"Carte qui Contient une Description des Iles & Terres que les Anglois Possedent dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, et en Particulier de la Jamaique, des Iles Barbades, de la Nouvelle Angleterre, des Barmudes, de la Caroline, de la Pensilvanie …", Chatelain, Henry Abraham
Subject: Colonial North America and West Indies
Period: 1719 (circa)
Publication: Atlas Historique
Color: Black & White
20.4 x 16 inches
51.8 x 40.6 cm
A very interesting folio sheet containing seven maps inset into panels of French text. The largest map (9 x 5.7"), titled "Carte de la Jamaique Nouvellement reveue..." shows the island in great detail and includes a large inset of the Gulf of Mexico and West Indies. The other maps are of Barbados, New England and New York, Bermuda, Virginia and Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and New Jersey, and New England, Eastern Canada and Greenland. Together these maps cover all of the regions colonized by the English at the early part of the 18th century.
Condition: A
Bottom fold separation just affecting text, closed with archival tape.