Index of Lots for Auction 199

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Lot #TitleSubjectCreatorPeriodConditionSold For
1Globus TerrestrisWorldOrtelius/Vrients1601B+375.00
2Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldHondius/Bertius1616B+300.00
3Typus Orbis Terrarum Description de la Terre UniverselleWorldBoisseau, Jean1643B+unsold
4Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldVisscher, Nicolas1663B+900.00
5Totius Orbis Terrarum Tabula, Ejusque Post Diluvium Divisio Inter Filios NoachiWorldMoxon, Joseph1671A190.00
6GeographyWorldBlome, Richard1678B+325.00
7Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem EditaWorldStoopendaal, Bastiaan1682A1400.00
8[Untitled - World]World1688A300.00
9Den Aardkloot van Water Ontbloot, na Twee Zijden Aante FienWorldGoeree, Willem1700B+120.00
10Mappe-Monde Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Quelques Autres et sur les Memoires les Plus Recens...WorldDelisle, Guillaume1700B+unsold
11Iter S. Francisci Xaverii ex Europa in India, & IaponiamWorldScherer, Heinrich1701A950.00
12Typus Orbis TerrarumWorldCluver, Philipp1729A300.00
13A New and Correct Map of the World, Laid Down According to the Newest Discoveries, and from the Most Exact ObservationsWorldMoll, Herman1730B+1900.00
14[On 4 Sheets] Essay d'une Carte Reduite Contenant les Parties Connues du Globe Terrestre...WorldBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748B+475.00
15Carte Generale du Globe Terrestre Construite & Publiee par le Sr. Isaac Brouckner...WorldBrouckner/Remondini1761A425.00
16Mappamondo Overo Descrizione del Globo TerrestreWorldRemondini, Giuseppe Antonio1761B+unsold
17Il Mappamondo o sia Descrizione Generale del Globo Ridotto in QuadroWorldZatta, Antonio1774Aunsold
18Hemisphere Occidental [on sheet with] Hemisphere OrientalWorldAnon.1780B300.00
19[Lot of 2] Stereographic Map. Orthographic Map. On the Plane of the Equator [and] Stereographic Projection, on the Plane of the Horizon / Orthographic Projection, on the Plane of the MeridianWorldHarrison, John1783-84B+100.00
20L'Ancien Monde et le Nouveau en Deux HemispheresWorldBonne, Rigobert1785B+90.00
21A New and Complete Chart of the World; Displaying the Tracks of Captn. Cook, and Other Modern NavigatorsWorldBowen, Thomas1787A375.00
22[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern HemisphereWorldDower, John1835A31.00
23[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere [and] Eastern HemisphereWorldTallis, John1850B+200.00
24Illustrated New World with Portions of the Old on Mercator's ProjectionWorldPhelps & Watson1860B850.00
25Mappe-Monde Planispherique Physique et HydrographiqueWorldDufour, Auguste-Henri1860B+65.00
26Ou Peut Mener la Question de l'Alabama - Fantaisie Prusso-Americaine en Deux HemispheresWorldYves & Barrey1872B+400.00
27[Japanese Manga World Map - New Cartoon View of the World]World1924B+unsold
28[Lot of 2] Western Hemisphere - Map of Discovery [and] Eastern Hemisphere - Map of DiscoveryWorldNational Geographic Magazine1928A210.00
29Carriers of the New Black PlagueWorld1938A140.00
30Reg Manning's Table-Top Argu-Map of the WorldWorld, World War II1941A700.00
31Total War Battle Map World, World War IIDudley Chase, Ernest1942A180.00
32Le Tour du Monde en 120 Images Grand Concours du Chocolat MenierWorld1956Aunsold
33Le Petrole dans le MondeWorld, Oil1958A600.00
34Ptolemaisch General Tafel / Begreiffend die Halbe Kugel der WeldtAncient WorldMunster, Sebastian1550B+850.00
35Orbis Terrarum Veteribus Cogniti Typus GeographicusAncient WorldJansson, Jan1680B+180.00
36Orbis VetusAncient WorldBonne, Rigobert1781B+33.00
37Orbis Veteribus Noti Tabula Nova Auctore Guillelmo del' Isle...Eastern HemisphereCluver, Philipp1729Aunsold
38Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, Dienende tot Aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen naar Oostindie Volgens de Laatste OntdekkingenEastern HemisphereTirion, Isaac1753A220.00
39Mappe-Monde, sur le Plan de l'Equateur, Hemisphere SeptentrionalNorth PoleBonne, Rigobert1785B+70.00
40[Lot of 2] Northern Circumpolar Map for Each Month in the Year [and] Southern Circumpolar Map for Each Month in the YearCelestialBurritt, Elijah H.1832-35B75.00
41Atlas, Designed to Illustrate the Geography of the Heavens, Comprising the Following Maps or Plates...Celestial AtlasBurritt, Elijah H.1835B325.00
42The Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World, and a SatelliteMoon1885Aunsold
43Philippi Brietii S.J. Ventorum Tabula, Secundum Veterem & Novam Dispositionem et NomenclaturamCartographic Miscellany, Wind RoseCluver, Philipp1729B+50.00
44[Lot of 2] [Figure LXXI] Globe Terrestre [and] [Figure LXXIV] Globe Terrestre [on sheet with] Carte ou Planisphere General du MondeCartographic Miscellany, WorldMallet, Alain Manesson1683A100.00
45The Commonwealth of Nations - or the British EmpireCartographic Miscellany, World1937B+70.00
46Grand Circuit des CapitalesCartographic Miscellany, Europe & Asia1956A150.00
47De Bello Belgico Decas II Famiani Stradae Rom. Soc. Iesu.Cartographic Miscellany, Low Countries, Title PagesStrada, Famiamo, S.J.1648B+350.00
48Turkey Gobblers After Their RationsCartographic Miscellany, Ottoman EmpireDaily Graphic1875A150.00
49Cure Annuelle de la Russie par le Ministere du Docteur Schamyl. Dose de Cinquante Sangsues Caucasiennes Tous le AutomnesCartographic Miscellany, Russia & CaucasusDore, Gustave1854B+210.00
50[Secunda Africae Tabula / Quarta Africae Tabula / Prima Asiae Tabula / Prima Africae Tabula]Cartographic Miscellany, Northern Africa, Western TurkeyPtolemy/Sylvanus1511B+1500.00
51A Map of Mars Containing All Information So Far Obtained by Astronomers, Astronauts, & Other ObserversCartographic Miscellany, Mars1956A120.00
52[Lot of 7 - Vintage Educational Maps - Spinning Wheel Fact Maps & Folding Globes]Cartographic Miscellany, Educational Tools1931-42150.00
53The Ultimate PC [on verso] The Ultimate SpecsCartographic Miscellany, Technology1995A450.00
54Road Map to the World Wide Web - The World Wide Web Business and BeyondCartographic Miscellany, Internet1995Aunsold
55Novae Insulae XXVI Nova TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMunster, Sebastian1545A4500.00
56Americae sive Novi Orbis, Nova DescriptioWestern Hemisphere - AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1587B+3500.00
57Americae Nova TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBlaeu, Willem1634B+unsold
58Mappa Fluxus et Refluxus Rationes in Isthmo Americano, in Freto Magellanico, Caeterisque Americae Litoribus ExhibensWestern Hemisphere - AmericaKircher, Athanasius1665B+325.00
59Nouveau Continent avec Plusieurs Isles et MersWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMallet, Alain Manesson1684A120.00
60Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis TabulaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaDanckerts, Justus1696B750.00
61Amerika, of de Nieuwe Weerld Aller Eerst door C. Kolumbus Ondekt, en Bevaren, int Jaar 1492Western Hemisphere - AmericaAa, Pieter van der1707B+unsold
62AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaCluver, Philipp1729B+250.00
63Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex Singulis Recentium Geographorum Tabulis Collecta Luci Publicae AccommodavitWestern Hemisphere - AmericaHomann, Johann Baptist1730B+500.00
64Americae Mappa Generalis Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas Relationesque Recentissimas et Observationes...Western Hemisphere - AmericaHaas/Homann Heirs1746B275.00
65A New General Map of America. Drawn from Several Accurate Particular Maps and Charts, and Regulated by Astronomical ObservationsWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBowen, Emanuel1747B+210.00
66A Map of America, or the New World, Wherein Are Introduced All the Known Parts of the Western Hemisphere, from the Map of D'Anville...Western Hemisphere - AmericaFaden, William1797B+unsold
67AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaSchmidt, Johann Marias Friedrich1820A325.00
68Carte Geographique, Statistique et Historique de l'AmeriqueWestern Hemisphere - AmericaBuchon, Jean Alexandre1825B+33.00
69Il Nuovo Mondo Diviso Nelle sue Principali ContradeWestern Hemisphere - AmericaMarmocchi, Francesco1838B+180.00
70Map of AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaWyld, James1846B+125.00
71[Lot of 2] North America [and] South AmericaWestern Hemisphere - AmericaTallis, John1850B+150.00
72Pictorial Map of the American Continent Featuring the Pan American Highway and Showing Some of the Natural Resources, Scenic Wonders, and Points of InterestWestern Hemisphere - America1945B+100.00
73America BorealisNorth AmericaScherer, Heinrich1699A1600.00
74North America Drawn from the Best AuthoritiesNorth AmericaKitchin, Thomas1779B300.00
75A New Map of North America, from the Best AuthoritiesNorth AmericaLodge, John1781B+300.00
76A New & Accurate Map of North America; with the New Discovered Islands on the North East Coast of AsiaNorth AmericaBowen, Thomas1787A170.00
77[Lot of 2] A General Map of North America from the Best Authorities [and] North AmericaNorth America1794-180080.00
78Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth AmericaBlondeau, Alexandre1800A100.00
79L'America SettentrionaleNorth AmericaRossi, Luigi1821B+125.00
80Carte Generale de l'Amerique Septentrionale, et des Iles qui en DependentNorth AmericaBrue, Adrien Hubert1828B+170.00
81Carte de l'Amerique du NordNorth AmericaAndriveau-Goujon, J.1832B+140.00
82Tableau Historique et Geographique de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasDuval, Henri Louis Nicolas1836A120.00
83Amerique SeptentrionaleNorth America, TexasLevasseur, Victor1851B+100.00
84Map Illustrating the Extermination of the American BisonNorth AmericaSmithsonian Institute1889B+220.00
85Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Floridae, Novae Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae et Pensylvaniae, nec non Insularum Archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali Accurata TabulaColonial Eastern North America & West IndiesHomann, Johann Baptist1715B+1400.00
86Carte de la Californie et des Pays Nord-Ouest Separes de l'Asie par le Detroit d'AnianWestern North AmericaRobert de Vaugondy/Diderot1772Aunsold
87British AmericaCanadaTallis, John1850B+90.00
88Carte qui Represente les Differentes Connoissances que l'on a eues des Terres Arctiques Depuis 1650 Jusqu'en 1747 Ausquelles il Faut Comparer la Carte Suivante ce.Eastern Canada & GreenlandRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1773A50.00
89[Lot of 2] Canada West Formerly Upper Canada [and] Canada East Formerly Lower CanadaEastern CanadaThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850A75.00
90[Lot of 2] West Canada [and] East Canada, and New BrunswickEastern CanadaTallis, John1850110.00
91North America - Nova Scotia South East Coast Green Island to Cape CansoNova Scotia, CanadaBritish Admiralty1857B+unsold
92Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Province of Prince Edward Island...Prince Edward Island, Canada, Atlases1880B750.00
93The Province of Prince Edward IslandPrince Edward Island, Canada1934B70.00
94Recreational Attractions at a Glance of Scenic Historic New Brunswick Nature's Playground by the Sea Cool Pine Forests Sandy BeachesNew Brunswick, Canada1936A40.00
95The City of Quebec with Historical NotesQuebec City, Canada1932A+170.00
96The Isles of Montreal, as They Have Been Survey’d by the French EngineersMontreal, CanadaAnon.1761A325.00
97Mari e Arcipelaghi Polari Artici dalla Baia d'Hudson all' America RussaNorthern CanadaMarmocchi, Francesco1858Aunsold
98Amer. Sep. Grand Lac de l'Esclave. No. 15Western CanadaVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1827A14.00
