan de Pto Rico ... Le plan qui est cy Dessous de la Ville de San-Domingo ou de St. Dominique...Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Mallet, Alain Manesson1683A110.00
360Carte de l'Isle a Vache, a la Coste du Sud de l'Isle de St. DomingueIle-a-Vache, HaitiBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A75.00
361Ville du Cap dans l'Isle de St. DomingueCap Haitien, HaitiBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A60.00
362Carte Reduite pour la Navigation de Cayenne a la Martinique Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine...Lesser Antilles & Northern South AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+unsold
363Carte des Iles AntillesLesser AntillesPoirson, Jean Baptiste1802A180.00
364Carte Reduite des Isles du Vent, pour Servir a l'Intelligence de Cette Histoire...Lesser Antilles1830B+unsold
365Nieuwe en Aldereerste Afteekening van 't Eyland St. Thomas. Met alle Desselfs Havenen, Anker Plaatse...St. Thomas, US Virgin IslandsKeulen, Gerard van1719A2100.00
366Insula Antegoa ad Fidem Prototypi LondinensisAntiguaHomann Heirs1731B+75.00
367Carta de la Isla de la Antigua, Reducida y GravadaAntiguaLopez de Vargas Machuca, Thomas (don)1780A350.00
368Carte Reduite des Isles de la Guadeloupe Marie Galante et les Saintes...GuadeloupeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1759A300.00
369La Guadeloupe Dediee a Mgr. Charles Philippe d'Albert Duc de Luynes...GuadeloupeLe Rouge, George Louis1788B+200.00
370Isola di Maria Galante nelle Antilli...Marie-Galante, GuadeloupeCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1696A180.00
371Plan of the Attack Against Basseterre on the Island of Guadaloupe by a Squadron of This Majesty's Ships of Wars Commanded by Commodore Moore on ye 22d. Jan.y 1759 ...Basse-Terre, GuadeloupeJefferys, Thomas1760A250.00
372L'Isle de la Martinique Scituee a 14 Degrez 30 Minutes de Latitude SeptentrionaleMartiniqueSanson/Mariette1650 B+150.00
373Insula Barbadoes in Suas Parochias Distincta, una cum Oris Maritimis, Vus &c. ad Fidem Anglicani Authoris DelineataBarbadosHomann Heirs1720A140.00
374Americae Pars MeridionalisSouth AmericaHondius/Jansson1666B+600.00
375America Australis South AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699A220.00
376[Lot of 2] Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil et du Pays des Amazones... [and] Carte du Paraguay, du Chili, du Detroit de Magellan &c....South AmericaDelisle, Guillaume1703B+325.00
377[Lot of 2] A Map of South America According to ye Newest and Most Exact Observations [and] A Map of Peru and the West Part of the Country of the AmazonesSouth AmericaMoll, Herman1711B+150.00
378L'Amerique Meridionale Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences & Quelques Autres, & sur les Memoires les Plus RecensSouth AmericaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730A190.00
379A General Map of South America from the Best SurveysSouth AmericaReid, John1796B+110.00
380South America. From Original Documents, Including the Survey by the Officers of H.M. Ships Adventure and BeagleSouth AmericaArrowsmith, John1858A150.00
381Carte des Provinces de Tierra Firme, Darien, Cartagene et Nouvelle Grenade pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColombia & PanamaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A80.00
382Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et PopayanColombiaHondius/Blaeu1640A350.00
383A New Plan of the Harbour, City & Forts of Cartagena; with the Progress of the Britain Fleet in Their Several Stations & Attacks from the 4th of March 1741...Cartagena, Colombia1741B+1100.00
384Plan de la Ville de Carthagene des Indes...Cartagena, ColombiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752A200.00
385Baye de Carthagene dans l'Amerique MeridionaleCartagena, ColombiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+250.00
386Cartagena Harbour [on sheet with] Boca Chica or Little Entrance to Cartagena Harbour EnlargedCartagena, ColombiaBritish Admiralty1885B+210.00
387Venezuela, Atque Occidentalis pars Novae AndalusiaeVenezuelaGerritsz/De Laet1630Aunsold
388Pas-kaart vande Zee Kusten van Venecuela met de Byleggende EylandenVenezuelaKeulen/Vooght1700B+350.00
389'T Landschap Cumana, Tussen Golfo de Venezuela en Rio de Paria GelegenVenezuelaAa, Pieter van der1715Aunsold
390Guiana sive Amazonum RegioGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaMontanus, Arnoldus1671A150.00
391Carte Reduite des Costes de la Guyane Depuis la Riviere d'Orenoque Jusqu'au Cap de Nord a l'Entree de la Riviere des Amazones...Guyana, Suriname, French GuianaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760Aunsold
392The Island and Colony of Cayenne Subject to the French, on the Continent of South AmericaFrench GuianaJefferys, Thomas1768B+80.00
393British GuayanaGuyanaTallis, John1850B+35.00
394Brasil Nuova TavolaBrazilRuscelli, Girolamo1574A200.00
395Novus Brasiliae TypusBrazilHondius/Blaeu1640B+400.00
396[Lot of 3] Carte du Bresil, Prem. Partie. Depuis la Riviere des Amazones Jusqua la Baye de Tous les Saints... [and] Suite du Bresil Depuis la Baye de Tous les Saints... [and] Suite du Bresil... BrazilBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757Aunsold
397Olinda de PhernambucoOlinda, BrazilMontanus/Ogilby1671B85.00
398BoavistaBoa Vista, BrazilMontanus/Ogilby1671B70.00
399Arx Principi GuiljelmiFort William, BrazilMontanus/Ogilby1671B75.00
400Sinus Omnium SanctoruTodos os Santos Bay, BrazilMontanus/Ogilby1671B60.00
401Plan de la Baie de Bahia de Todos os Santos (1ere Feuille)Todos os Santos Bay, BrazilDepot de la Marine1867Aunsold
402I. TamaracaItamaraca, BrazilMontanus/Ogilby1671B70.00
403Le Paraguay Subdivise en ses Principales Parties Suivant les Dernieres RelaonsCentral South AmericaSanson, Nicolas1700B+90.00
404Delineatio Orarum Peru Cujus Metropolis Lima in qua Vicarius Regis Archiepiscopusque Habitant haec Civita ex Varys Nationibus Populosa est las Salinas...Central South AmericaCommelin, Isaac1725Aunsold
405[Lot of 2] Carte du Rio de la Plata (Amerique Meridionale)... [and] Carte Reduite des Atterages de Montevideo, dans la Riviere de la Plata, Levee en 1830, 1831 et 1832...UruguayDepot de la Marine1833-62B+unsold
406CuscoCusco, PeruMontanus/Ogilby1671B110.00
407Carte Particuliere du Perou, Plan de la Ville de Lima, Description de Quelques Plantes, Animaux, & Machines du Pays...Western South America & PeruChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+70.00
408Carte de la Riviere de la Plate dans l'Amerique MeridionaleRio de la Plata, ArgentinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1756A90.00
409Plan de la Ville de Buenos-AyresBuenos Aires, ArgentinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A150.00
