"La Chine d'Athanase Kirchere de la Compagnie de Jesus, Illustree De plusieurs Monuments Tant Sacres que Profanes…Nature & de l'Art", Kircher, A.
Subject: Exploration - China
Period: 1670 (dated)
Color: Black & White
10 x 15 inches
25.4 x 38.1 cm
An extensive account of China compiled from Kircher's Jesuit sources. Filled with information on language (including a dictionary), customs, rituals, religion, etc. Numerous plates show costumes, flora and fauna, alphabets and views. Two folding maps, "Tabula Geodoborica Itincrum a varijs in Cataium…" and "Imperium Sinicum in XV Regna seu Provincias…" Published by Johann Jansson a Waesberge & les Heritiers d'Elizee Weyerstraet. 379 pp. - contents: engraved frontis; title page; Jean Paul Oliva General de la Compagnie de Jesus; Dedicatoire; Preface au Lecteur; La Table des Chapitres; la Table des Figures; text, including about 60 engraved plates; Questions Curieuses la Briefse & exact Response du P. Jean Grubere…; Dictionaire Chinois & Francois; Index. With 25 full-page plates, including the title page, which the list of plates calls the Kirchere portrait page. Folio, hardbound in full leather with raised bands on spine and tooling.
Condition: B
Boards warped and rubbed with corners abraded. Later bookplate on the front paste-down. Scattered foxing and water staining to some pages.