"Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional, qui Contient une partie des Cotes d'Afrique, de l'Arabie, de la Perse, et celles de l'Indostan, avec les Isles de Ceylon, Maldives et Laquedives", Apres de Mannevillette, Jean B. N. D.
Subject: Indian Ocean
Period: 1775 (published)
Publication: Le Neptune Oriental
Color: Hand Color
26 x 18.8 inches
66 x 47.8 cm
Large-scale sea chart covering the northern Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea with fine coastline and island detail. The chart is centered on a compass rose with radiating rhumb lines.
Condition: B
Printed on heavy paper. Light damp stains in lower corners with a few spots.