410[Lot of 2] Extremite Meridionale de l'Amerique [and] A Chart of the Southern Extremity of America 1775Southern South America1777-87B+90.00
411Fretum MagellaniStrait of MagellanHondius/Purchas1625A220.00
412Nieuwe Pascaert van al de Carnarisse Eylande met al Hunne Diepten en Drooghte dus ver Naeukeurig op GesteltCanary IslandsKeulen, Johannes van1687B220.00
413Carte des Isles Malouines ou Isles Nouvelles que les Anglois Noment Aujourdhui Isles de FalklandFalkland IslandsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A100.00
414Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary...BermudaBlaeu, Willem1638A1400.00
415Insulae Bermudes in suas Tribus Divisae, cum Omnibus Castellis et Fortalitijs, Secundum Exemplar Londinense DelineataeBermudaHomann Heirs1759A75.00
416Groenland, Dressee et Gravee pour l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesNorth AtlanticKlockhoff, H.1779A75.00
417Carte Reduite des Parties Septentrionales du Globe, Situees Entre l'Asie et l'Amerique pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesArctic OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1758A375.00
418European Revue. Kill That EagleEurope, World War IGeographia Map Co1914B+1500.00
419[Europe - World War II] Newsmap for U.S. Forces in the China and India Burma Theaters...Europe, Burma, World War IIU.S. Gov't Printing Office1944A+85.00
420Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar: Insularum DescriptioBritainOrtelius, Abraham1581B+500.00
421Anglia Scotia et HiberniaBritainMercator/Hondius1610A120.00
422Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae TabulaBritainBlaeu, Willem1645B+475.00
423Insularum Britannicarum Acurata Delineatio ex Geographicis Conatibus Abrahami OrteliiBritainKaerius/Jansson1680A200.00
424Britannia Prout Divisa suit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum HeptarchiaBritainJansson, Jan1741Aunsold
425Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Rme. d'Angleterre Tire de Sped Celuy d'Ecosse Tire de Th. Pont &c. et Celuy d'Irlande Tire de Petti...BritainDelisle, Guillaume1702A150.00
426Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien Behelzende de Koningryken Engeland, Schotland en Ierland...BritainTirion, Isaac1743A+80.00
427Anglesey, Ins. [on sheet with] Wight ol. Vectis [and] Ins. Garnesey [and] Ins. IarseyChannel IslandsMercator/Hondius1610A70.00
428[Lot of 3 - Road Maps]EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+27.00
429[Lot of 5 - Road Maps]EnglandOwen & Bowen1720B+35.00
430Northumbria, Cumberlandia, Dunelmesis Episc. Westmorlandia, et Mania Ins.Northern EnglandMercator/Jansson1651A60.00
431Oxoniensis Comitatus DescriptioSouthern EnglandMercator/Jansson1651A75.00
432De Zee Custen Tuschen Dovere en Orfordts Nesse, Daer de Teemse de Vermaerde Rivire va Lonen Gelegens is, met Alle Sanden Ondiepte, Naer Haren Wesen en GhedaenteSoutheastern EnglandWaghenaer, Lucas Jansz1589B+600.00
433Warwicum, Northhamtonia, Huntingdonia, Cantabrigia, Suffolcia, Oxonium, Buckinghamia, Bedfordia, Hartfordia, Essexia, Berceria, Middelsexia, Southhamtonia, Surria, Catium, et Southsexia Southeastern EnglandMercator/Jansson1651A90.00
434Eboracum Lincolnia Derbia, Stafford, EtcEastern EnglandMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
435Comitatus Salopiensis; Anglice Shrop ShireWestern EnglandBlaeu, (Family)1646B+180.00
436Cestria Comitatus PalatinusWestern EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1647-48Bunsold
437Afbeelding van de Stad en Revier van Rochester, Chattam ... 1667Rochester, EnglandStoopendaal, Daniel1691Aunsold
438Gezigt Langs de Rivier de Theems op de Brug van Londen [on sheet with] Gezigt Langs de Theems op de Brug van WestmunsterLondon, EnglandTirion, Isaac1754A80.00
439The London Guide, or, A Pocket Plan of the Cities of London, & Westminster, and Borough of Southwark... [bound in] [4 Volumes] A New and Accurate History and Survey of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Places Adjacent...London, EnglandEntick, John1766B+400.00
440AngliaEngland & WalesMercator/Hondius1610A120.00
441Nieuwe Kaart van 't Zuider Gedeelte van Groot Britannie Behelzende het Koningryk Engeland...England & WalesTirion, Isaac1760Aunsold
442Cornub. Devonia, Somerset Etc.Southwestern England & WalesMercator/Hondius1610A170.00
443Lancastria, Cestria, Caernarvan, Denbich, Flint, Merionidh, Montgomery, Salopia, Cardigan, Radnor, Wigornia, et Ins. AngleseyWestern England & Northern WalesMercator/Jansson1651Aunsold
444Cambria sive WalliaWalesMercator/Hondius1610A80.00
446Nieuwe Kaart van 't Noorder Gedeelte van Groot Britannie Behelzende het Koningryk SchotlandScotlandTirion, Isaac1760A120.00
447Scotiae Tabula. IIINorthern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1610A90.00
448Scotiae Tabula. IISouthern ScotlandMercator/Hondius1610A90.00
449A New Map of Ireland Divided Into Its Provinces, Counties and Baronies, Wherein Are Distinguished the Bishopricks, Borroughs, Barracks, Bogs, Passes, Bridges &c...IrelandMoll, Herman1714B600.00
450Hiberniae Regnum tam in Praecipuas Ultoniae, Connaciae, Laceniae et Momoniae...IrelandHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+375.00
451Nieuwe Kaart van IerlandIrelandTirion, Isaac1760A110.00
452Ultonia Conatia et MediaNorthern IrelandMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
453Hiberniae v. TabulaSouthern IrelandMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
454UdroneEastern IrelandMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
455A Correct Chart of the German Ocean from the North of Scotland to the Start Point, on the Coast of Great Britain; and from So. Bygden on ye Coast of Norway...Northern Europe, North SeaSeale, Richard William1745B+100.00
456Gotlandt oder GothenScandinaviaMunster, Sebastian1588B+55.00
457Suecia, et Norwegia Etc.ScandinaviaMercator/Hondius1610A140.00
458Scandinavia Waar in Leggen de Staten van Denemarken en SwedenScandinaviaSanson, Nicolas1705A130.00
459[On 2 Sheets] Carte des Courones du Nord Dediee Au tres Puissant et Tres Invincible Prince Charles XII...ScandinaviaDelisle, Guillaume1706B+200.00
460Les Royaumes de Suede et de Norwege, Divises en Leurs Provinces ou GouvernemensScandinaviaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1756B+150.00
461A New Map of Sweden, and NorwayScandinaviaWyld, James1840B+unsold
462StokholmStockholm, SwedenHalma, Francois1705Aunsold
463BergenBergen, NorwayBraun & Hogenberg1620B+800.00
464[Engravings of Laplanders]Finland, NativesCluver, Philipp1711A60.00
468Beschreibung des Koenigreichs Dennmarck...Denmark & Southern SwedenMunster, Sebastian1588B+60.00
469Daniae Regni Typus [on sheet with] Oldenburg Comit.Denmark & Northern GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1598A190.00
470Daniae RegnuDenmarkMercator/Hondius1610A80.00
471Map of the Kingdom of Denmark Including the Dutchies of Holstein & LauenburgDenmarkWyld, James1823B+150.00
