"Neueste Karte von Alabama mit Seinen Canaelen, Strassen, Eisenbahnen, Entfernungen der Hauptpunkte und Routen...", Meyer, Joseph
Subject: Alabama
Period: 1845 (dated)
Publication: Meyer's Hand Atlas
Color: Hand Color
11.8 x 14.6 inches
30 x 37.1 cm
This is the German edition of the Tanner/Mitchell Alabama map from the New Universal Atlas, with a German title but English place names. A table at the left gives steam-boat routes from Mobile to Tuscaloosa, Montgomery and Pensacola. The map has nice, pre-Civil War detail of Mobile Bay, Pascagoula Bay, Pensacola Bay, Chocktawhatchee Bay, St. Andrews Bay and St. Rosa Island. There are only 50 counties shown, as opposed to the 67 present today.
Condition: B+
Original outline color with faint dampstaining at right and a few spots of foxing.