Subject: Eastern United States
Period: 1832 (dated)
Color: Hand Color
21.7 x 17.2 inches
55.1 x 43.7 cm
This pocket map shows the United States west to the Mississippi River and a little beyond to include a small portion of Missouri Territory. The map is very detailed and features nine insets; namely the Vicinity of Philadelphia, Washington, Charleston, Boston, New York, Cincinnati, Albany, New Orleans plus the Vicinity of the Falls of Niagara. The labyrinth of canals and early roads are clearly shown. The legend shows a dotted line for railroads. The South Carolina Canal and Rail Road (also known as the Charleston & Hamburg Road) is clearly delineated. By 1833 the railroad had been completed to Hamburg, making it the longest railroad in the world at 137 miles. This series of maps, first published in 1832, was designed for the market represented by the burgeoning number of travelers and new immigrants. The maps were printed on thin bank note paper and folded so they could be carried easily for quick reference while traveling. Map folds into original green leather covers with gilt tooling and title, with the original separate Index sheet which unfolds to the same size as the map. The map was "Engraved on steel by J.H. Young & D. Haines" and bears the copyright date of 1832, although was likely published in 1833 considering the depiction of the South Carolina Canal and Rail Road extending to Hamburg. This is a rare edition given the inclusion of the large folding index sheet rather than the 78-page booklet. The cover is titled Mitchell's Travellers Guide Through the United States.
References: Ristow, p. 304.
Condition: B+
The map has a sharp impression with contemporary outline color, light offsetting and toning, a few tiny splits at fold intersections, and two short fold separations along the edges of the sheet that have been archivally repaired on verso. The index has some staining, several fold separations and tears that have been archivally repaired, and a 2" chip at far right. The covers are moderately stained and worn.