472Iutia SeptentrionalisNorthern DenmarkMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
473Hafnia Vulgo Kopenhagen Urbs Daniae Primaria qua se Terra Marique Conspiciendam Exhibet...Copenhagen, DenmarkBraun & Hogenberg1587A600.00
474FioniaFyn, DenmarkMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
475Gelriae, Cliviae, Finitimorumque Locorum Verissima Descriptio Christiano Schrot AuctoreNetherlandsOrtelius, Abraham1581A250.00
476Comte d'HollandeNetherlands1700A120.00
477TornacumTournai, BelgiumBraun & Hogenberg1620B+unsold
478Trier et LutzeborgLuxembourg, Western GermanyMercator/Hondius1610A120.00
479Lutzenburgensis Ducatus Veriss. Descript. Iacobo Surhonio Montano AuctoreLuxembourgGuicciardini, Lodovico1609B+150.00
480Descriptio Germaniae InferiorisLow CountriesOrtelius, Abraham1602Bunsold
481Belgii Veteris Typus. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami OrtelijLow CountriesKeere, Pieter Van Den1618B+unsold
482Belgicarum Provinciarum Nova DescriptioLow CountriesGuicciardini, Lodovico1625A300.00
483Pays-Bas. Provinces Unies, WestphalieLow CountriesRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1762A60.00
484Montes, Hannoniae Metropolis [on sheet with] Atrebatum, Episcopalis et Metropolitica Artesiae CivitasWestern EuropeBraun & Hogenberg1572Bunsold
485Europ: III Tab:France & BelgiumPtolemy/Mercator1618Aunsold
486Galliae Regni Potentiss: Nova Descriptio, Ioanne Ioliveto AuctoreFranceOrtelius, Abraham1581A375.00
487Accuratissima Galliae Tabula Vulgo Royaume de FranceFranceWit, Frederick de1680B+200.00
488Nouvelle Carte des Differents Etats de la Monarchie Francoise sous Iule Cesar...FranceChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+70.00
489[Lot of 4] Lille, Insula [and] Arras [and] Douay [and] S. OmerNorthern FranceBraun & Hogenberg1581Aunsold
490NormandiaNorthern FranceOrtelius/Marchetti1667A70.00
491Carte Topographique du Diocese de Senlis...Northern FranceDelisle, Guillaume1709Aunsold
492LorraineNortheastern FranceDuval, Pierre1661B+60.00
493Provinciae, Regionis Galliae, Vera Exactissimaq Descriptio. Petro Ioanne Bompario AuctoreSouthern FranceOrtelius, Abraham1603B+200.00
494ProvinciaSouthern FranceMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
495Franche ComteEastern FranceDuval, Pierre1672B+unsold
496Die Statt RoschelleRochelle, FranceMunster, Sebastian1578B+41.00
497Hesdyn FortHesdin, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1620B+unsold
498Matiscona, Vulgo Mascon; ad Ararim Flu: Probe Munitum Burgundiae Oppidum M.D.LXXX [on sheet with] Cabillinum, Indigenis, Chalon, ut Agri Uberrimi, Ita Saluberrimi Coeli...Macon & Chalon-Sur-Soane, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1620A200.00
499[4 Volumes] Description de Paris, de Versailles, de Marly, de Meudon, de S. Cloud, de Fontainebleau ... Tome Quatrieme... [and] ... Tome Cinquieme... [and] ... Tome Sixieme... [and] ... Tome Septieme...Paris, France1742B+unsold
500Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locupleissima DescriptioSpain & PortugalOrtelius, Abraham1581A350.00
501Carte Generale d'Espagne en Archeuesches ou Evesches Comme ils sont a PresentSpain & PortugalSanson/Mariette1641B+200.00
502Hispania Nova Descript:Spain & PortugalMercator/Jansson1651B+90.00
503EspagneSpain & PortugalDuval, Pierre1672A75.00
504L'Espagne Dressee sur la Description qui en a ete Faite par Rodrigo Mendez Sylva...Spain & PortugalDelisle, Guillaume1701B+unsold
505Hispaniae Veteris et Novae DescriptioSpain & PortugalCluver, Philipp1711A+100.00
506Royaumes d'Espagne et de PortugalSpain & PortugalRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1752B+120.00
507Biscaia et LegioNorthern SpainMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
508Arragonia et CataloniaNortheastern SpainMercator/Hondius1610A90.00
509Plan of the Country and Camps of Almanar, the One Under Charles III. and the Other of the Enemy Under the D. of Anjou...Northeastern SpainTindal, Nicholas1745B+22.00
510Hispalensis Conventus Delineatio, Auctore Hieronymo ChiavesSouthern SpainOrtelius, Abraham1579A300.00
511[Lot of 2] Hardales [on sheet with] Cartama [and] Sant Juan del Foratche [on sheet with] JerennaSouthern SpainBraun & Hogenberg1598Bunsold
512AndaluziaSouthern SpainMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
513Castilia Vetus et NovaEastern SpainMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
514Regni Valentiae TypusEastern SpainMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
515Scenographia Totius Fabricae S. Laurentii in EscorialiSan Lorenzo de El Escorial, SpainOrtelius/Coignet1609B+80.00
516SevillaSeville, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1620B+unsold
517MadridMadrid, SpainHalma, Francois1705Aunsold
518Le Detroit, de Gilbraltar, par Lequel, l'Ocean, Entre dans la Mer, Mediterrannee, et qui Separe, l'Europe, de l'Afrique... [on sheet with] Cadis, Vile Considerable, Fameux Port sur l'Ocean...Strait of Gibraltar & Cadiz, SpainFer, Nicolas de1705A150.00
519Mapa de la Provincia de Madrid, Comprehende el Partido de Madrid, y el de Almonacid de ZoritaMadrid, SpainLopez de Vargas Machuca, Thomas (don)1773B150.00
520A Chart of the Bay of Gibraltar, Including a Small Plan of That Fortress, with the Position of the Military & Naval Force of France and Spain, Present During the Late Siege of That GarrisonGibraltar, SpainCheevers, John1785B+140.00
521Portugallia olim LusitaniaPortugalMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
522GermaniaCentral Europe, GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1581B+250.00
523Europ: IIII Tab:Central Europe, GermanyPtolemy/Mercator1618B+150.00
524[Untitled Map of Central Europe]Central Europe, World War II1944B+46.00
525HolsatiaNorthern GermanyMercator/Hondius1610A75.00
526Buchaviae, sive Fuldensis Ditionis Typus. Wolfgango Regrwill Auctore. 1574 [on sheet with] Waldeccensis Comitatus Descriptio AccuratissimaCentral GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
527La Noble & Ample Ville de Coloigne Agrippine, Iadiz Ville Capitale des Ubiens Figuree Selon qu'elle est AuiourdhuyCologne, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1552A100.00
528Flensburgum [on sheet with] ItzohoaFlensburg & Itzehoe, GermanyBraun & Hogenberg1588B+60.00
529Husemum Ducatus Slesvicensis ad Sinum Heveram Opp. [on sheet with] Haderslebia, in Ducatu Slesvicensi, Versus Fioniam...Husum, Germany & Haderslev, DenmarkBraun & Hogenberg1620A110.00
530Rugia Insula ac Ducatus Accuratissime Descripta ab E. LubinoRugen, GermanyMercator/Jansson1651Aunsold
531Polonia et SilesiaPolandMercator/Hondius1610A120.00
532Silesia DucatusSouthwestern PolandMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
533WratislaviaWroclaw (Breslau), PolandBraun & Hogenberg1620Aunsold
