"Chili", Hondius, Henricus
Subject: Chile
Period: 1633 (published)
Publication: Gerardi Mercatoris et I. Hondii Atlas...
Color: Hand Color
19 x 14.8 inches
48.3 x 37.6 cm
Striking map covering the known coastal region of Chile from approximately Antofagasta in the north to Cabo Gallegos in the south. The Andes are shown prominently, with two live volcanoes in the vicinity of Villarrica. Beyond the mountains, in what is now Argentina, is a large unnamed (and non existent) lake with the cities of Mendoza and San Juan - with San Juan incorrectly placed to the south of Mendoza. Otherwise, the map is surprisingly accurate for its age with many recognizable place names: La Serena, S. Iago (Santiago), Concepcion, Valdivia, and the Gulf of Ancud are all located. Decorated with two large cartouches, two compass roses, ships and sea monsters. North is oriented to the left. French text on verso.
References: Van der Krogt (Vol. I) #9920:1.1.
Condition: A
Full contemporary color on a sheet with a measuring dividers watermark. There is some minor printer's ink residue and a couple dampstains in the blank margins.