99Guide Map Vancouver - New Westminster Burnaby and North Shore MunicipalitiesVancouver, Canada1935B+180.00
100Cram's Detailed Radio Map of the United States & CanadaUnited States & CanadaCram, George F. & Company1930B+130.00
101A New Map of the English Empire in America viz Virginia Maryland Carolina Pennsylvania New York New Iarsey New England Newfoundland New France &c.Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaSenex, John1719B+1800.00
102Nieuwe Kaart van de Grootbrittannische Volkplantingen in Noord America waar in Tevens de Fransche Bezittingen en de Landen...Colonial Eastern United States & CanadaTirion, Isaac1755A450.00
103A General Map of North America; from the Latest ObservationsColonial Eastern United States & CanadaLodge, John1778B+350.00
104Being the Whereabouts of Treasure of Colonial AmericaNortheastern United States & Canada1950B+170.00
105Norumbega et VirginiaColonial Northeastern United States & CanadaWytfliet, Cornelis1607A2000.00
106The Air Line - Fastest Motor Route Between New York and Boston - Connecting Routes to and from Washington - Pittsburgh - Cleveland - Montreal - QuebecNortheastern United States & Canada1927B+21.00
107A Plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimakinac, to Shew the Situation & Importance of the Two Westernmost Settlements of Canada for the Fur TradeColonial Great LakesAnon.1761A350.00
108Partie Occidentale du Canada, Contenant les Cinq Grands Lac, avec les Pays CriconvoisinsColonial Great LakesBonne, Rigobert1790B+180.00
109Map Showing the Location of the Northern Pacific RailroadNorthern United States & Canada1870B850.00
110[Lot of 2] Carte Particuliere de la Cote du Nord-Ouest de l'Amerique Reconnue par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe en 1786. 1e Feuille [and] ... 2e FeuilleNorthwestern United States & Canada, AlaskaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1797B150.00
111[Map in Report] Map of the Oregon Territory from the Best Authorities [in] Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky MountainsNorthwestern United States & CanadaWilkes, Charles1849B160.00
112The Triangle Tour of British Columbia - Jasper National Park Mount Robson Park Canadian Rockies and the Scenic Seas of the North Pacific Coast [on verso] Alaska and the YukonNorthwestern United States & CanadaRailroad Companies, (Various)1930A60.00
113[2 Volumes] Picturesque America; or, the Land We Live in…United States & CanadaBryant, William C.1872-74A475.00
114[2 Maps in Book] Map Illustrating the Indian Territory and Plan of the Defences of the Western Frontier [and] Outline Map of Indian Localities in 1833 [in] The Spirit of Missions...United States1842-43550.00
115Map of the Country Between the Atlantic & Pacific OceansUnited StatesMills, Robert1848B+90.00
116Monk's New American Map Exhibiting the Larger Portion of North America; Embracing the United States and Territories, Mexico and Central America, Including the West India Islands, Canadas, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia...United StatesMonk, Jacob1856B+1100.00
117Map of the Public Land States and Territories Constructed from the Public Surveys and Other Official Sources in the General Land OfficeUnited StatesGeneral Land Office1865B120.00
118Military Map of the United StatesUnited StatesU.S. War Department1869B1500.00
119Rand, McNally & Co.'s New Official Railroad Map of the United States Canada and MexicoUnited StatesRand McNally & Co.1886B140.00
120A Correct Map of the United States Showing the Union Pacific the Overland Route and ConnectionsUnited StatesKnight, Leonard & Company1892B+950.00
121Bootlegger's Map of the United StatesUnited States1926A850.00
122Illustrated Map of the Route of Transcontinental Air Transport, Inc. United States, AviationRand McNally & Co.1929A800.00
123The Peopling of the U.S.A. Migration to the New World [on sheet with] The Frontier Moves West United States1945A250.00
124Land of Lore and Legend - William Gropper's Folklore Map of AmericaUnited States1946A+unsold
125Sportsmen's Fishing Map of the United States and Neighboring WatersUnited States1957A190.00
126[Map with Pamphlet] A Nation of ImmigrantsUnited States1962A400.00
127Partie des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleEastern United States1799B140.00
128Carte des Provinces Septles. des Etats-UnisEastern United StatesRochefoucald Liancourt, Francois Alexander1807A150.00
129A New and Embellished Map of the United States. Compiled from the Latest & Most Authentic DocumentsEastern United States1845B1800.00
130United StatesEastern United StatesTallis, John1850A150.00
131Mitchell's New Traveller's Guide Through the United States, Showing Rail Roads, Canals, Stage Roads &c...Eastern United StatesDesilver, Charles1855Bunsold
132Distance Maps. Map of the Atlantic States Showing 50 Mile Distances from Washington...Eastern United States, Civil WarPrang, Louis1861Bunsold
133Phelps & Watson's Historical and Military Map of the Border & Southern StatesEastern United States, Civil WarPhelps & Watson1865B350.00
134The Picture Map of the Civil War Showing Nearly 100 Places, Events and Campaigns of Decisive Importance in the Nation's Epic Struggle 1861-1865Eastern United States, Civil War1956B+100.00
135Nova Belgica et Anglia NovaColonial New England & Mid-Atlantic United StatesBlaeu, (Family)1663A1800.00
136A New and Accurate Map of the Present Seat of War in North America, from a Late SurveyColonial New England United StatesAnon.1775A400.00
137A Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, with Long Island Sound, &c.Colonial New England United StatesAnon.1776A100.00
138Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Comprenant les Etats de Massachusets Bay, N. Hamp Shire, Connecticut et Rhode Island... Colonial New England United StatesBrion de la Tour, Louis1782Aunsold
139G. Woolworth Colton's Railroad, Township & Distance Map of New England with Adjacent Portions of New York, Canada & New BrunswickNew England United StatesColton, George Woolworth1864B+160.00
140Il Maryland, il Jersey Meridionale, la Delaware, e la Parte Orientale della Virginia, e Carolina SettentrionaleColonial Mid-Atlantic & Southeastern United StatesZatta, Antonio1780A220.00
141Nova Virginiae TabulaColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesHondius, Henricus1630A1700.00
142An Exact Map of New Jersey, Pensylvania, New York, Maryland & Virginia, from the Latest SurveysColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesLodge, John1777B+225.00
143Carte de la Virginie, de la Baye Chesapeack, et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Mid-Atlantic United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1780A+240.00
144Carte de la Pensylvanie et du Nouveau JerseyColonial Mid-Atlantic United States1782B+unsold
145Map of the Middle States, of America. Comprehends New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Territory N:W: of OhioMid-Atlantic United StatesRussell, John C.1794B+165.00
146Johnson's Pennsylvania Virginia Delaware and MarylandMid-Atlantic United StatesJohnson & Browning1862B+49.00
147Magnus' Historical War Map. One Hundred & Fifty Miles Around RichmondMid-Atlantic United States, Civil WarMagnus, Charles1864B+650.00
148Through the Mountains to the Sea via the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad - Bird's-Eye-View Map of the Middle and North Atlantic Coast - The Ideal Summer Vacation TerritoryMid-Atlantic United StatesPoole Bros.1928A300.00
149Colton's Delaware and MarylandDelaware & MarylandColton, G.W. & C.B.1877B27.00
150Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis, Interjacentiumq Regionum Nova DescriptioColonial Southeastern United StatesJansson, Jan1653B+unsold
151A New Description of CarolinaColonial Southeastern United StatesSpeed/Lamb1676Bunsold
152Pas Kaart van de Kust van Carolina Tusschen C de Canaveral en C HenryColonial Southeastern United StatesKeulen, Johannes van1702B+unsold
153Carte General de la Caroline. Dresse sur les Memoires le Plus Nouveaux par le Sieua S...Colonial Southeastern United StatesCovens & Mortier1730A2000.00
154Carte de la Caroline et Georgie. Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Southeastern United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757A130.00
155Carte de la Partie Sud des Etats Unis de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleColonial Southeastern United StatesBonne, Rigobert1783B+90.00
156Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws...Southeastern United StatesBartram, William1791Bunsold
157The Coast of the United States Sheet No. 2 from Cape Lookout to Cape Carnaveral from the U.S. Coast SurveysSoutheastern United StatesBlunt, Edmund1865B+300.00
158Map of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, Embracing Portions of Virginia and North Carolina, with Their Strategic Points and Railway ConnectionsVirginia & North Carolina, Civil WarColton, George Woolworth1862B+90.00
159Goodrich Road Map of Alabama and GeorgiaGeorgia & Alabama1920B29.00
160Carte de la Louisiane et Pays Voisins pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesColonial Southern & Central United StatesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1757B+150.00
161New Map of GeorgiaColonial Southern United StatesBernard, Jean Frederic1737B+1000.00
162Rail Road Map of the Southern States Shewing the Southern & Southwestern Railway Connections with Philadelphia Southern United States, Civil WarDuval, P.S. & Son1862B500.00
163J.H. Colton's Map of the Southern States. Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas...Southern United States, Civil WarColton, Joseph Hutchins1864Bunsold
164The Mobile and Ohio River Rail Road Grant in the States of Mississippi and AlabamaAlabama & MississippiU.S. Government1852B+90.00
165Map, No. 3, Showing Continuation of Details of Fort Smith and Santa Fe Route, from Mounds Near the 100 1/2 Degree of W. Longitude to Tucumcari CreekOklahoma & Texas, Canadian RiverSimpson, James H. (Lt. Col.)1849B+60.00
166Les Etats Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Partie OccidentaleCentral United StatesBonne, Rigobert1787A160.00
167[Lot of 3] Kentucky [and] Ohio [and] IndianaKentucky, Ohio & IndianaBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1838A160.00
168Map of an Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842 and to Oregon & North California in the Years 1843-44Western United StatesFremont/Preuss1845B350.00
169Map of Oregon and Upper California from the Surveys of John Charles Fremont and Other AuthoritiesWestern United StatesFremont/Preuss1848B350.00
170[Map in Book] Map Showing Indian Reservations in the United States West of the 84th Meridian and Number of Indians Belonging Thereto 1880 [in] Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs...Western United StatesU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1880A210.00
171Correct Map of the "Burlington Route" B. & M. R. R. R. in Neb. and Connecting LinesWestern United StatesRailroad Companies, (Various)1888A90.00
172Western Air Express - Travel by Air Speed - Comfort - DependabilityWestern United States, AviationWhite, Ruth Taylor1929A190.00
173Map of Nevada and CaliforniaCalifornia & NevadaWarner, Higgins & Beers1871B+90.00
174Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States Middle Sheet from San Francisco to Umpquah River...Northern California & Southern Oregon CoastlineU.S. Coast Survey1854B49.00
175Map of Washington and Oregon [on sheet with] Territory of AlaskaNorthwestern United StatesWarner, Higgins & Beers1871B+120.00
176Military Reconnaissance of the Arkansas Rio del Norte and Rio GilaSouthwestern United StatesEmory, William Hemsley1847B220.00
177Territories of New Mexico and UtahSouthwestern United StatesColton, Joseph Hutchins1855A230.00