534Von dem Koenigreich Boehem...Czech RepublicMunster, Sebastian1588Bunsold
535BohemiaCzech RepublicMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
536MoraviaCzech RepublicMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
537Basiliensis Territorii Descriptio Nova, Auctore Sebastiano Munstero [on sheet with] Circulus sive Liga Sueviae, Vulgo Schwabische KraissSwitzerland & Southern GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1572A140.00
538Das WiflispurgergovSwitzerlandMercator/Jansson1651Aunsold
539ArgouCentral SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1610A80.00
540La Ville de Choures, qui est la Ville Capitale des Rhetiens / ChurChur, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1552Aunsold
541Lacus LemanusLake Geneva, SwitzerlandMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
542Tirolis ComitatusWestern AustriaOrtelius/Marchetti1667Aunsold
543The Cataract in the Danube Call'd Strudel / Cataracta Danuby Strudel Vocata [on sheet with] The Cataract in the Danube Call'd Wurbel / Cataracta Danubij Wurbel VocataDanube River, AustriaCluver, Philipp1711B+unsold
546Beschreibung Aller Laender/ so Etwan dem Koenigreich Polandt...Eastern EuropeMunster, Sebastian1588B+unsold
547Von dem Koenigreich Poladt/ das Sarmatia...Eastern Europe, PolandMunster, Sebastian1588B+90.00
548LithuaniaEastern Europe, Lithuania & BelarusMercator/Hondius1610A160.00
549Imperii Orientalis et Circumjacentium Regionum sub Constantino Porphyrogenito et ejus Praedecessoribus Descriptio...Eastern & Southern EuropeDelisle, Guillaume1700B+unsold
550La Pologne Dressee sur ce qu'en ont Donne Starovolsk, Beauplan, Hartnoch, et Autres Auteurs...Eastern Europe, PolandDelisle, Guillaume1710A400.00
551Russia cum ConfinijsNortheastern Europe, RussiaMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
552Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo...Russia, Eastern Europe & Central AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1587A+1800.00
553Novissima Russiae Vulgo Moscoviae TabulaRussia, Scandinavia, BalticAllard, Carel1698B+375.00
554Carte de Moscovie...Russia in EuropeDelisle, Guillaume1706A150.00
555MoscoviaWestern RussiaMercator/Hondius1635A32.00
556Ingermanlandiae seu Ingriae Novissima Tabula Luci TraditaWestern Russia, St. PetersburgHomann Heirs1734B+550.00
557MoscauwMoscow, RussiaJansson, Jan1657B+unsold
558Nisen NavgorodNizhny Novgorod, RussiaOlearius, Adam1696A140.00
559KoningsbergKaliningrad, RussiaHalma, Francois1705Aunsold
560Taurica ChersonesusUkraineMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
561TransylvaniaRomania & HungaryMercator/Jansson1651A90.00
562TransilvaniaRomania & HungaryOrtelius/Marchetti1667Aunsold
563De Zwarte Zee, Eertyts Pontus EuxinusBlack SeaSanson, Nicolas1705A90.00
564Carte du Gouvernement de Tauride, Comprenant la Krimee et les Pays Voisins...Black Sea, Ukraine & RussiaBuache/Dezauche1788A350.00
565Carte de la Hongrie et des Pays qui en Dependoient Autresois...Southern EuropeDelisle, Guillaume1703A200.00
566Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus, Wolf. Lazio Auctore [on sheet with] Histriae Tabula a Petro Coppo Descr. [and] Zarae, et Sebenici DescriptioSoutheastern EuropeOrtelius, Abraham1598Aunsold
567A New and Accurate Map of Turkey in Europe, Drawn from the Best Authorities…Southeastern EuropeLodge, John1770B50.00
568Hongrie, Turquie Europ?Balkans, HungaryRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1762A55.00
569Forum Iulium, Karstia. Carniola, Histria Etc.Northwestern Balkans & Northeastern ItalyMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
570Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, RomanEastern BalkansMercator/Hondius1610A60.00
571Slavonia Croatia Bosnia, Dalmat.Western BalkansMercator/Hondius1610A80.00
572Carte de la Grece Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Memoires Anciens et Nouveaux...Greece, Turkey & Southern BalkansDelisle, Guillaume1707A150.00
573Graecia, SophianiGreece & Western TurkeyOrtelius, Abraham1618B+500.00
574Graeciae Universae Secundum Hodiernum Situm Neoterica DescriptioGreeceOrtelius, Abraham1598B+300.00
576'T Gedeelte van Turkyen in EuropaGreeceSanson, Nicolas1705A90.00
577Macedoniae et Thessaliae RegionesNorthern Greece & MacedoniaCluver, Philipp1711Aunsold
578Thraciae Veteris TypusNortheastern Greece & Northwestern TurkeyOrtelius, Abraham1618Aunsold
579Achaia quae et Hellas Hodie LivadiaCentral GreeceCluver, Philipp1711B+70.00
580Peloponnesus nunc MoreaSouthern GreeceCluver, Philipp1711B+70.00
581Cataracta Aerea Monte Aeolic Italiae [on sheet with] A Cataract in the Duchy of Spoletto... [and] The Cataract of the Rhine... [and] Tabula Freti Siculi Charibdis... [and] Cataracta Hydrotechnica... [and] The Cataract of the Rhine att Coblents...Italy & SwitzerlandCluver, Philipp1711A80.00
582Italia Antiqua Philippo Cluvero Borusso DesignatoreItalyHondius, Jodocus1603Aunsold
584Tabulae Italiae, Corsicae, Sardiniae, et Adjacentium Regnorum. Nova et Accurata DelineatioItalyHondius/Jansson1659B+unsold
585Territorium Bononiense il BologneseNorthern ItalyMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
586Cremae AgerNorthern ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1667B+unsold
587LombardiaNorthern ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1667A85.00
588La Lombardie, le Duche de Toscane l'Etat du St. Siege, et l'Isle de CorseNorthern ItalyRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1762Aunsold
589Fori Iulii Accurata DescriptioNortheastern Italy & Western SloveniaOrtelius, Abraham1573Aunsold
590Forum IuliiNortheastern Italy & Western SloveniaOrtelius/Vrients1601A75.00
591Ducatus Mediolanenis Finitimarumque RegionisNorthwestern ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1667A80.00
592Carte du Piemont et du Monferrat...Northwestern ItalyDelisle, Guillaume1707A170.00
593PerusiaCentral ItalyOrtelius/Vrients1601Aunsold
594Abruzzo et Terra di LavoroCentral ItalyMercator/Jansson1651A90.00
595Patrimonio di S. Pietro, Sabina et Campagna di Roma olim LatiumCentral ItalyMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
596Nova & Accurata Tusciae Antiquae Descriptio Autore Ab. OrtelioCentral ItalyJansson, Jan1657A325.00
597Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronimo BellarmatoCentral ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1667B+unsold
598Regionum Italiae Mediarum Tabula Geographica...Central ItalyDelisle, Guillaume1711B+unsold
599AprutiumEastern ItalyOrtelius/Vrients1601B+unsold
600Puglia Piana Terra di Barri Otranto etc.Southern ItalyMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
601Le Royaume de Naples Divise en ses Douze Provinces ou sont Marquez tous les Archevechez et Evechez...Southern ItalyNolin, Jean Batiste1742B+unsold