178Map Showing the Different Routes Travelled Over by the Detachments of the Overland Command in the Spring of 1855 from Salt Lake City, Utah to the Bay of San FranciscoSouthwestern United StatesU.S. Army1856B60.00
179This Map of America's Sunshine Area Can Indicate Only a Few of the Numberless Scenic and Historic Attractions Contributing to the Magnificence...Southwestern United States1947A100.00
180Map No. 2 From the Pimas Villages to Fort Fillmore from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War...Arizona & New MexicoParke, John G. (Lt.)1854-55Bunsold
181Arizona Land of the SunArizona1948A140.00
182Map of the United States as Arizonans See ItArizona, United States1948A+160.00
183[4 Early Views of California Bound in] Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean ... Volume VCaliforniaKoppel, Charles1856B1500.00
184A Hysterical Map of California Scenery That Defies Description and It's Right Pretty TooCalifornia1948A100.00
185Map of the United States as Californians See ItCalifornia, United States1947A170.00
186Donner "US 40" Chamber of Commerce Presents a "Fun Map" of Highway 40 and the Donner Trail - Fun Map Along Famous Donner US 40Donner Pass, California1955B+120.00
187Alameda County CaliforniaBay Area, California1914B+160.00
188Claremont Heights Subdivision No. 1 Choice Berkeley Villa SitesBerkeley, California1910B+100.00
189A Cartograph of California's Picturesque Peninsula Where All the Charm and Beauty of California Is Found in: San Mateo CountySan Mateo, CaliforniaWhite, Ruth Taylor1940A+160.00
190Sketch of General Riley's Route Through the Mining Districts July and Aug. 1849…Central CaliforniaDerby, George Horatio (Lt)1849B+150.00
191The Latest City Map of Los Angeles Compliments Bekins Fireproof Storage [in] Wood's Red GuideLos Angeles, California1924B+100.00
192Sightseeing Map of Los Angeles and HollywoodLos Angeles, California1942A42.00
193[Untitled Map of Curfew Area with Report] Violence in the City -- An End or a Beginning? - A Report by the Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles RiotsLos Angeles, CaliforniaState of California1965A100.00
194Terra Firma et HollywoodHollywood, California1930A+140.00
195A Slightly Cockeyed Map of That Slightly Cockeyed Community Hollywood Executed by That Slightly Cockeyed TopographerHollywood, California1935A100.00
196A Map of HollywoodHollywood, California1935A+180.00
197A Sky View of Pasadena's Busy Business Center - Hang This Up for Future Reference Pasadena, California1921C+210.00
198Paved State and County Highways in Orange County, CaliforniaOrange County, CaliforniaDavis, George H.1916B+100.00
199Walt Disney's DisneylandAnaheim, California1984A120.00
200Colorful Colorado Offers to All America Healthful Climate - Varied Resources - Superb Scenery and RecreationColorado1942A350.00
201A Map of Grind Stone Hill Farm Being the Estate of John Held Jr. Parrish of Kettle Creek Township of Weston County of Fairfield State of Connecticut...Weston, Connecticut1929B+130.00
202Map of the City of Washington Established as the Permanent Seat of the Government of the United States of AmericaWashington, D.C.Bohn, Carl Ernst1864B220.00
203FloridaFloridaFinley, Anthony1831B+1100.00
204Map of the State of FloridaFloridaHinton, Simpkin & Marshall1832A160.00
205Florida. Nach den Besten Quellen BearbeitetFloridaMeyer, Joseph1850A180.00
206A New Map of FloridaFloridaDesilver, Charles1856B+120.00
207[Lot of 2] Florida Resorts Atlantic Coast Line - The Standard Railroad of the South [and] Florida Resorts - Atlantic Coast Line RailroadFloridaPoole Bros.1936-40A375.00
208[Lot of 2] Tampa... Florida's Distributing Center [on verso] Tampa - The Vacation Capital of South Florida [and] Map of the City of Tampa Florida and VicinityTampa, Florida1933-3470.00
209Scen-o-Tour Miami and Miami BeachMiami, Florida1955A180.00
210[The Solemn Ritual of Offering a Deerskin to the Sun] Was sie fur Ceremonien Halten wann sie der Sonnen Jarlich eine Hirschhaut OpffernFlorida, NativesBry, Theodore de1591B+unsold
211[The French Discover Six Other Rivers] Wie die Franzosen Sechtz Andere Wasser Angetroffen HabenColonial Florida, Eastern GeorgiaLe Moyne/De Bry1603B+130.00
212A Chart of the Entrance into St. Mary's River Taken by Captn. W. Fuller in November 1769 [on sheet with] Plan of Amelia Island in East Florida [and] A Chart of the Mouth of Nassau River... Amelia Island, FloridaJefferys, Thomas1770Bunsold
213Coast Chart No. 57 From Sapelo Island Georgia to Amelia Island FloridaSoutheastern Georgia & Northeastern FloridaU.S. Coast Survey1877Bunsold
214Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of GeorgiaGeorgiaCarey & Lea1822B+300.00
216[5 Civil War Maps of Northern Georgia] American Civil War Army Maps 1863-5Northern Georgia, Civil WarU.S. Corps of Engineers1874-77A550.00
217Preliminary Chart of Savannah River Georgia from a Trigonometrical Survey...Savannah, GeorgiaU.S. Coast Survey1855B+unsold
218Soldier's Map of Atlanta for Men and Women of the Armed ForcesAtlanta, Georgia1943B+75.00
219Carte des Isles SandwichHawaiiBonne, Rigobert1787B+350.00
220Map of the Territory of Hawaii Compiled from Data on File in the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey...HawaiiGeneral Land Office1914A120.00
221The Hawaiian IslandsHawaii1935A180.00
222The Dole Map of the Hawaiian IslandsHawaii1950A220.00
223Panoramic Perspective of the Area Adjacent to Sun Valley Idaho Served Exclusively by Union Pacific RailroadSun Valley, IdahoRailroad Companies, (Various)1930A300.00
224Bird's-Eye View of Chicago as It Was Before the Great FireChicago, Illinois1871B150.00
225Planevue Map of Downtown ChicagoChicago, Illinois1947A90.00
226IndianaIndianaFinley, Anthony1824B+150.00
227The Tourist's Pocket Map of the State of Indiana Exhibiting Its Internal Improvements Roads Distances &c.IndianaMitchell/Young1837Bunsold
228A New Map of Indiana with Its Roads & DistancesIndianaTanner, Henry Schenck1841B+37.00
229[Map of Indiana]Indiana1885B120.00
230KentuckyKentuckyBradford, Thomas Gamaliel1835Aunsold
231A New Map of Kentucky with Its Roads & Distances from Place to Place Along the Stage & Steam Boat RoutesKentuckyMitchell, Samuel Augustus1846B+90.00
232An Historical Map of the City of Louisville Situated at the Falls of the Ohio in the County of Jefferson in the Commonwealth of KentuckyLouisville, Kentucky1934B+250.00
233Carte des Embouchures du Mississipi sur les Manuscrits du Depot des Cartes et Plans de la MarineColonial Louisiana, Mississippi RiverBellin, Jacques Nicolas1744A150.00
234[4 Maps with Report] Nantucket Harbor [and] Edgartown Harbor [and] The Harbor of Holmes' Hole [on sheet with] The Harbor of Tarpaulin Cove [and] Preliminary Sketch Showing the Positions of Davis's South Shoal and Other Dangers...Eastern MassachusettsU.S. War Department1853B+350.00
235The Map of Old Cape Cod - The Land of Bold Explorers Heroic Pilgrims Hardy Seamen Great Fisheries and Famous ShipsCape Cod, Massachusetts1930A350.00
236Bird's Eye View of the City of BostonBoston, Massachusetts1856A130.00
237Bird's Eye View of Boston Harbor and South Shore to Provincetown Showing Steamboat RoutesBoston, Massachusetts1905A75.00
238A New Map of Michigan with Its Canals, Roads & DistancesMichiganThomas, Cowperthwait & Co.1850B+425.00
240Montana - Frontier Pioneer - A One Page History Dedicated to the Old TimersMontana1937A1000.00
241Perspective Map of the City of Helena, Mont. Capital of State, County Seat of Lewis & Clarke Co.Helena, MontanaAmerican Publishing Company1890A600.00
242Panorama of Omaha. From the Residence of Augustus Kountze, Esq.Omaha, NebraskaLeitch, J. & Co.1875B+120.00
243Map No. 3 From the Humboldt Mountains to the Mud Lakes, from Explorations and Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Hon. Jefferson Davis Secretary of WarNevadaBeckwith, E. G., Capt.1855B+41.00
244The State of New Jersey, Compiled from the Most Accurate SurveysNew JerseyReid, John1796B+170.00
245New Jersey Reduced from T. Gordon's MapNew JerseyGordon, Thomas F.1834B+85.00
246Territory of New Mexico Compiled from the Official Records of the General Land Office and Other SourcesNew MexicoGeneral Land Office1907A+250.00
247The Hudson by Daylight Map from New York Bay to the Head of Tide Water...New YorkLink, W. F.1878B+210.00
248[Lot of 2] Middle Part of Long Island Sound from a Trigonometrical Survey... [and] Eastern Part of Long Island Sound…Long Island Sound, New YorkU.S. Coast Survey1855B150.00
249Long Island Sound (Western Sheet) from a Trigonometrical Survey...Long Island Sound, New YorkU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1889Bunsold
250The New York and Brooklyn Suspension Bridge, from the Brooklyn Side...New York City, New YorkHarper's Weekly1883A130.00
251[On 4 Sheets] Map of Upper New York City and Adjacent Country. Showing the City Above 125th Street. The City of Yonkers and Townships of East Chester...New York City, New York1889B+unsold
252Coast Chart No. 120 New York Bay and Harbor New YorkNew York City, New YorkU.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey1903B110.00
253For Your Pleasure and Guidance Mr. John Dirk We Present ye Mappe and Events of New Yorke and EnvironsNew York City, New York1936A130.00
254The City of New YorkNew York City, New YorkHarrison, Richard Edes1939A90.00
255North CarolinaNorth CarolinaCarey, Mathew1814B+120.00
256Preliminary Chart of Lower Part of Cape Fear River North Carolina from a Trigonometrical Survey...Cape Fear, North CarolinaU.S. Coast Survey1855B+unsold
257[6 Maps in Report] Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1899. Indian Affairs. Part IIOklahomaU.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs1899A250.00
258Map of Oklahoma Territory. From the Corrected Map of the General Land Office of 1898 and from Data on File in the Executive Office of the Territory...OklahomaGeneral Land Office1901A85.00
259J. K. Gill & Cos. Map of Oregon Portland Ogn. 1889OregonGill, J. K.1889C+200.00
260America's Greatest Scenic Asset - The Columbia River Highway - Portland, OregonEastern Oregon, Portland1923B+180.00
261PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaGreenleaf, Jeremiah1840B+36.00
262Pictorial Map of PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaEnsign, Bridgman & Fanning1855B+600.00
263Map of the Oil Region of PennsylvaniaNorthwestern Pennsylvania, Oil1865B400.00
264Reconnaissance of Port Royal Entrance and Beaufort Harbor South CarolinaBeaufort, South CarolinaU.S. Coast Survey1855B5.00
265Beaufort Harbor and Coast Line Between Charleston S.C. and Savanna Ga. with 5 Mile Distance Lines in Circles, Round Beaufort, and R.R. Connections, Roads, &c. &c.Beaufort, South CarolinaPrang, Louis1861B500.00
266Rand, McNally & Co.'s Sectional Map of South DakotaSouth DakotaRand McNally & Co.1902B+450.00
267Map of the Field of Shiloh Near Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn. Shewing the Positions of the U.S. Forces, Under the Command of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant, U.S. Vol...Southern Tennessee, Civil WarMatz, Otto H.1866B+180.00
268Map of the Battlefield of Chattanooga Prepared to Accompany Report of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant...Chattanooga, Tennessee, Civil WarU.S. War Department1875A220.00
269Tunison's Texas and Indian Territory Texas & OklahomaTunison, H. C.1889A170.00
270New Map of the State of Texas Compiled from J. De Cordova's Large MapTexasColton, Joseph Hutchins1855B+190.00
271Map of TexasTexasWarner, Higgins & Beers1871B+120.00
272Official Texas Brags Map of North AmericaTexas, North America1948A275.00
273[Untitled - Oil Map of North Texas]Northern Texas, Dallas1925B+70.00
274Dallas, TexasDallas, Texas1942B+90.00
275Amer. Sep. Partie du Mexique. No. 47UtahVandermaelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume1825-27B140.00
276Friendly Utah - A Scenic and Historical MapUtah1945A80.00