602Folium LXII [Bologna / Byzantium]Bologna, Italy & Byzantium, TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493B+135.00
603Tiburtum vulgo TivoliTivoli, ItalyBraun & Hogenberg1581B+unsold
604Siciliae Veteris TypusSicily, ItalyOrtelius, Abraham1584Aunsold
605Siciliae DescriptioSicily, ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1667Aunsold
606Siciliae Veteris TypusSicily, ItalyJansson, Jan1741Aunsold
607Siciliae Antiquae quae et Sicania et Trinacria Dicta Tabula GeographicaSicily, ItalyDelisle, Guillaume1714B+250.00
608Charte von Sicilien und Malta nach den Bewahrtesten Hulfsmitteln Neu Entworfen und Gezeichnet von F. GoetzeSicily, Italy & MaltaWeimar Geographisches Institut1804Aunsold
609Brixia Tyrolis [on sheet with] Laubinga Sueviae Opp. Alberti Magni PatriaBrixen, Italy & Lauingen, GermanyBraun & Hogenberg1620A130.00
610OstiaOstia, ItalyBraun & Hogenberg1620A200.00
611Ischia Ins.Ischia, ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1667Aunsold
612Lacus Comensis, olim LariusLake Como, ItalyOrtelius/Marchetti1667A80.00
613Nouveau Plan de la Ville de Rome Tire par Ordre du Pape par Matteo Gregoria de Romans Tres Utille pour les VoiageursRome, ItalyChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A220.00
614Rome Ancienne et ModerneRome, ItalyChatelain, Henry Abraham1719Aunsold
615Siracusa in SicilienSyracuse, Sicily, ItalyBodenehr, Gabriel1720B+unsold
616A South View of the City of GenoaGenoa, ItalyJefferys, Thomas1747B95.00
617In Notitiam Ecclesiasticam Africae Tabula GeographicaWestern MediterraneanDelisle, Guillaume1700B+150.00
618Nieuwe Paskaart vant Naauw van de Straat, op Gedragen aan den Hoog Edel: Geboren Heer F. van Aerssen van Sommelsdyk...Strait of GibraltarLeth, Andries & Hendrik de1726Aunsold
619Carte des Isles de Maiorque Minorque et d'YviceBalearic IslandsLotter, Tobias Conrad1770B+300.00
620Insula Malta Accuratissime Delineata, Urbibus, et FortalitiisMaltaWit, Frederick de1680Aunsold
621Valletta ou Valete Ville Forte, de l'Isle de MaltaValletta, MaltaMortier, Pierre1700B+unsold
622Cyprus Insula [on sheet with] Candia, olim CretaCyprus & CreteOrtelius, Abraham1581A500.00
623Geometrisch-Grundrichtige Zuvor nie Gesehne Abbildung der Welt Beruffene Real-Vestung CandiaCandia, CreteHoffman, Johannes1670A650.00
624Candia [on sheet with] Corfu [and] Zante [and] Milo [and] Nicsia [and] Santorini [and] ScarpantoCreteMercator/Jansson1651B+unsold
625Plan de Lisle de Candie Iadis Crete et des Isles VoisinesCreteBeaulieu, Sebastian de Pontault1680Aunsold
626Novissima et Accuratissima Regnorum et Insularum Siciliae, et Sardiniae Hydro-Geographica Exhibitio...Corsica, Sardinia & SicilyHomann Heirs1762B+325.00
627SardiniaSardiniaQuad, Matthias von Kinckelbach1608B+unsold
628Calaris Sardiniae CaputCagliari, SardiniaMunster, Sebastian1588B+60.00
629Natoliae, quae Olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusEastern MediterraneanOrtelius, Abraham1570A150.00
630Pascaarte van 't Oostelyckste deel vande Middelandsche Zee... / Tabula Hydrographica de Partibus Orientalioribus Maris Mediterranei...Eastern MediterraneanJansson, Jan1650B+600.00
631Communicatio Maris Mediterranei et quod Mortuum Dicunt, cum Mari RubroEastern MediterraneanKircher, Athanasius1682Aunsold
632Carte de la Turquie de l'Arabie et de la Perse. Dressee sur les Memoires les Plus Recens Rectifiez par les Observations de Mrs. de Academie Royle. des SciencesMediterranean, Middle East & Northern AfricaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1720A200.00
633A Correct Map of the Ottoman Empire, Including All the Countries, Possess'd by, or Tributary to the Turks, in Europe, Asia & Africa...Mediterranean, Middle East & Northern AfricaBowen, Thomas1777A100.00
634Geographiae Sacrae Tabula, quae Totius Orbis Partes ContinetMediterranean & Middle EastSanson, Nicolas1705A120.00
635[Lot of 2] De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen... [and] Peregrinatio Israelitaru in DesertoEastern Mediterranean & Middle East1624-1729B+300.00
636Asiae IIII Tab:Middle EastPtolemy/Mercator1618A200.00
637Arabia, seu Arabum Vicinarumq Gentium Orientalium Leges, Ritus, Sacri et Profani Mores...Middle EastBlaeu, (Family)1635B+100.00
638Beschryvinge van den Oorsprong der Volkeren, uit de Drie Sonen van Noah na den Sondvloed en Voorts vande Reysen der Eeerste Vaderen in CanaanMiddle EastAvelen, Jan van den1700A180.00
639Situs Chorographia et Flumina Paradisi in Terra CanaanMiddle East, Garden of EdenCluver, Philipp1711A75.00
640Carte Generale pour Servir a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire Sainte, Principalement par Raport a ses Premiers AgesMiddle EastBuache, Philip1754A140.00
641Turquie d'Asie, Arabie, Perse, Tartarie IndependanteMiddle EastRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1761A60.00
642Asiae I Tab:Turkey & CyprusPtolemy/Mercator1618A200.00
643AnatolienTurkey & CyprusSanson, Nicolas1705A80.00
644ParadisusHoly LandMercator/Hondius1610A180.00
645Terrae Chanaan Inter XII Tribuus Isrel Distributae OrthographiaHoly LandTorniello, Augustine1615B+150.00
646Terra Sancta quae in Sacris Terra Promissionis ol: PalestinaHoly LandMercator/Jansson1651B+110.00
647Terra Sancta, sive Promissionis, olim Palestina Recens Delineata, et in Lucem Edita...Holy LandVisscher, Nicolas1659A325.00
648Perigrinatie ofte Veertigh-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels, uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee, ende de Woestyne tot in't Beloofde Landt Canaan…Holy LandAvelen, Jan van den1700A200.00
649Het Beloofde Landt Canaan. Door Wandelt van Onsen Salichmaaker Jesus Christus Neffens Syne ApostelenHoly LandDanckerts/Wetstein1718B+100.00
650Novus Conspectus Veteris Ierusalem ex Authoris MenteHoly LandCalmet, Augustin1726B+50.00
651Palestine Land of StrifeHoly Land1945A200.00
652[Lot of 2] Salomonis Templum [and] De Tempel van Salomon...Jerusalem, Holy LandDapper, Olivier1678Aunsold
653Jerusalem en syn TempelJerusalem, Holy LandHooghe, Romain de1700A220.00
654Asiae VI Tab:ArabiaPtolemy/Mercator1618B+200.00
655Imperii Persici in Omnes Suas Provincias (tam Veteribus quam Modernis Earundem Nominibus Signatas) Exacte Divisi Nova Tabula Geographica...Persia & the CaucasusHomann, Johann Baptist1730B+160.00
656Persicum RegnumPersia - IranMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
657Asiae V Tab:Persia - IranPtolemy/Mercator1618Aunsold
658Persia sive Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranBlaeu, Willem1634B+unsold
659A New Map of Persia, from the Latest AuthoritiesPersia - IranCary, John1801A100.00
660L'AsieAsiaCroix, F. de la1683A110.00
661Totius Asiae Continens cum Praecipuis Insulis Eidem AnnexisAsiaScherer, Heinrich1710A300.00
662Asia Concinnata Secundum Observationes Academiae Regalis Scientiarum et Nonnullas Alias, et Juxta Annotationes Recentissimas per G. de l'Isle...AsiaLotter, Tobias Conrad1770B+250.00