277The State of Virginia from the Best AuthoritiesVirginiaLewis, Samuel1794B400.00
278[Untitled - Plat Map of Portsmouth, Virginia]Portsmouth, Virginia1875Bunsold
279[Grands Voyages, Part I] Admiranda Narratio Fida Tamen, de Commodis et Incolarum Ritibus Virginiae, Nuper Admodum ab Anglis...Virginia, Native AmericansBry, Theodore de16083000.00
280Ples. de VirginieVirginia, Native AmericansMallet, Alain Manesson1684A80.00
281The Famous Hysterical Map of Yellowstone Park Including a Few Minor? ChangesYellowstone, Wyoming1936B+110.00
282[Untitled - United States and Mexico]United States, Mexico & Central AmericaU.S. Government1851B200.00
283Central America Including Mexico, Texas and CaliforniaUnited States, Mexico & Central AmericaPhilip, George1853A140.00
284[Lot of 2] L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane, Partie Occidentale [and] ... Partie OrientaleSouthern United States, Mexico & Central AmericaBonne, Rigobert1787B230.00
285Mexico, California and TexasSouthern United States & MexicoTallis, John1850A180.00
286Passage by Land to California Discover'd by Father Eusebius Francis Kino a Jesuit; Between the Years 1698, & 1701: Containing Likewise the New Missions of the JesuitsSouthwestern United States & MexicoKino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ1762A600.00
287A Map of Exploration in the Spanish Southwest 1528-1793Southwestern United States & MexicoAutomobile Club of Southern California1932A180.00
288Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvlle Gallice, Iucatan &c. et Autres Provinces Jusques a l'Isthme de Panama...Mexico & Central AmericaSanson/Mariette1656B+unsold
289Iucatana Regio et FonduraSouthern Mexico & Central AmericaWytfliet, Cornelis1597A500.00
290Hispaniae Novae Sivae Magnae, Recens et Vera DescriptioWestern MexicoOrtelius, Abraham1579B+unsold
291Description, Situation & Vue de la Ville de Mexique des Deux Lacs sur Lesquels Elle est Batie, du Grand Temple de Cette Ville, des Sacrifices d'Hommes qu'on y Faisoit, de l'Idole des Mexicains...Central Mexico & Mexico CityChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+50.00
292Carte de la Baye de CampecheSoutheastern MexicoDampier, William (Capt.)1715B+110.00
293Seno Mejicano. Hoja I. Parte Merdional con la Sonda de Campeche y Canal de Yucatan, Segun los Trabajos Mas Modernos Nacionales y EstranjerosSoutheastern MexicoDireccion de Hidrografia1874Aunsold
294Der Statt Mexico Sonsten Themistitan Genannt...Mexico City, MexicoMunster, Sebastian1628B+80.00
295St. Francisco de CampecheSan Francisco de Campeche, MexicoMontanus, Arnoldus1671B+120.00
296AcapulcoAcapulco, MexicoVan der Schley, Jacob1762A100.00
297The Copy of a Antient Picture Kept by D. Carlos Siguenza in Which Is Drawn & Describ'd the Road the Antient Mexicans Travell'd When They Came from the Mountains to Inhabit the Lake...Mexico, NativesGemelli Careri, John Frances1745A500.00
298Part of the Provinces of Costa-Rica and Nicaragua with the LagunasNicaragua & Costa RicaJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1794B+unsold
299Carte du Lac de Nicaragua et de la Riviere St. Juan sur Laquelle on a Marque les Deux Passages Proposes pour Faire Communiquer l'Ocean a la Mer du SudNicaragua1791B+unsold
300The Panama Canal as Seen by Charles H. Owens of the Los Angeles Times Art Staff from a Special Military AirplanePanama Canal1925B+400.00
301[Lot of 2] A Plan of Portobelo Harbour. Taken in the King's Ship Nautilus in the Year 1767... [and] Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo. En 1736Portobelo, Panama1772-8875.00
302Culiacanae, Americae Regionis, Descriptio [on sheet with] Hispaniolae, Cubae, Aliarumque Insularum Circumiacientium, DelineatioGulf of Mexico & CaribbeanOrtelius, Abraham1579B+350.00
303Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les Costes de la Floride Faisant Partie de l'Amerique SeptentrionaleGulf of Mexico & CubaFer, Nicolas de1705B+130.00
304[A New and Correct Map of North America, with the West India Islands. Divided According to the Last Treaty of Peace... Southern Sheets]Gulf of Mexico & CaribbeanBowen, Emanuel1763B400.00
305De Novis Insulis, Quomodo, Quando, & per quem Illae Inventae SintCaribbeanMunster, Sebastian1554A150.00
306Isles CaribesCaribbeanMallet, Alain Manesson1684B+75.00
307[Grands Voyages, Part IV] Americae Pars Quarta sive, Insignis & Admiranda Historia de Reperta Primum Occidentali India a Christophoro Columbo...Caribbean & Central America, NativesBry, Theodore de1594B+1000.00
308Cuba en Iamaica, soo als die door Kolumbus Ontdekt, en by de Kastilianen Bevolkt Syn.Cuba & JamaicaAa, Pieter van der1707A200.00
309Mapa Historico Pintoresco Moderno de la Isla de CubaCubaMay, Bernardo1853Bunsold
310Carta Esferica de una Parte de la Costa Setentrional y Meridional de la Ysla de Cuba Desde Nuevitas Hasta el Rio Camarioca...Central CubaDireccion de Hidrografia1836B300.00
311Carte de l'Isle de la JamaiqueJamaicaBonne, Rigobert1780B+unsold
312Isles de Saint Domingue ou Hispaniola, et de la MartiniqueHispaniola & MartiniqueRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750A90.00
313Plan de la Ville du Cap, a la Cote Septentrionale de Saint Domingue [on sheet with] Vue du Cap FrancoisCap Haitien, HaitiCharlevoix, P. F. Xavier de1730Aunsold
314Isla de Puerto RicoPuerto RicoCoello y Quesada, Francisco1851B+unsold
315De Hoofdstad en Haven, van 't Eiland Porto Rico, in de WestindienSan Juan, Puerto RicoTirion, Isaac1769A110.00
316Carte Reduite pour la Navigation de Cayenne a la Martinique Dressee au Depost des Cartes Plans et Journaux de la Marine...Lesser Antilles & Northern South AmericaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+120.00
317[Lot of 2] [Untitled - Flora & Fauna in St. Martin] [and] [Untitled - St. Bartholomew]St. Martin & St. BartsMontanus/Ogilby1671Aunsold
318Karte von der Insel St. Christoph zur Allgemeinen Historie der ReisenSt. KittsBellin, Jacques Nicolas1759B+50.00
319Particularitez Curieuses de l'Ile de St. Christophle et de la Province de Bemarin dans les AntillesSt. KittsChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+unsold
320Partie Occidentale de l'Isle de la Guadeloupe, Appellee la Basse TerreGuadeloupeBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764B+90.00
321St. Lucia; Done from Surveys and Observations Made by the English Whilst in Their PossessionSt. LuciaJefferys/Laurie & Whittle1794B+275.00
322La Grenade Divisee par Quartiers, avec Ses Ports et Mouillages d'Apres Celle Levee par Ordre du Gouverneur ScottGrenadaLattre, Jean1779B+180.00
323West India Islands - Grenada [on sheet with] Tobago [and] Curacao [and] TrinidadGrenada, Tobago, Curacao & TrinidadThomson, John1821Aunsold
324[On 3 Sheets] Amerique Meridionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Premier Prince du SangSouth AmericaAnville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'1748B+300.00
325[Lot of 2] Carta Rappresentante l'America Meridionale [and] Amerique Meridionale Divisee en ses Principaux Etats avec Privilege du RoiSouth America1763-8370.00
326South America, Drawn from the Latest and Best AuthoritiesSouth AmericaKitchin, Thomas1780B+70.00
327Royaume des AmazonesNorthern South America, Amazon RiverMallet, Alain Manesson1684A40.00
328A Chart of the Coasts of Peru, Quito, Popayan and the Isthmus of DarienNorthwestern South AmericaMoll, Herman1717B+75.00
329Plan de la Ville et Cite de St. Francois de Quito...Quito, EcuadorBellin, Jacques Nicolas1754A60.00
330CarthageneCartagena, ColombiaMallet, Alain Manesson1684A60.00
331Plan de la Baye de Zisapata a la Coste de Terre FermeCispata Bay, ColombiaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A11.00
332Guiana, Verdeelt in Guiana en CaribanaGuyana, Suriname, French GuianaSanson, Nicolas1705B+unsold
333F. LouysCayenne, French GuianaMallet, Alain Manesson1684Aunsold
334Veroveringe van Rio Grande in Brasil. Anno 1633Northern BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690A150.00
335Afbeeldinghe van Pariba ende FortenParaiba, Brazilde Laet, Joannes1644B170.00
336Afbeeldinge vande Cabo St. Augustin met haer FortenCabo Santo Agostinho, BrazilLeti, Gregorio1690Aunsold
337St. SalvadorSalvador, BrazilMallet, Alain Manesson1684Aunsold
338Kusten-Karte von Rio de Janeiro bis Jlha GrandeSouthern Brazil, Rio de JanieroGeographisches Institut1818B+100.00
339Animals of Maragnan, an Island on the Coast of Brazil, in South AmericaBrazil, AnimalsMillar, George H.1782B+23.00
340Carte de la Riviere de la PlataRio de la PlataBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A75.00
3423e. Feuille Suite de la Province de Quito au PerouNorthwestern PeruBellin, Jacques Nicolas1764A22.00
343CuscoCusco, PeruLasor a Varea, Alphonsus1713B+55.00
344Chili Provincia AmplissimaChileWytfliet, Cornelis1597B+350.00
345ChiliChileBlaeu, Willem1635A200.00
346[Lot of 2] Grundriss von der Conceptions-Bay oder Empfaengniss-Bay... / Plan de la Baye de la Conception aux Cotes de la Mer du Sud... [and] Grundriss von der Einfahrt in den Meerbusen von Chiloe... / Plan de l'Entree du Golfe de Chiloe...ChileUlloa, Antonio de1744B+180.00
347Ples. du ChiliChile, Native AmericansMallet, Alain Manesson1684Aunsold
348[Untitled - Coast of Peru and Chili]Peru & ChiliSenex, John1716B+80.00
349Suite du Perou Audience de Charcas. Pour Servir a l'Histoire des Etablissemens EuropeensPeru & ChiliBellin, Jacques Nicolas1771A+26.00
350Falkland Islands and PatagoniaSouthern South AmericaTallis, John1850A85.00
351A View of Part of the N.E. Side of Terra del Fuego and the Entrance of Streights Le MaireTierra del Fuego & Le Maire StraitAnson, George1748B+46.00
352Carte du Detroit de Le Maire, Dressee sur les Journaux des NavigateursLe Maire StraitBellin, Jacques Nicolas1753 Aunsold
353Kaart van de Ontdekkingen Gedaan in den Zuider Atlantischen Oceaan. Met's Konings Schip de Resolutie Onder Bevel van Kapitein Cook. In 1775South AtlanticCook, James (Capt.)1797A90.00
354TerceraTerceira, AzoresOrtelius/Coignet1609B+60.00
355Mappa Aestivarum Insularum, Alias Barmudas Dictarum, ad Ostia Mexicani Aestuary...BermudaMontanus, Arnoldus1671B500.00
356A New & Accurate Map of Bermudas or Sommer's Islands, Taken from an Actual Survey... [on sheet with] An Accurate Map of the Island of St. Christopher, Vulgarly Called St. Kits...Bermuda & St. KittsBowen, Emanuel1750A275.00
357The Sommer Islands - A Map of the Bermuda Islands - Ya des Demonios Isles of the DevilsBermudaShurtleff/McMillin1930B+600.00
358Mar del NortNorth AtlanticJansson, Jan1650B+unsold
359Terra Nova, ac Maris Tractus Circa Novam Franciam, Angliam, Belgium, Venezuelam Novam Andalusiam, Guianam, et Brasiliam / Terra Neuf, en de Custen van Nieu Vranckyck, Nieu Engeland, Nieu Nederland, Nieu Andalusia, Guiana en VenezuelaNorth AtlanticWit, Frederick de1695A1000.00
360Carta General del Oceano Atlantico SeptentrionalNorth AtlanticDireccion de Hidrografia1872B+unsold
361IslandiaIcelandOrtelius, Abraham1585A10500.00
362Septentrionalium Partium Nova TabulaArctic & ScandinaviaRuscelli, Girolamo1564A+750.00
363Europa Recens DescriptaEuropeBlaeu, Willem1635B+1500.00
364L'Europe Dressee sur les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Quelques Autres; & sur les Memoires les Plus RecensEuropeDelisle, Guillaume1700A200.00
365Europa Secundum Legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae Regulas et Juxta Recentissimas Observationes Aeque ac Relationes...EuropeHaas/Homann Heirs1743B+unsold
366L'EuropeEuropeBonne, Rigobert1780B+65.00
367Europa Volgens de Nieuwste VerdeelingEuropeBohn, Francois1794A200.00
368A Haborus Europa Terkep-Karikaturaja. 1914Europe, World War I1915B+450.00
369Deze Landkaart Wordt u Aangeboden door de Goede Chocolade Cote d'OrEurope1951A130.00
370[Lot of 2 - Satirical Map of Europe with Article] "Maps with a Moral"Europe, War1952B+200.00