663AsiaAsiaTallis, John1851B+85.00
664[Lot of 6] Regio: Gannam: or, ye Kingdome of Tonqueen [and] The City of Cha-Cho the Metropolis of Tonqueen [and] Goa [and] Suratte [and] The City of Amadabayh [and] The English Fort of BombaySoutheast Asia, IndiaChurchill, Awnsham1733A375.00
665TartariaNorthern AsiaMercator/Hondius1610Aunsold
666Groot TartaryenNorthern AsiaSanson, Nicolas1705B+unsold
667Carte de Tartarie Dressee sur les Relations de Plusieurs Voyageurs de Differentes Nations...Northern AsiaDelisle, Guillaume1706A250.00
668Carte de la Tartarie Orientale pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages Tiree des Cartes Levees par les P.P. JesuitesNorthern AsiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+60.00
669[Lot of 3] Plan de la Baye de Awatska, sur la Cote Orientale du Kamtschatka [and] Vues de la Cote du Kamtchatka [and] Vues de la Cote d'AsieKamchatka PeninsulaCook/Benard1785B+75.00
670China Regio AsieChinaOrtelius/Marchetti1667A100.00
671Regni Sinae vel Sinae Propriae Mappa et Descriptio Geographica...ChinaHaas/Homann Heirs1740B+350.00
672China and BirmahChinaTallis, John1851A150.00
673Hunouang, e Sucuhen, Provincie della ChinaCentral ChinaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1693A350.00
674Iunan, Quelcheu, e Quangsi Provincie della ChinaSouthern ChinaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1693Aunsold
675Nanking, et Honan Provincie della ChinaEastern ChinaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1693A375.00
676Carte de l'Entree de la Riviere de Canton Dressee sur les Observations les Plus RecentesGuangzhou (Canton), ChinaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748A140.00
677City and Suburbs of CantonGuangzhou (Canton), ChinaBridgman, E.C.1834B+80.00
678ChinaChina & KoreaMercator/Hondius1610A150.00
679Imperii Sinarum Nova DescriptioChina & KoreaCluver, Philipp1667A150.00
680A Map of the XV. Provinces and CLV. Capital Cities in ye Empire of China, the Christian Churches and Residences of Jesuits Are Thus MarkedChina & Korea1697B+1300.00
681L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesChina & KoreaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748A200.00
682L'Empire de la Chine Dresse d'Apres les Cartes de l'Atlas ChinoisChina & KoreaRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1751B250.00
683Iaponiae Nova DescriptioJapan & KoreaHondius/Jansson1638B+unsold
684Terre de IessoJapanMallet, Alain Manesson1684A90.00
685Carte de l'Empire du JaponJapanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A200.00
686Indiae Orientalis Nova DescriptioSoutheast AsiaJansson, Jan1646B+950.00
687Daniel Taverniers Land Charte des Konigreichs TunquinSoutheast Asia1684A500.00
688'T Gedeelte van Indien aan Geene zyde van den Gangestroom [on sheet with] 'T Half Eilandt van Indien. Aan Geene zyde vanden GangestroomSoutheast AsiaSanson, Nicolas1705A160.00
689[Untitled - Southeast Asia]Southeast AsiaCommelin, Isaac1725Aunsold
690Regna Pegu, et AracamMyanmarMercator/Jansson1651B+90.00
691Typus Freti Manilensis Detroit de ManillesPhilippinesCommelin, Isaac1725A475.00
692ManilaManila, PhilippinesCommelin, Isaac1725A210.00
693Baye la BayeLuzon, PhilippinesCommelin, Isaac1725A170.00
694Sumatrae et Insularum Locorumque Nonnullorum Circumiacentium Tabula NovaEast Indies - IndonesiaJansson, Jan1659A450.00
695Isles de la Sonde vers l'OccidentEast Indies - IndonesiaMallet, Alain Manesson1684B+140.00
696Carte des Isles de Java Sumatra Borneo &a. Les Detroits de la Sonde Malaca et Banca &a.East Indies - IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A110.00
697Idee de l'Isle de Java Tiree des Manuscrits Hollandois pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesJava, IndonesiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1760A95.00
698[Lot of 2] A New and Accurate Map of Bengal Drawn from the Best Authorities [and] A New and Accurate Map of the Northern Coast of Choramandel in the East Indies; Drawn from the Best AuthoritiesIndia, BangladeshKitchin, Thomas1760B+46.00
699Asiae X Tab:IndiaPtolemy/Mercator1618B+100.00
700Peninsula Indiae Citra Gangem hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima Ceylon...Southern India & Sri LankaHomann Heirs1733B+180.00
701Regionum Choromandel, Golconda, et Orixa. Nova et Accurata DescriptioEastern India1672B+150.00
702Descriptio Nova Imperii Malabar, Canara, Decan; et Aliarum ProvinciarumWestern India1672A150.00
703Duodecima Asie TabulaSri LankaPtolemy/Germanus1486B+unsold
704Asiae XII Tab:Sri LankaPtolemy/Mercator1618B+180.00
705Ceylon, en de Maldivesche EilandenSri Lanka & the MaldivesSanson, Nicolas1705B+100.00
706Erythraei sive Rubri Maris Periplus, olim ab Arriano Descriptus, nunc Vero ab Abrah. Ortelio ex Eodem DelineatusSouthern Asia, Arabia & Eastern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1597B+500.00
707Erythraei sive Rubri Maris Periplus. Olim ab Arriano Descriptus...Southern Asia, Arabia & Eastern AfricaJansson, Jan1680A210.00
708India OrientalisSouthern & Southeast AsiaMercator/Hondius1610A190.00
709Chine, et Indes avec les Isles; d'Apres les Descriptions les Plus ExactesSouthern & Southeast AsiaBrion de la Tour, Louis1766B+150.00
710Mappa Geogr: Indiae Orients Eller Geogr: Charta Ofwer OstindienSouthern & Southeast AsiaAkerman, Andrew1805Aunsold
711Asiae IX Tab:Southern AsiaPtolemy/Mercator1618Aunsold
712[Lot of 2] Cabool, the Punjab and Beloochistan [and] Northern India, Including the Presidency BengalSouthern AsiaTallis, John1851A115.00
713Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange Comprenant l'Indoustan &c. Suivant les Cartes les Plus Recentes...Northern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan & NepalBellin, Jacques Nicolas1752A60.00
714[Lot of 4] Terre de Kerguelen... [and] Plan du Port Palliser... [on sheet with] Plan du Havre de Noel... [and] Trois Vues de la Pointe Arquee, Terre de Kerguelen [and] Isle de NoelKerguelen Islands, Christmas IslandCook/Benard178560.00
715L'Afrique, Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences...AfricaDelisle, Guillaume1700B+300.00
716Africa VetusAfricaWeigel, Christopher1724B+400.00
717A New and Correct Map of Africa. Drawn from the Most Approved Modern Maps and Charts, and Adjusted by Astronomical Observations...AfricaBowen, Emanuel1748A250.00
718L'Afrique Dressee pour l'Etude de la Geographie...AfricaBrion de la Tour/Desnos1766B+120.00
719The Pre-War Colonies.... Which Herr Hitler Declares Must Be Returned to the Reich....... or Else!Africa, World War II1938A+220.00
720Chorographia Originis Nili... [on sheet with] Chorographia Originis Nilise Ufontium Ipsius... [and] Vera et Genvina Fontium Nili Topographia...Central & Southern AfricaKircher, Athanasius1652B+450.00
721Africae Propriae Tabula, in qua, Punica Regna Vides; Tyrios, et Agenoris UrbemNorthern AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1590B+200.00
722Carthaginis Celiberimi Sinus TipusNorthern AfricaOrtelius/Marchetti1667A75.00
723Vue de Tunis d'Alger & de Gigeri avec Quelques Particularitez Curieuses Touchant les Moeurs...Northern AfricaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A+100.00
724Patriarchatus Alexandrini Geographica DescriptioEgypt & LibyaTavernier, Melchior1640B+130.00
725Tunes Urbs - Tunetis Urbis, ac Novae eius Arcis, et Guletae, quae Philippo Hispan: Regi Parent...Tunis, TunisiaBraun & Hogenberg1620A250.00
726Tunes, Oppidum Barbarie & Regia Sedes... [on sheet with] Africa, olim Aphrodisium [and] Penon de VelesNorthwestern AfricaBraun & Hogenberg1575B+unsold
727Fessae RegnumNorthwestern AfricaMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
728Marocchi RegnumNorthwestern Africa, MoroccoMercator/Hondius1610A100.00
729Africae I. Tab:Northwestern AfricaPtolemy/Mercator1618B+180.00
730Aegyptus AntiquaEgyptOrtelius, Abraham1584A1900.00
731AegyptusEgyptMunster, Sebastian1588B+80.00
732Carte de l'Egypte pour Servir a l'Intelligence de l Histoire Reomaine...EgyptDelahaye, Guillaume Nicolas1735B+60.00
733Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts, with a Part of Palestine; to Which Has Been Added the Nomenclature of the Roman AgeEgyptDelarochette, Louis Stanislas d'Arcy1814B+unsold
734Alexandria Vetustissimum Aegypti Emporium Amplissima Civitas...Alexandria, EgyptJansson, Jan1657A350.00
735Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie de l'Abissinie &c.Northeastern Africa & ArabiaDelisle/Covens & Mortier1730B+180.00
736Carte de la Coste Orientale d'Afrique Depuis le XIIIe Degre de Latitude Meridionale Jusqu'au XVIe Degre de Latitude Septentrionale...Eastern AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1740A50.00
737A Map of the Albert N'yanza and of the Routes Leading to Its Discovery in 1864Eastern AfricaRoyal Geographical Society1866A140.00
738Guinee, en de Omleggende Landen, Getrokken uit Marcator, Blommert, enz.Western AfricaSanson, Nicolas1705A100.00
739D'Eilanden van Capo Verde, de Kust en 't Landt der Negeren. Ontrent Capo VerdeWestern Africa, Cape Verde IslandsSanson, Nicolas1705A120.00
740Vue et Description des Forts que les Hollandois, Anglois et Danois ont sur la Cote de Guinee pour l'Intelligence du Commerce que ces Nations Font en ce Pais-laWestern AfricaChatelain, Henry Abraham1719A170.00
741Guinee, Grand Pays de l'Afrique, avec Toutes ses Cotes, Havres et Rivieres, Suivant les Memoires les Plus Recens des Voyageurs...Western AfricaAa, Pieter van der1729B+220.00
742[Petits Voyages, Part I - Warhaffte und Eigentliche Beschreibung Desz des Konigreichs Congo in Africa]Central AfricaBry, Theodore de1597B140.00
743Abissinorum RegnuCentral AfricaMercator/Hondius1610A110.00
744Map of the Routes in Eastern Africa Between Zanzibar, the Great Lakes and the Nile Explored and Surveyed by Captn. J.H. Speke 1857-1863Central AfricaRoyal Geographical Society1864B+350.00
745[Lot of 2] Cafrerie et Monomotapa [and] Congo, CafrerieSouthern Africa1663-1762A100.00
746Carte du Congo et du Pays des CafresSouthern Africa, MadagascarDelisle, Guillaume1708B+150.00
747[Lot of 2] Le Pays des Hottentots Aux Environs du Cap de Bonne Esperance [and] Empire du Monomotapa et Etats Voisins Tire de M. Delisle et Autres AuteursSouthern AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1755-57A60.00
748Karte von Sud-Afrika zur Ubersicht der Neuesten Entdeckungen von Livingstone, Moffat, Galton, Anderson, Bain's Geol. Aufnahme, Forschungen in Benguela &&&Southern Africa, ExplorationsPetermann, Augustus Herman1858A90.00
749Maris Pacifici, (quod Vulgo Mar del Zur) cum Regionibus Circumiacentibus, Insulisque in Eodem Passim Sparsis, Novissima DescriptioPacific OceanOrtelius, Abraham1589B+5700.00
750Part of the Pacific Ocean Between California and the Philippine Islands. From the Spanish Chart Found on Board the Galleon Taken by Admiral Anson... [on sheet with] ... From the Spanish Chart Shewn to La Perouse at Monterey...Pacific OceanLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798B+200.00
751Carte des Terres aux Environs du Japon ou du Nord-Est de l'Asie et du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Extraite d'une Carte Japonnoise...North Pacific OceanBuache, Philip1760B+275.00
752Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de la Mer du Sud, Comprise Entre la Californie, les Isles Sandwich, le Japon et le Detrt. de Behring...North Pacific OceanCook, James (Capt.)1779B+120.00
753Chart of the Northern Passage Between Asia & AmericaNorth Pacific OceanThomson, John1814A200.00
754Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765. 67. e 69 nel Mare del SudSouth Pacific OceanZatta, Antonio1776A750.00
755OceanieSouth Pacific OceanAndriveau-Goujon, E.1876A100.00
756[Lot of 4] Carte des Isles de la Societe... [and] Carte des Isles Decouvertes aux Environs d'Otahiti... [and] Plan des Havres qu'on Trouve au Cote N. d'Eimeo [and] [I. Wenooa Ette/ I. Wateeoo/ Isle Mangeea/ Isle Toobouai]Pacific IslandsCook/Benard1774-85B+80.00
757[Lot of 3] Nacht-Dans der Vrouwen op Hapaee [and] Vue de l'Isle de Tanna [and] Vue de l'Isle de RotterdamPacific IslandsCook/Benard1778-95A65.00
758[Lot of 3] The Landing of Captn. Cook, &c. at Tanna, One of the New Hebrides [and] The Landing of Captn. Cook, &c. at Mallicolo, One of the New Hebrides [and] The Landing of Captn. Cook, &c. at Erramanga, One of the New HebridesNew HebridesCook, James (Capt.)1785B+85.00
759Australie & OceanieAustralia, New Zealand & South Pacific Ocean1951A+85.00
760Carte d'une Partie de la Cote de la Nle. Galles Meridle. Depuis le Cap Tribulation Jusqu'au Detroit de l'Endeavour. Par le Lieut. J. Cook, 1770Northern AustraliaCook/Benard1774B+unsold
761Vue de la Riviere d'Endeavour sur la Cote de la Nouvelle Hollande ou le Vaisseau fut mis a la BandeEndeavour River, AustraliaCook, James (Capt.)1774B+unsold
762Plan of Adventure Bay on Van Diemens Land...Adventure Bay, AustraliaCook, James (Capt.)1784B+41.00
763Le Roy, d'Albion ou Nouvelle Angleterre...Prints - Native American1680B+90.00
764Zee-Slagh Tusschen de Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter, en de Hr. Prins Robbert en Graaf de Estree... 1673Prints - ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1687A200.00
765Marine, PavillonsPrints - ShipsDiderot, Denis1778B+unsold
766The Eastern Front of Solomons Temple... [on sheet with] A Draught of the Inside of the Ark... [and] A Prospect of the Roof, Walls & Pavement of the Holy of Holies...Prints - ReligionAnon.1622B+unsold
767De Kornet van Vuil Gewin of Wortel en Besse Postiljon...Satire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A70.00
768Verklaaring van 't Klyne Tafereelije...Satire - Stock TradingAnon.1720B+275.00