371De Insulis Britannicis, Albione, quae est Anglia & Hibernia...BritainMunster, Sebastian1554A120.00
372Angliae, Scotiae, et Hiberniae, sive Britannicar: Insularum DescriptioBritainOrtelius, Abraham1579B+350.00
373Engellandt / mit dem Anstossenden Reich Schottlandt / so Vorzeiten Albion und Britannia Haben GeheissenBritainMunster/Petri1592B+unsold
374Anglia, Scotia et HiberniaBritainMercator, Gerard1613A375.00
375Britannia Prout Divisa Suit Temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, Praesertim Durante Illorum HeptarchiaBritainBlaeu, Johannes1646B+850.00
376A Map of Gt. Britain Showing Divers Sports and Pastimes Therein PractisedBritain1930B+230.00
377England and Scotland - Coast Northward of Flamborough HeadNortheastern England & ScotlandImray, James1878B150.00
378Westmoria Comitatus; Anglice WestmorlandNorthern EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1645A210.00
379Herefordia Comitatus Vernacule Hereford ShireWestern EnglandJansson, Jan1646B+110.00
380A Mapp of ye County of Lincolne, wth Its Divisions, & Hundreds: or WapontacksEastern EnglandBlome, Richard1673Aunsold
381The Road from Cambridge to Coventry...Eastern EnglandOwen & Bowen1764A27.00
382[Lot of 3] Nottinghamshire [and] Lincolnshire [and] RutlandshireEastern EnglandMoule, Thomas1850Aunsold
383Bedfordiensis Comitatus; Anglis Bedford Shire [on sheet with] Buckinghamiensis Comitatus; Anglis Buckingham ShireSouthern EnglandBlaeu, Johannes1648Aunsold
384Gezigt Langs de Rivier de Theems op de Brug van Londen [on sheet with] Gezigt Langs de Theems op de Brug van WestmunsterLondon, EnglandTirion, Isaac1754A80.00
385[On 4 Sheets] Bartholomew's Plan of LondonLondon, EnglandBartholomew, John1908B+250.00
386The New Pictorial Map of LondonLondon, EnglandGeographia Map Co1934A+180.00
387Children's Map of LondonLondon, EnglandBartholomew, John1938A150.00
388[Lot of 4] Westmorland, Castria, Cestria Etc. [and] Cornub. Devonia, Somerset Etc. [and] Eboracum Lincolnia Derbia, Stafford, Etc. [and] Warwicum Northampton, Huntingdon Cantabr Etc.England & WalesMercator/Hondius1610B+120.00
389Nieuwe Kaart van 't Zuider Gedeelte van Groot Britannie behelzende Het Koningryk Engeland…England & WalesTirion, Isaac1780Aunsold
390The Story Map of EnglandEngland & Wales1935A120.00
391Lancastria, Cestria, Caernarvan, Denbich, Flint, Merionidh, Montgomery, Salopia, Cardigan, Radnor, Wigornia, et Ins. AngleseyWestern England & Northern WalesMercator/Jansson1634A+60.00
392Montgomeria Comitatus et Comitatus MerviniaNorthern WalesBlaeu, Johannes1648A180.00
393Glamorganensis Comitatus; Vulgo Glamorgan ShireSouthern WalesBlaeu, Johannes1648A120.00
394Scotiae TabulaScotlandOrtelius, Abraham1579B200.00
395Scotia RegnumScotlandMercator/Hondius1636A220.00
396Nouvelle Carte d'Ecosse, ou l'on Fait Observer l'Etat de la Noblesse: les Villes, et les Bourgs qui Deputent au Parlement, et Diverses Autres Remarques Propres a Conduire a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire de ce RoyaumeScotlandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720B+150.00
397The Story Map of ScotlandScotland1935B+160.00
398Eryn. Hiberniae, Britannicae Insulae, Nova Descriptio. IrlandtIrelandOrtelius, Abraham1579B+800.00
399The Kingdome of Irland Devided into Severall Provinces, and the Againe Devided into Counties. Newly DescribedIrelandSpeed, John1610B+2000.00
400Ireland Corrected from the Latest Observations Divided into Its Provinces, Counties & Baronies Shewing the Principal Roads, and the Distances of Places...IrelandSenex, John1712B+unsold
401L'IrlandeIrelandRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1778B+50.00
402JrelandIrelandStieler, Adolph1824B+40.00
403Ultoniae Orientalis ParsNorthern IrelandMercator/Hondius1619B+unsold
404Udrone, Irlandiae in Catherlagh BaroniaEastern IrelandMercator/Hondius1619B+unsold
405Schonladia NuovaNorthern Europe & ScandinaviaRuscelli, Girolamo1574Bunsold
406Verschiedene Reisen des AuctorisNorthern EuropeSeligmann, Johann Michael1768A120.00
407Gothiae seu Gotlandiae DescriptioScandinaviaMunster, Sebastian1554A120.00
408Baltia, quae et Scandia, Finningia, Cimbrica Chersonesus &c.ScandinaviaSanson, Nicolas Fils1654A120.00
409Descriptio Pruteniae Seu, Prussiae, quam Alii Vocant BorussiamBalticMunster, Sebastian1554A75.00
411Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae cum Vicinis Insulis Nova Exhibitio GeographicaBaltic, Latvia & EstoniaHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+unsold
412Li Palatinati di Wilna, Troki, Inflant, coi Ducati di Kurlandiae Smudz. Tratta dall' Atlante Polacco del Sigr. Rizzi ZanoniBalticZatta, Antonio1781B+unsold
413De Situ DaniaeDenmark & Southern SwedenMunster, Sebastian1554A120.00
414Regni Daniae Accuratissima DelineatioDenmark & Southern SwedenCluver, Philipp1729A80.00
415Regni Daniae in quo sunt Ducatus Holsatia et Slesvicum Insulae Danicae Provinciae Iutia Scania Blekingia Etc. Nova TabulaDenmark & Southern SwedenHomann, Johann Baptist1730B+80.00
416Royaume de Danemarck, qui Comprend le Nort-Jutland Divise en ses Quatre Dioceses, le Sud-Jutland Divise en ses Deux Duches de Sleswick et de Holstein, et les Isles de Fionie, Selande, Laland, &c.Denmark & Southern SwedenRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750B+100.00
417Noordt HollandtWestern NetherlandsWit, Frederick de1670B+180.00
418Delflandia, Schielandia, et Insulae Trans Mosam Illis Objacentes ut sunt Voorna, Overflackea, Goerea, Yselmonda, Etc. Southern NetherlandsBlaeu, Willem1670B+unsold
419Lewardum, Occidentalis Frisiae Opp: 1580 [on sheet with] Franicher, Nobiliu Hominum, in Frisia Occidentali, ut Plurimum SaedesLeeuwarden & Franeker, NetherlandsBraun & Hogenberg1593B+unsold
420Agri Biemstrani Descriptio a L.I.S.Beemster, NetherlandsBlaeu, Johannes1664A+220.00
421Flandriae Partes Duae, Quarum Altera Proprietaria, Altera Imperialis Vulgo DiciturWestern BelgiumBlaeu, (Family)1643Aunsold
422Nova Tabula Geographica Exhibens Ducatum Brabantiae cum Pertinentiis et Adjacentibus RegionibusCentral BelgiumLotter, Tobias Conrad1761B+unsold
423Leodiensis Dioecesis TypusEastern BelgiumMercator/Hondius1619B+unsold
424Philippopolis Vulgo Philippeville... [on sheet with] Marieburgum [and] Cimacum, Comuniter Chimay... [and] Walcourt…Belgian CitiesBraun & Hogenberg1625Aunsold
425Trier & LutzenburgLuxembourgMercator/Hondius1609Aunsold
426Carte des Provinces Unies des Pays Bas Tiree des Cartes les Plus Correctea...Low CountriesDelisle, Guillaume1702Aunsold
427Germaniae Cisrhenanae ut Inter I. Caesaris et Traiani fuit Imperia Scaldis Item Mosae ac Rheni Ostiorum Antiquae DescriptioLow CountriesCluver, Philipp1729A70.00
428Germaniae Inferioris sive Belgii Pars Meridionalis Exhibens X. Provincias Catholic. Cum Confiniis Galliae Germ. Hollandiae Recentissime et Curatissime in Lucem EditaLow CountriesSeutter, Matthias1730B+unsold
429Partie Septentrionale des Pays Bas, Comprenant les Etats Generaux des Provinces Unies...Low CountriesJanvier/Lattre1762B+unsold
430Carte des Pays Bas Catholiques Dressee sur un Grand Nombre de Cartes Particulieres Faites sur les Lieux ou les Limites sont Exactement Marquees Suivant les Derniers TraitezBelgium & LuxembourgDelisle, Guillaume1702Aunsold
431Gallia Antiqua et NovaFrance & BelgiumCluver, Philipp1729A65.00
432Carte de la Germanie et les Diferents Etats ou ses Peuples ont Porte Leurs ConquestesWestern EuropeChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A100.00
433[Lot of 2] Alsatia Inferior [and] Alsatia Superior cum Suntgoia et BrisgoiaWestern Europe, Rhine RiverMercator/Jansson1639Aunsold
434[4 Sheets] Grand Theatre de la Guerre sur les Frontieres de France & d'Allemagne, ou Carte Nouvelle du Cours du Rhin et des Pais Circonvoisins...Western Europe, Rhine RiverDelisle/Covens & Mortier1740A250.00
435[Title on Verso] Ta. Mo. GalliaeFrancePtolemy/Fries1525A275.00
436[Volume 2, Part 1] Novus Atlas, das ist Welt-beschreibung mit Schoenen Newen Ausfuehrlichen Land-Taffeln...France, AtlasesBlaeu, (Family)1647Aunsold
437Gallia Concinnata ad Magnum Numerum Mapparum Particularium Manu Scriptarum vel Impressarum Juxta Genuinum Situm Locorum...FranceSeutter, Matthias1740B+unsold
438Les Routes Exactes des Postes du Royaume de FranceFrance, Postal RoutesSeutter/Lotter1740Aunsold
439La France Touristique et GastronomiqueFrance1948B+350.00
440Lotharingia MeridionalisNortheastern FranceMercator/Jansson1628B+28.00
441PoictouWestern FranceMercator/Jansson1628A60.00
442Gastinois et SenonoisCentral FranceBlaeu, Willem1642Aunsold
443Bituricum Ducatus. Duche de BerriCentral FranceBlaeu, Willem1644Aunsold
444Sabaudia Ducatus. SavoyeEastern FranceJansson, Jan1646B+100.00
445Carte de Provence et des Terres AdjacentesSoutheastern FranceDelisle, Guillaume1715Aunsold
446Lille Insula RysseleLille, FranceBraun & Hogenberg1623Aunsold
447Plan de la Ville et Port de Dunquerque en Flandre, Assiege par les Armees du Roy Tres Chrestien Louis XIIII...Dunkirk, FranceBeaulieu, Sebastian de Pontault1694B+unsold
448Paris a Vol d'OiseauParis, France1860A180.00
449Loterie Nationale Tranche de la Tour Eiffel 10e Tranche 1939Paris, France1939Aunsold
450Vue du Centre de Paris a Vol d'Oiseau avec ses Grands Hotels, Bons Restaurants, Spectacles Presentes et Mis en Place par Grand Marnier LiquorParis, France1951A200.00
451L'Espagne Dressee sur la Description qui en a ete Faite par Rodrigo Mendez Sylva et sur Plusieurs Relations et Cartes Manuscrites ou Imprimees de ce Royaume Rectifiees par les Observations de Mrs. de l'Academie des Sciences...Spain & PortugalDelisle, Guillaume1701B+150.00
452Hispaniae Veteris et Novae DescriptioSpain & PortugalCluver, Philipp1729B+85.00
453Spain & Portugal, Reduced from Jasr. Nantiat's Map in Four SheetsSpain & PortugalFaden, William1812B140.00
454The Story Map of SpainSpain1935B+140.00
455Arragonia Regnum. Auctore Joanne Baptista LabannaNortheastern SpainBlaeu, (Family)1670B+unsold
456Pamplonae, et Iacetanorum EpiscopatusNortheastern SpainValck and Schenk1700Aunsold
457GranadaGranada, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1563A375.00
458Vegel [on sheet with] Velis MalagaStrait of Gibraltar & Vejer de la Frontera, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1575Bunsold
459Toletum [on sheet with] VallisoletumToledo & Valladolid, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1593B+240.00
460Bornnes [on sheet with] Zahara [and] ZaharaBornos & Zahara de la Sierra, SpainBraun & Hogenberg1596A180.00
461[Title on Verso] Europae Tabula Quarta ContinetCentral Europe, GermanyPtolemy/Fries1541A250.00
462Descriptio Germanicae Nationis Propter...Central Europe, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1554A80.00
463Nova Totius Germaniae Descriptio GeographicaCentral Europe, GermanyScherer, Heinrich1703A+120.00
464Nova Totius Germaniae DescriptioCentral Europe, GermanyCluver, Philipp1729A65.00
465Carte de l'Empire d'Allemagne Divise par Cercles Suivant les Nouvelles ObservationsCentral Europe, GermanyNolin, Jean Batiste1783A31.00
466[Lot of 2] Partie Septentrionale du Royme de Hongrie Tiree de Divers Autheurs [and] Partie Meridionale de Rme. de Hongrie Tiree de Divers AutheursCentral Europe, HungarySanson/Mariette1664B150.00
467Vindeliciae et Norici, Conterminarumq Terrarum Antiqua DescriptioCentral EuropeCluver, Philipp1729A80.00
468Populorum Germaniae Inter Rhenum et Albim Descript ut Intor Caesaris... [on sheet with] Populorum Germaniae Inter Rhenum et Albim Descriptio ut Circa I. Caesaris...GermanyCluver, Philipp1729Aunsold
469[Lot of 2] Dithmarsiae Pars Septentrionalis. Nobili, Amplissimo, Doctissimo ac Prudentissimo... [and] Dithmarsiae Pars AustralisNorthern GermanyBlaeu, Johannes1659B+200.00
470Franciae Orientalis (Vulgo Franckenlant) Descriptio, Auctore, Sebast. A. Rotenhan [on sheet with] Monasteriensis et Osnaburgensis Episcopatus Descriptio...Western GermanyOrtelius, Abraham1579B+110.00
471Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam Duci Coepta...Western Germany & Southeastern NetherlandsHondius, Henricus1634A150.00
472S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Superior in quo sunt Landgraviatus Hasso-Casselensis, Darmstadiensis et Rhenofeldensis Abbatia Fuldensis…Central GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
473LipsiaEastern GermanyMunster, Sebastian1554A65.00
474Magdeburgensis ArchiepiscopatusEastern GermanyBlaeu, Johannes1659Aunsold
475Schwaben und Baeyerlandt/ Darbey auch Begriffen der Otenwald/ Nortgoew/ u.Southern GermanyMunster/Petri1628A80.00
476Circuli Franconiae Pars Orientalis et Potior Novissime Delineata...Southeastern GermanyHomann, Johann Baptist1716Aunsold
477Bavaria Ducatus, per Ger. MercatoremSoutheastern GermanyBlaeu, Willem1640B+unsold
478Folium XCVIII - RatisbonaRegensburg, GermanySchedel, Hartmann1493Bunsold
479Franckfurt an der Oder Anno Dni 1548Frankfurt an der Oder, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1554Aunsold
480LuneburgLüneburg, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1554B+unsold
481Erdfordia Magnifica Atque Celeberrima Thuringoru Urbs... [on sheet with] Fuldensis Civitatis & Celeberrimae Abbatiae eius Imago...Erfurt & Fulda, GermanyMunster, Sebastian1554Aunsold
482Tabula Pomeraniae Secundum Omnes Principatus & Insigniores Civitates, Oppida & Arces EiusNorthwestern Poland & Northeastern GermanyMunster, Sebastian1554B+150.00
483Poland with Its Dismember'd ProvincesPolandKitchin, Thomas1784Bunsold
484Masovie Duche, et Polaquie; ou sont les Palatinats de Czersk, Bielsk, et PlocskoEastern PolandSanson/Mariette1665A220.00
485Ducatus Silesiae Schwidnicensis Authore Friduico Kuhnovio Bolco: Iucano SilesioSouthwestern PolandBlaeu, Johannes1664A140.00
486Bohemici Regni Intra & Extra Hercynii Nemoris Clausuram DescriptioCzech RepublicMunster, Sebastian1554Aunsold
487Regni Bohemiae DescriptioCzech RepublicOrtelius, Abraham1579B+210.00
488Moraviae, quae olim Marcomannorum Sedes, Corographia, A.D. Paulo Fabritio Medico...Czech RepublicOrtelius, Abraham1579A170.00
489Carte du Royaume de Boheme. La Chronologie de ses Rois. Les Etats de Silesie, Moravie, et LusaceCzech RepublicChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A150.00
490La Ville d'Eger, Iadiz Subiette a l'Empire Romain, & Auiourdhuy au Royaulme de BohemeCheb, Czech RepublicMunster, Sebastian1556A75.00
491Comorra [on sheet with] ComorraKomarno, SlovakiaBraun & Hogenberg1595B+250.00
492Helvetiae Descriptio, Aegidio Tschudo Auct.SwitzerlandOrtelius, Abraham1579B120.00
493Nova Totius Helvetiae cum suis Subditis ac Sociis Tab. Geogr.SwitzerlandSeutter, Matthias1730A275.00
494Lacus Lemanni Locorumque Circumiacentium Accuratissima Descriptio. Auctore Iacobo Goulartio GenevensiLake Geneva, SwitzerlandBlaeu, Willem1642A350.00
495Curiensis Civitas, Rhetorum sive (ut Hodie Vocantur) Grisonum MetropolisChur, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1550B+90.00
496ZurchZurich, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1554A75.00
497Sedunensis Civitas cum Duabus Arcibus & Valeria Cathedrali EcclesiaSion, SwitzerlandMunster, Sebastian1554B+130.00
498BasileaBasel, SwitzerlandBraun & Hogenberg1575B+275.00
499Austriae Ducatus Chorographia, Wolfgango Lazio AuctoreAustriaOrtelius, Abraham1579Bunsold
500Austria Archiducatus Auctore Wolfgango LazioEastern AustriaHondius/Blaeu1659Aunsold
501Archiducatus Austriae Inferioris Accuratissima Tabula Cujus Ditiones in suos QuadrantEastern AustriaSeutter, Matthias1740B+unsold
502Beschreibung Aller Lander so Ettwan dem Kunigreich Poland...Eastern Europe, HungaryMunster, Sebastian1556A60.00
503Europae Tabula VIIIEastern EuropePtolemy/Ruscelli1574A100.00
504Pomeraniae, Wandalicae Regionis, Typ. [on sheet with] Livoniae Nova Descriptio, Joanne Portantio Auctore [and] Ducatus Oswieczensis, et Zatoriensis, DescriptioEastern Europe & BalticOrtelius, Abraham1579B+180.00
505Veteris et Novae Regni Poloniae Magniq Ducatus, Lithuaniae cum suis Palatinatibus ac Confinus DescriptioEastern EuropeCluver, Philipp1729B+120.00
506Nuova Carta del Regno di Polonia Diviso nei suoi Palatinati Secondo l'Ultime Osservazioni ed AnotazioniEastern Europe, PolandTirion/Albrizzi1740A200.00
507Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio. Auctore Antonio Ienkensono Anglo...Russia, Eastern Europe & Central AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1575A1200.00
508Carte de Moscovie Dressee par Guillaume de l'Isle Premier Geographe du Roy...Russia in EuropeDelisle, Guillaume1706B+unsold
509Russia or Moscovy with Its Acquisitions &c. in Sweden Agreeable to Modern HistoryRussia in EuropeMoll, Herman1744A90.00
510La Russia Europea Divisa ne' suoi Governi, e Provincie, Tratta dall' Atlante RussoRussia in EuropeZatta, Antonio1781Aunsold
511Partie Meridionale de Moscovie Dressee par G. De l'Isle...Southern Russia & UkraineOttens, Reiner and Joshua1730B+100.00
512Theatrum Belli Russorum Victoriis Illustratum sive Nova et Accurata Turcicarum et Tartaricum Provinciarum Intra Fluvios...UkraineSeutter, Matthias1740B+250.00
513Li Palatinati della Russia Rossa Podolia e Wolhynia Tratta dall' Atlante Polaco del Sigr. Rizzi ZanoniWestern Ukraine & MoldovaZatta, Antonio1781B+100.00
514The CrimeaCrimeaWyld, James1865A31.00
515TransilvaniaRomaniaOrtelius, Abraham1579A220.00
516Nouvelle Carte de la Mer Noire, et du Canal de Constantinople Tres Exacte; Mise au JourBlack SeaVisscher/De Leth1680A475.00
517Nova Mappa Geographica Maris Assoviensis vel de Zabache et Paludis Maeotidis, Accurate Aeri Incisa et in Luce EditaBlack Sea & CrimeaSeutter, Matthias1730B+200.00
518Aan Zyne Doorluchtigste Hoogheid Willem de Vyfde ... Wassende Graade Paskaart van de Zwarte Zee...Black Sea van Keulen en Zoonen, Johannes1775A3250.00
519Rhetiae Alpestris Descriptio, in qua Hodie Tirolis Comitatus [on sheet with] Goritiae, Karstii, Chaczeolae, Carniolae, Histriae, et Windorum Marchae Descrip.Southern EuropeOrtelius, Abraham1579Aunsold
520Imperii Orientalis et Circumjacentium Regionum sub Constantino Porphyrogenito et ejus Praedecessoribus Descriptio...Southern & Eastern EuropeDelisle/Covens & Mortier1745A150.00
521Ungariae Loca Praecipua Recens Emendata Atque Edita, per Ioannem Sambucum Pannonium, Imp. Ms. HistoricumSoutheastern Europe, HungaryOrtelius, Abraham1579B+unsold
522Nieuwe Kaart van 't Koninkryk Hongaryen en Zevenbergen na de Laatste OndekkingenSoutheastern Europe, HungaryTirion, Isaac1769A+50.00
523Danubius, Fluvius Europae Maximus, a Fontibus ad Ostia, cum Omnibus Fluminibus, ab Utroque Latere, in Illum DefluentibusSoutheastern Europe, Danube RiverBlaeu, (Family)1662A800.00
524Europae Tabula IXBalkansPtolemy/Ruscelli1574B+110.00
525Romaniae, (quae olim Thracia Dicta) Vicinarumq Regionum, uti Bulgariae, Walachiae, Syrfiae, Etc. Descriptio. Auctore Iacobo CastladoBalkansOrtelius, Abraham1584B+300.00
526Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio, Auctore Augustino HirsuogelioWestern BalkansOrtelius, Abraham1601Aunsold
527Veteris et Nova Pannoniae et, Illyrici DescriptioWestern BalkansCluver, Philipp1729Aunsold
528Croatiae, & Circumiacentiu Regionu Versus Turcam Nova DelineatioCroatiaJode, Cornelis de1593Bunsold
529De Istria PeninsulaIstria Peninsula, CroatiaMunster, Sebastian1554Aunsold
530Graecia, SophianiGreece & Western TurkeyOrtelius, Abraham1579B300.00
531Thraciae Veteris Typus. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrah. OrtelijNortheastern Greece & Northwestern TurkeyJansson, Jan1652B+unsold
532Graetia Nuova TavolaGreeceRuscelli, Girolamo1574A140.00
533[7 Volumes & Atlas] Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece ... Seconde Edition [Tomes I-VII] [and] Recueil de Cartes Geographiques, Plans, Vues et Medailles de l'Ancienne Grece...GreeceBarthelemy, Abbe Jean Jacques1789A600.00
534Graeciae Pars Septentrionalis Auctore Gullielmo Del'isleNorthern GreeceCluver, Philipp1729A110.00
535Macedoniae et Thessaliae RegionesNorthern Greece & MacedoniaCluver, Philipp1729Aunsold
536Achaia quae et Hellas Hodie LivadiaCentral GreeceCluver, Philipp1729A80.00
537RhodusRhodes, GreeceBlaeu/Mortier1704A120.00
538Tabu Nova ItaliItalyFries, Lorenz1522Aunsold
539Italia AntiquaItalyCluver, Philipp1729A120.00
540Tabula Italiae Antiquae in Regiones XI ab Augusto Divisae et tum ad Mensuras Itinerarias tum ad Observatioes Astronomicas Exacta Accurante Guillelmo de l'Isle...ItalyCluver, Philipp1729A110.00
541Statuum Totius Italiae Novissima Repraesentatio Geographica, Simul Exhibens Insulas Siciliae Sardiniae Corsicae et MaltaeItalyHomann, Johann Baptist1730B200.00
542Stato di MilanoNorthwestern ItalyMagini, Giovanni Antonio1620B+unsold
543Regiae Celsitudinis Sabaudicae Status in quo Ducatus Sabaudiae Principatus Pedemontium et Ducatus Montisferrati...Northwestern ItalyHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+100.00
544Forum Iulii, et HistriaNortheastern Italy & Northwestern BalkansMagini and Porro1598Aunsold
545Ducato di FerraraNortheastern ItalyJansson, Jan1645Aunsold
546Stato della Republica di LuccaCentral ItalyJansson/Valck & Schenk1700Aunsold
547Etruriae Latii Umbriae Piceni Sabinorum et Marsorum Vetus et Nova DescriptioCentral ItalyCluver, Philipp1729A80.00
548Etat de l'Eglise, Grand Duche de Toscane, et Isle de CorseCentral Italy & CorsicaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1755Aunsold
549Campaniae, Samnii Apuliae Lucaniae Brutiorum Vetus et Nova DescriptioSouthern ItalyCluver, Philipp1729B+130.00
550Vorstellung der Bataille bey Parma... / Battaglia Seguita a Parma... [on sheet with] Prospect des Koniglichen Lust-Schlosses Colorno... / Prospetto del Delizioso Palazzo Reggio di Colorno...Parma, ItalyHomann Heirs1740A160.00
551[Mt. Vesuvius] A.B. The Late Current of Lava, with Its Branches, Shaded Darker than the Course of Former Currents...Mt. Vesuvius, ItalyBasire, Isaac1795B42.00
552Siciliae Antiquae DescriptioSicily, ItalyCluver, Philipp1729A150.00
553Insulae Balearides et PytiusaeBalearic IslandsBlaeu, Willem1640A425.00
554Delineatio Oppugnationis Candiae Anno 1649...Heraklion, CreteMerian, Matthaus1663A75.00
555Corsicae Antiquae Descriptio / Sardiniae Antiquae DescriptioCorsica, SardiniaCluver, Philipp1729A100.00
556Natoliae, quae olim Asia Minor, Nova Descriptio [on sheet with] Aegypti Recentior Descriptio [and] Carthaginis Celeberrimi Sinus TypusEastern Mediterranean, Turkey & EgyptOrtelius, Abraham1579Bunsold
557Turcici Imperii DescriptioEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastOrtelius, Abraham1603A500.00
558Turcicum ImperiumEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastBlaeu, (Family)1640A425.00
559Les Estats de l'Empire des Turqs en AsieEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastSanson/Mariette1658B+200.00
560De Beschryvingh van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen met des Selfs Landen en Koningryke daer sy het Evangelium Gepredikt HebbenEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastStoopendaal, Daniel1729A180.00
561Alexandri Magni Macedonis ExpeditioMiddle East & Central AsiaJansson, Jan1652B+200.00
562Nova Persiae Armeniae Natoliae et Arabiae DescriptioEastern Mediterranean & Middle EastWit, Frederick de1671Bunsold
563De Gelegentheyt van't Paradys ende't Landt Canaan, Mitsgaders de Eerst Bewoonde Landen der Patriarchen...Middle East & CyprusVisscher, Nicolas1660B+unsold
564Persia sive Sophorum Regnum cum Armenia Assyria Mesopotamia et BabiloniaMiddle EastCluver, Philipp1729A85.00
565SyriaMiddle East1742A55.00
566Lebanon Paradise of Tourism and SummeringLebanon1950A70.00
567Tabula Asiae ITurkeyMunster, Sebastian1540A220.00
568Patriarchatus Constantinopolitani Geographica DescriptioTurkey & CyprusTavernier, Melchior1667B+110.00