769Quincampoix in DuigenSatire - Stock TradingAnon.1720A120.00
770Blat CXLVIIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
771Blat CCXXIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+95.00
772Blat CCXXIIncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+90.00
773[Lot of 3 - Music]MusicLuc Antonio Giunta1520A+190.00
774Geografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra Partita in Due Volumi...AtlasesMagini, Giovanni Antonio1598B+4500.00
775Atlas de Toutes les Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre, Dresse pour l'Histoire Philosophique & Politique des Etablissemens & du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux IndesAtlasesBonne/Raynal1780B+750.00
776Atlas Geographique, Statistique, Historique et Chronologique des Deux Ameriques et des Iles Adjacentes...AtlasesBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825Aunsold
777Atlas to Marshall's Life of WashingtonAtlasesMarshall, John1832A220.00
778Huntington's School Atlas, Drawn and Engraved Expressly to Illustrate and Accompany the System of Modern Geography...AtlasesHuntington, Eleazor1833B+180.00
779Mappe Geografiche Storiche Contenenti le Politiche Vicissitudini Degli Stati Principali del Mondo Sino a'Nostri Giorni...AtlasesLe Sage1845B350.00
780Atlas Elementaire Simplifie de Geographie ModerneAtlasesAndriveau-Goujon, J.1853B+unsold
781[2 Volumes] The Diamond Atlas. With Descriptions of All Countries ... The Western Hemisphere [and] ... The Eastern HemisphereAtlasesMorse & Gaston1857-59B+325.00
782Atlas Universel de Geographie Physique, Politique, Ancienne & Moderne Contenant les Cartes Generales & Particulieres de Toutes les Parties du Monde...AtlasesBrue, Adrien Hubert1862B+400.00
783Black's General Atlas of the World - New and Revised Edition Embracing the Latest Discoveries, New Boundaries, and Other Changes Accompanied by Introductory Letterpress and IndexAtlasesBlack, Adam & Charles1882B+250.00
784Mitchell's New General Atlas, Containing Maps of the Various Countries of the World, Plans of Cities, Etc...AtlasesMitchell/Bradley1887B+350.00
785Arbuckles' Illustrated Atlas of the United States of AmericaAtlasesArbuckle Bros. Coffee Co.1889A400.00
786[Cosmographie in Foure Bookes Contayning the Chorographie & Historie of the whole World and all the Principall Kindomes, Provinces, Seas, and Isles, Thereof]Geography BooksHeylin, Peter1666C550.00
787The New and Universal System of Geography: Being a Complete Modern History and Description of the Whole World... Vol. IIGeography BooksMillar, George H.1782B110.00
788Geographische Oefeningen; of Leerboek der Aardrijkskunde, met XX Genommerde Kaarten...Geography Books1826A120.00
789A Comprehensive Geography and History Ancient and ModernGeography BooksGoodrich, Samuel Griswold1853B+75.00
790[Petits Voyages, Part II] Ander Their der Orientalischen Indien...Exploration & Surveys, Africa, India & East IndiesBry, Theodore de1598B+750.00
791[2 Volumes] Travels Through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, During the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797Exploration & Surveys, North AmericaWeld, Isaac1800B550.00
792The U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, During the Years 1849-'50-'51-'52 Volume I. Chile...Exploration & Surveys, ChileU.S. Government1855B+180.00
793[2 Folding Maps with Report] Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey, Made Under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior ... Volume IExploration & Surveys, Mexican BoundaryEmory, William Hemsley1857B+500.00
794[Sixteenth Annual Report of the U.S. Geological Survey, Part II]Exploration & Surveys, GeologyU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)1895B+200.00
795[8 Volumes] The Peerage of England; Containing a Genealogical and Historical Account of All the Peers of That Kingdom...History Books, England1779B+350.00
796The American Lawyer, and Business-Man's Form-Book; Containing Forms and Instructions...Miscellaneous BooksBeadle, D. W.1851A70.00
797The United States with an Excursion Into Mexico - Handbook for TravellersMiscellaneous BooksBaedeker, Karl1904B+43.00
798Sebastian Munster - Eine Bibliographie mit 22 AbbildungenReferences1964A35.00
799[Facsimile] The Mariners MirrourReferencesWaghenaer, Lucas Jansz1966B+100.00
800A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress...ReferencesPhillips, P. Lee1967B+42.00
801Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the English Bible 1525-1961References1968A32.00
802A Book of Old Maps Delineating American History from the Earliest Days Down to the Close of the Revolutionary WarReferencesFite & Freeman1969B+85.00
803[Facsimile - 2 Volumes] The Blathwayt Atlas - A Collection of Forty-Eight Manuscript and Printed Maps of the Seventeenth Century... [and] ... Volume II. CommentaryReferences1970-75B+400.00
804[Lot of 2] Joan Blaeu and His Grand Atlas [and] Mapping for Money - Maps, Plans and Topographic Paintings and Their Role in Dutch Overseas Expansion During the 16th and 17th CenturiesReferences1970-98110.00
805[Facsimile] Blaeu's Atlas van de Nederlanden...ReferencesBlaeu, Johannes1973B+unsold
806British Maps of Colonial AmericaReferencesCumming, William P.1974A36.00
807[2 Volumes] The Work of Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues - A Huguenot Artist in France Florida and EnglandReferences1977A100.00
808The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReferencesWilson, Adrian1978A+170.00
809The Hammond-Harwood House - Atlas of Historical Maps of Maryland, 1608-1908References1982A42.00
810Maps of Texas and the Southwest, 1513-1900References1984A40.00
811Ontario's History in MapsReferences1984A50.00
812The Mapping of the World - Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700ReferencesShirley, Rodney W.1984A500.00
813[Lot of 2] The Earliest Printed Maps 1472-1500 [and] Antique MapsReferences1987-93180.00
814The Mapping of the American SouthwestReferencesReinhartz/Colley1988A46.00
815The Mapping of North America - Three Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860ReferencesGoss, John1990A75.00
816Maps in Bibles 1500-1600 - An Illustrated CatalogueReferences1991A200.00
817Shedding the Veil - Mapping the European Discovery of America and the WorldReferencesSuarez, Thomas1992A85.00
818Romania Istorie in DocumenteReferences1992B+26.00
819Virginia Cartography - A Bibliographical DescriptionReferencesPhillips, P. Lee1995A60.00
820[Lot of 44] Mercator's World The Magazine of Maps, Atlases, Globes and ChartsReferences1996-2003B+275.00
821Changing Perceptions: Charting Alexandria, 1590-1999References1999A31.00
822Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil WarReferencesMcElfresh, Earl B.1999A33.00
823Early Mapping of Southeast AsiaReferencesSuarez, Thomas1999A120.00