569Chersonesi quae Hodie Natolia DescriptioTurkey & CyprusCluver, Philipp1729Aunsold
570Folio XIX - ThemiscyraThemiscyra, TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493A95.00
571Plan de Constantinople et du Bosphore pour Servir de Renseignement a la Carte des Limites des Trois Empires, ou Theatre de la Guerre PresenteBosphorus, TurkeyMaire, Francois Joseph1788Aunsold
572Folium CXXX - ConstantinopolisIstanbul, TurkeySchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
573Byzantium, nunc ConstantinopolisIstanbul, TurkeyBraun & Hogenberg1572A3250.00
574Palestinae sive Totius Terrae Promissionis Nova Descriptio Auctore Tilemanno Stella SigenensHoly LandOrtelius, Abraham1579B+475.00
575Tabula Geographica, in qua Omnes Regiones, Urbes, Oppida, Loca et Fluvij Israeliae Describuntur; Quorum Mentio Fit in Josua... / Geographische Beschryvinge, waer in alle Landschappe, Steden Plaetsen en Rivieren des Lands Israels...Holy LandPlancius/Cloppenburg1625B+325.00
576Manasseh Ramus Faecundus, Ramus Faecundus Juxta FontemHoly LandFuller, Thomas1650A100.00
577Perigrinatie ofte Veertich-Iarige Reyse der Kinderen Israels, uyt Egypten door de Roode Zee, ende de Woestyne, tot in't Beloofde Landt Canaan...Holy LandStoopendaal, Bastiaan1686A210.00
578Het Beloofde Landt Canaan door Wandelt van Onsen Salichmaecker Iesu Christo, Neffens Syne ApostelenHoly LandStoopendaal, Daniel1702B+150.00
579Carte de la Terre Sainte Divisee dans Toutes ses Parties Selon le Nombre des Tribus d'Israel avec une Liste des Evechez de la Palestine...Holy LandChatelain, Henry Abraham1720A80.00
580La Judee ou Terre Sainte, Divisee en ses Douze TribusHoly LandRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750B+210.00
581Ierusalem Civitas Sancta, olim Metropolis Regni Iudaici, Hodie Vero Colonia TurcaeJerusalem, Holy LandMunster, Sebastian1554B+200.00
582Iherusalem Turcis Cusembareich [on sheet with] Nazareth [on sheet with] Rama Antiquitissimum in Palestina OppidumJerusalem, Nazreth & Ramla, Holy LandJansson, Jan1657B350.00
583IerusalemJerusalem, Holy LandStoopendaal, Bastiaan1686A220.00
584Arabia Felice Nuova TavolaArabiaPtolemy/Ruscelli1564A200.00
585Karte von dem Groessten Theil des Landes Jemen Imame, Kaukeban & &...YemenSchraembl, Franz Anton1789A+unsold
586Carte de l'Entree du Golfe de la Mer RougeRed SeaApres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.1775B+unsold
587Persici sive Sophorum Regni TypusPersia - IranOrtelius, Abraham1579B+unsold
588Persia sive Sophorum RegnumPersia - IranBlaeu, Willem1634A220.00
589Description de l'Empire du Sophi des Perses Tiree en Partie de l'Arabe de Nubie, et en Partie de Plusieurs et Diverses RelationsPersia - IranSanson/Mariette1658B+unsold
590Imperii Persici in Omnes suas Provincias (tam Veteribus quam Modernis Earundem Nominibus Signatas) Exacte Divisi Nova Tabula Geographica...Persia & the CaucasusHomann, Johann Baptist1730Aunsold
591[Tartaria olim Scythia]CaucasusMunster, Sebastian1556B+unsold
592Tabula Asiae IIICaucasusPtolemy/Ruscelli1574B+110.00
593Colchis, Iberia, Albania quaeq; Caucasiae Gentes, Istmum quod Pontum Euxinum Caspiumq; Mare Interjacet, IncoluntCaucasusSanson/Mortier1697B+unsold
594Armenia Vetus in Quatuor Partes Distincta, ad Tempora Iustiniani ImpSouthern Caucasus, ArmeniaMortier, Pierre1720B+unsold
595Nova Maris Caspii et Regionis Usbeck cum Provincijs Adjacentibus Vera Delineatio...Caspian Sea & Central AsiaMaas, Abraham1735A250.00
596Reduction de la Carte de la Mer Caspiene Levee Suivant les Ordres du Czar par Mr. Carl Vanverden en 1710, 1720, et 1721...Caspian SeaBerey, Charles1721B+unsold
597Asia with the Islands Adjoyning Described, the Atire of the People, & Townes of Importance, All of Them Newly AugmentedAsiaSpeed, John1626Bunsold
598Asia Recens Summa Cura DelineataAsiaHondius, Henricus1631A550.00
599Asia Antiqua et NovaAsiaCluver, Philipp1661B+100.00
600Asia Noviter DelineataAsiaBlaeu, Willem1663B+unsold
601Tabula Geodoborica Itinerum a Varijs in Cataium Susceptorum Rationem ExhibensAsiaKircher, Athanasius1667B+400.00
602Asie Ancienne das Alte AsienAsiaMallet, Alain Manesson1685A90.00
603Asiae Nova DelineatioAsiaVisscher, Nicolas1698B+unsold
604Recentissima Asiae Delineatio, qua Imperia ejus, Regna, et Status, Unacum Novissimis Russorum...AsiaHomann, Johann Christoph1730B+unsold
605Asie Divisee en ses Principaux Etats, Empires & RoyaumesAsiaRobert de Vaugondy/Delamarche1791B+220.00
606AsieAsiaLevasseur, Victor1861A70.00
607La Grande TartarieNorthern AsiaSanson, Nicolas1683A60.00
608Totius Tartariae Asiaticae Nova Descriptio GeographicaNorthern AsiaScherer, Heinrich1700A300.00
609Carte de Tartarie Dressee sur les Relations de Plusieurs Voyageurs de Differentes Nations et sur Quelques Observations qui ont ete Faites dans ce Pais...Northern AsiaDelisle, Guillaume1706A200.00
610Scythia et Tartaria AsiaticaNorthern AsiaCluver, Philipp1729A80.00
611Das Gantze Russische Kaeyserthum mit Allen Seinen LaendernNorthern AsiaSchreiber, Johann Georg1749B+80.00
612The Russian Empire, in Europe & Asia, with the Northern Discoveries Between Asia & North AmericaNorthern AsiaBowen, Thomas1770Aunsold
613Plan of the Baie de Castries, on the Eastern Coast of Tartary...De-Kastri, RussiaLa Perouse, Comte Jean F. Galoup, de1798B+16.00
614[Sheet III] Indie Orientali di qua e di la Dal Gange col Loro ArcipelagoSoutheast Asia, Eastern China & PhilippinesZatta, Antonio1780A80.00
615Chinae, olim Sinarum Regionis, Nova Descriptio. Auctore Ludovico GeorgioChinaOrtelius, Abraham1584Bunsold
616China and BirmahChinaTallis, John1850Bunsold
617Queicheu, Imperii Sinarum Provincia Decima QuartaSouthern ChinaBlaeu, Johannes1655Bunsold
618Plan Officiel de PekinBeijing, China1860A+unsold
619Carte Topographique de l'Ile de Hong KongHong Kong, China1874A3250.00
620Mount Everest and the Group of Chomo LungmaMount Everest1934A230.00
621[Lot of 2] Place des Factoreries Europeennes a Canton [and] Interieur d'un Jardin Chinois a CantonChina1845A27.00
622The Kingdome of China Newly AugmentedChina, Korea & JapanSpeed, John1626B+2200.00
623China Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc Incolis Tame DictaChina, Korea & JapanJansson, Jan1646B+unsold
624China According to the Newest and Most Exact ObservationsChina, Korea & JapanMoll, Herman1712B100.00
625Imperii Sinarum Nova DescriptioChina, Korea & JapanCluver, Philipp1729Aunsold
626L'Empire de la Chine d'Apres l'Atlas Chinois, avec les Isles du JaponChina, Korea & JapanBonne/Lattre1787Aunsold
627Japan, the Target - A Pictorial Jap-MapChina, Korea & Japan, World War IIDudley Chase, Ernest1944B+850.00
628L'Empire de la Chine pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesChina & KoreaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1748Aunsold
629A New Map of China Drawn from Surveys Made by Order of the EmperorChina & KoreaKitchin, Thomas1782Bunsold
630Royaume du Iapon Designe par le Pere Ph: Briet, de la Compagnie de Iesus…Japan & KoreaBriet, Philippe1658B+500.00
631Description des Isles du Iapon en Sept Principales Parties...JapanSanson, Nicolas1674Aunsold
632Naauw-Keurige Kaart van 't Keizerryk Japan, na de Nieuste Ontdekkingen OpgesteltJapanTirion, Isaac1728A325.00
633Partie Orientale de la Terre Ferme de l'Inde ModerneSoutheast AsiaMallet, Alain Manesson1683Aunsold
634Plan of Salangor, and of the Coast of Malaya, from Point Caran to Parcelar Hill, Including the Straits of ColongMalaysiaLaurie & Whittle1796B+250.00
635Carte des Nouvelles PhilippinesPhilippinesBellin, Jacques Nicolas1761B+48.00
636[Map of Luzon, Showing, by Lines Traced in Red, the Routes Of General Lawton's Troops During His Several Campaigns on That Island]PhilippinesU.S. War Department1900A150.00
637[Petits Voyages, Part VIII] Achter Theil der Orientalischen Indien / Begreiffend Erstlich ein Historische Beschreibung der Schiffart...East Indies - Indonesia, Singapore, & MacaoBry, Johann Theodore de1606B+2900.00
638Archipel des Indes Orientales, qui Comprend les Isles de la Sonde, Moluques et Philippines, Tirees des Cartes du Neptune OrientalEast Indies - IndonesiaRobert de Vaugondy, Gilles1750B+unsold
639Partie de l'Isle Sumatra, ou se Trouve l'Etablissement Anglais de la Baye de Sellabar, Pres Bencoule...Western SumatraTardieu, Ambroise1811B+unsold
640Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John RitchieNortheastern India & BangladeshDelahaye, Guillaume Nicolas1772B+17.00
641A Map of India, on the West Side of the Ganges, Comprehending the Coasts of Malabar, Cormandel, and the Island CeylonSouthern IndiaBowen, Emanuel1744A120.00
642The Seat of War on the Coast of Choramandel. Accommodated with a Memoir July 1754Southeastern IndiaJefferys, Thomas1754A90.00
643Anfa, Quibusdam Anaffa [on sheet with] Azaamurum [and] Div [and] Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 DevenitIndia & MoroccoBraun & Hogenberg1599B+150.00
644Nuces Indicae... / Indiaensche Nooten... / Ficus Indica... / Een Plante Draegende het Geheele Iaer Vruchten... / Fructuum Icon quos Arrecca sive Faufel Vocant... / Fruyten Diemen Arrecca oste Faufel... / Piperis Frutex... / Orientaessche Peeper...India, FruitLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1596B+90.00
645Overland Routes to India & ChinaSouthern Asia & EuropeTallis, John1850B+100.00
646Indiae Orientalis, Insularumque Adiacientium TypusSouthern & Southeast AsiaOrtelius, Abraham1579B+1600.00
647Tabula Asiae IXIran, Afghanistan, PakistanPtolemy/Magini1598Aunsold
648[Petits Voyages, Part IV] Pars Quarta Indiae Orientalis...Southern & Southeast AsiaBry, Johann Theodore de1601B+600.00
649Carte Generale de la Mer des Indes Dressee d'Apres les Derniers Documents AnglaisIndian OceanRobiquet, Aime1848B+unsold
650Isle de ZocotoraSocotraMallet, Alain Manesson1683A75.00
651[Lot of 2] Insula Madagascar sive Sti. Laurenty [and] Carta dell' Isole di ComoraMadagascar & the Comoros1679-1765A180.00
652Africae Nova DescriptioAfricaBlaeu, Willem1663A2400.00
653Totius Africae Nova Repraesentatio qua Praeter Diversos in ea Status et Regiones, Etiam Origo Nili...AfricaHomann, Johann Baptist1720B+350.00
654Africa, Antiqua, et NovaAfricaCluver, Philipp1729A130.00
655Africa, Concinnata Secundum Observationes Membror. Acad. Regal. Scientiarum et Nonnullorum Aliorum, et Juxta Recentissimas AnnotationesAfricaLotter, Tobias Conrad1770B+unsold
656Carte Generale de l'AfriqueAfricaBonne, Rigobert1780B+unsold
657Carte de l'Afrique AfricaDelamarche, Francois Alexander1858B+35.00
658Het Noordelykste deel van Afrika, Behelzende Barbarie, Egypte Enz. als Mede de Geheele Middellandsche Zee...Northern Africa & MediterraneanTirion, Isaac1762A100.00
659Barbaria [on sheet with] Carthaginensis Sinus [and] AegyptusNorthern AfricaMercator/Hondius1630B+50.00
660Royme, et Desert de Barca et l'Egypte Divisee en ses Douze Cassifs, ou GouvernemensNorthern AfricaSanson/Mariette1655B+unsold
661Italie - AbyssinieNortheastern Africa, Italy1935B+350.00
662AlgierAlgiers, AlgeriaMunster, Sebastian1598A60.00
663Topographica Repraesentatio Barbarici Portus et Urbis Munitae Oran... / Wahrhaffte Abbildung der Barbariscen Vestung Oran...Oran, AlgeriaHomann Heirs1732B+unsold
664Aphricae Tabula INorthwestern AfricaMunster, Sebastian1545A240.00
665Credit Lyonnais Fonde en 1863 - Afrique du Nord & Union FrancaiseNorthwestern Africa1945B+unsold
666Marocchi RegnumMoroccoHondius/Purchas1625A80.00
667A Chart of the Coast of Barbary from C. Spartell to C. CantinMorocco Mount & Page1766B+150.00
668Tunes, Oppidum Barbarie & Regia Sedes... [on sheet with] Africa, olim Aphrodisium [and] Penon de VelesNorthwestern African CitiesBraun & Hogenberg1580B+unsold
669[Aegyptus]EgyptMunster, Sebastian1554A210.00
670Dioecesis AegyptiEgypt & Eastern LibyaAnon.1690Aunsold
671A Colossal Statue at the Entrance to the Temple of LuxorTemple of Luxor, EgyptRoberts, David1847A200.00
672Temple of Wady Saboua, NubiaWadi es-Sebua, EgyptRoberts, David1847A90.00
673[Lot of 2] Empire des Abyssins [and] Egypt and Part of the Holy LandEastern Africa, Egypt1683-1848A70.00
674A Map of Abyssinia and NubiaEastern AfricaDunn, Samuel1786A95.00
675GuineaWestern AfricaMercator/Jansson1634A+90.00
676Isole della Guinea [on verso] Isola GoreeWestern AfricaCoronelli, Vincenzo Maria1696Aunsold
677Guinee, en de Omleggende Landen, Getrokken uit Marcator, Blommert, Enz.Western AfricaSanson, Nicolas1705A60.00
678Carte Generale de la Coste de Guinee Depuis la Riviere de Sierra Leona Jusqu'au Cap de Lopes Gonsalvo pour Servir aux Vaisseaux du Roy...Western AfricaBellin, Jacques Nicolas1750B+90.00
679[Petits Voyages, Part VI] Sechster Theil der Orientalischen Indien / Warhafftige Historische Beschreibung desz Gewaltigen Goltreichen Konigreichs Guinea...Western Africa, NativesBry, Johann Theodore de1603B+375.00
680Description des Quadrupedes, Oiseaux & Reptiles les Plus Curieux qui se Trouvent dans la Guinee Dessinez sur les Lieux d'Apres le NaturelWestern Africa, AnimalsChatelain, Henry Abraham1719Aunsold
681Presbiteri Iohannis, sive, Abissinorum Imperii DescriptioCentral AfricaOrtelius, Abraham1584B+450.00
682Partie de la Haute Aethiopie ou sont l'Empire des Abissins et la Nubie &c...Central AfricaSanson, Nicolas1683Aunsold
683Tartariae sive Magni Chami Regni TypusNorth Pacific, Northern Asia & Northwestern North AmericaOrtelius, Abraham1603A700.00
684Carte Generale des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte et Autres Navigateurs Espagnols Anglois et Russes pour la Recherche du Passage a la Mer du Sud...North Pacific OceanRobert de Vaugondy, Didier1779A120.00
685Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des VoyagesSouth Pacific OceanBellin, Jacques Nicolas1753B+unsold
686A Curious Map of Some Late Discoveries in the Terra Australis Comprehending New Guinea & New BritainPapua New Guinea & Northern AustraliaAnon.1763Aunsold
687[Lot of 2] Australia [and] Colony of New South Wales and Australia FelixAustraliaJohnston, Alexander K.1845A140.00
688Sketches of Life in QueenslandQueensland, AustraliaIllustrated London News1884A32.00
689The Wonder Map of MelbourneMelbourne, Australia1934A450.00
690New ZealandNew ZealandBlack, Adam & Charles1843Aunsold
691New ZealandNew ZealandJohnston, Alexander K.1845Aunsold
692Spectandum Dedit Ortelius Mortalib. Orbem, Orbi Spectandum Galleus OrteliumFrontispiece, PortraitOrtelius, Abraham1579B+325.00
693[Portrait of Linschoten] Sovfrir pour Parvenir Ioannes Hugonis a Linschoten Haerlemensis Aeta 32 Ao 1595PortraitLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1619A220.00
694Navigatio ac Itinerarium Iohannis Hugonis Linscotani in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiam...Title PagesLinschoten, Jan Juygen van1599B80.00
695Le Theatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas, Mis en Lumiere par Guillaume & Jean Blaeu. Troisieme PartieTitle PagesBlaeu, (Family)1647B+150.00
696Atlas Minor: or a New and Curious Set of Sixty Two Maps, in Which Are Shewn All the Empires, Kingdoms, Countries, States, in All the Known Parts of the Earth...Title PagesMoll, Herman1737B+125.00
697Atlante Novissimo del Sig. Guglielmo de l'IsleTitle PagesDelisle, Guillaume1740A100.00
698AtlasTitle PagesElwe, Jan Barend1792B95.00
699The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World Geographical, Political, Commercial & StatisticalTitle PagesTallis, John1850B+120.00
700Recueil de Planches sur les Sciences, les Arts Liberaux, et les Arts Mechaniques...Prints - AstronomyDiderot, Denis1767Aunsold
701Motacilla, Flava.Prints - BirdsSepp, Jan Christian1789Aunsold
702Charadrius Pluvialis, FoeminaPrints - BirdsSepp, Jan Christian1797Aunsold
703Cinereous Shearwater. Puffinns Cinereus? (Steph:)Prints - BirdsGould, John1832Aunsold
704Rhipidura Fuscorufa, SclaterPrints - BirdsGould, John1875B+unsold
705Belladona Majoribus Foliis & Floribus Inst. R.H. 77.Prints - BotanicalMiller, Philip1756Aunsold
706H.N. Botanique - 1. Crepis Hispidula. 2. Crepis Senecioides. 3. Santolina FragrantissimaPrints - Botanical1820Aunsold
707[Lot of 3 - Roses]Prints - BotanicalRedoute, Pierre1828B+150.00
708Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1895-96 - Part IPrints - Native AmericanPowell, John Wesley1898B+90.00
709A Pictorial Map of Scenes In and Around Army-SlangPrints - MilitaryDudley Chase, Ernest1943A300.00
710NavigationPrints - Ships & NavigationBlome, Richard1685A150.00
711Zee-Slagh, vanden Hr. Admiraal Michiel de Ruiter en den Hr. de la Zarda Tegens de France Adm. de Hr. du Quesne...Prints - ShipsStoopendaal, Daniel1746B+110.00
712The Engagement of the Confederate Fleet, under Sir George Rook, Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Sir John Leake. And the Admiral Byng...Prints - Ships1750B+75.00
713Daniel Webster Addressing the United States Senate in the Great Debate on the Compromise Measures 1850Prints - Politics1860B+475.00
714Proiicerent Fratres Iosephum in Cisternam, Sustulerunt, Vendideruntque eum Iischmahelitis. Geneseos 37.24Prints - ReligionVisscher, Claes Janszoon1650B+unsold
715[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450A250.00
716[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450B+unsold
717[Illuminated Leaves]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450B+240.00
718[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1450B+65.00
719[Illuminated Leaf]Medieval ManuscriptsAnon.1490A55.00
720[Coptic/Arabic Lectionary Bifolium]ManuscriptsAnon.1620B+275.00
721[Lot of 2 - Islamic Prayer Leaves]Illuminated ManuscriptsJami, Abu Bakr1780B+90.00
722Folio VI [Creation of Eve]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+700.00
723Blat CCLIX [Apocalypse / The Fall of the Antichrist]IncunabulaSchedel, Hartmann1493B+unsold
724[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500Aunsold
725[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1500A30.00
726[Book of Hours Leaves]Early PrintingPoitevin, Jean, de1501B+120.00
727[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingPoitevin, Jean, de1501B+100.00
728[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingAnon.1510Aunsold
729[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1518B+unsold
730[Book of Hours Leaf]Early PrintingHardouin, Gilles1520B+unsold
731[Antiphonal Leaf]MusicAnon.1500B+unsold
732The Pennsylvania Magazine: or, American Monthly Museum for June 1776. Number VI. Volume IIDocuments - Declaration of Independence1776Bunsold
733[Poyaisian Scheme] Poyaisian Land Grant - 500 Acres - Class B. No. 1730 Grant of 500 AcresHistorical Documents - Poyaisian Scheme1834B110.00
734[Texas & Oregon Trail in] The Weekly Register ... From March to September 1813. - Vol. IVHistorical Documents - Texas, Oregon Trail1813B170.00
735[Texas] Niles' Weekly Register. Volume 34 Nos. 1-21Historical Documents - Texas1828B120.00
736The Corsair. A Gazette of Literature, Art, Dramatic Criticism, Fashion and NoveltyHistorical Documents - Texas, Photography & Literature1839-40C+110.00
737[Pacific Northwest] Exploration of the Northwest Coast...the Establishment of a Military Post at the Mouth of the Columbia River, and the Expediency of Providing for the More Perfect Exploring of the Northwest Coast of America...Historical Document - Pacific NorthwestU.S. Government1826B100.00
738[Lot of 2 - Native Americans] Indian Tribes – Northwestern Frontier... [and] Indians Hostile on Western Frontier...Historical Documents - Native AmericansU.S. War Department1828-38100.00
739Olney's School AtlasSchool Atlases, TexasOlney, A. N.1841B230.00
740[Volume II] Colton's Atlas of the World, Illustrating Physical and Political Geography ... Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceanica, Etc.AtlasesColton, Joseph Hutchins1856B+650.00
741Asher & Adams' New Statistical and Topographical Atlas of the United States…AtlasesAsher & Adams1872B+unsold
742Arbuckles' Illustrated Atlas of Fifty Principal Nations of the WorldAtlasesArbuckle Bros. Coffee Co.1889B+200.00
743[2 Volumes] The American Gazetteer, Exhibiting a Full Account of the Civil Divisions, Rivers, Harbours, Indian Tribes, &c. of the American Continent... [and] A New Gazetteer of the Eastern Continent...Geography BooksMorse, Jedidiah (Rev.)1802-04Bunsold
744A New Collection of Voyages, Discoveries and Travels: Containing Whatever Is Worthy of Notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America ... Vol. IIIExploration & Surveys - Circumnavigation1767B160.00
745Antiquities of the Southern Indians, Particularly of the Georgia TribesHistory Books, Native AmericansAppleton & Company1873B+unsold
746Old Decorative Maps and ChartsReferencesHumphreys, A.L.1926B+180.00
747Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History of Cartography with Reproductions of the Most Important Maps Printed in the XV and XVI CenturiesReferencesNordenskiold, Nils Adolf E.1973B+100.00
748Maps and Map-MakersReferencesTooley, R. V.1982A40.00
749[Lot of 2] The Earliest Printed Maps 1472-1500 [and] The Commerce of Cartography - Making and Marketing Maps in Eighteenth-Century France and EnglandReferences1987-200590.00
750[Lot of 2] Art and Cartography - Six Historical Essays [and] The British Library Companion to Maps and MapmakingReferences1987-95A+65.00
751Antique Maps of Europe, the Americas, West Indies, Australasia, Africa, the OrientReferencesGohm, Douglas1972A23.00
752[Lot of 2] Maps in British Periodicals Part I Major Monthlies Before 1800 [and] Maps of America in Periodicals Before 1800ReferencesJolly, David C.1989-90A60.00
753Shedding the Veil - Mapping the European Discovery of America and the WorldReferencesSuarez, Thomas1992A20.00
754Cartographia - Mapping CivilizationsReferences2007A41.00
755Blaeu's The Grand Atlas of the 17th-Century WorldReferences, BlaeuGoss, John1991A75.00
756De 'Geographia' van Ptolemaeus - Vijftiende-Eeuwse Kaarten uit de 'Cosmographia'References, Ptolemy1990A45.00
757Bel et Utile - The Work of the Robert de Vaugondy Family of MapmakersReferences, Robert de Vaugondy1992A+120.00
758Antique Maps of the 19th Century WorldReferences, Tallis1989A22.00
759The Making of the Nuremberg ChronicleReferences, IncunabulaWilson, Adrian1978A+unsold
760[Lot of 2] Old Maps and Globes... [and] Globes from the Western WorldReferences, Globes1979-93A41.00
761Early Sea ChartsReferences, Sea ChartsPutman, Robert1983A75.00
762[Lot of 2] The Mapping of North America - Three Centuries of Map-Making 1500-1860 [and] America - Early Maps of the New WorldReferences, Western Hemisphere1990-92A36.00
763[Lot of 2] Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789 [and] The Cartography of North America 1500-1800References, North America1981-87A50.00
764Maps and Charts Published in America Before 1800: A Bibliography - Second Revised EditionReferences, United StatesWheat and Brun1985A36.00
765New England in Early Printed Maps 1513 to 1800 - An Illustrated Carto-BibliographyReferences, New EnglandMcCorkle, Barbara B. 2001A100.00
766[Lot of 2] California 49 - Forty-Nine Maps of California from the Sixteenth Century to the Present [and] Historical Atlas of California with Original MapsReferences, California1999-2007A80.00
767Central America Early Maps Up to 1860References, Central AmericaKapp, Kit S.1974B+11.00
768[Lot of 2] The Brocktorff Mapmakers [and] The Early Maltese Cartographers - Cassar, Saliba, Miriti, GiliReferences, Malta2011-12A80.00
769The Authentic Story of Taiwan - An Illustrated History, Based on Ancient Maps, Manuscripts and PrintsReferences, Taiwan1991A100.00
770Maps of Malaya and Borneo - Discovery, Statehood and Progress - The Collections of H.R.H. Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah and Dato' Richard CurtisReferences, Southeast Asia2013A80.00