Early Example of Thematic Cartography
"Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Igniuomos in Universo Orbe...", Zahn, Johannes
Subject: World
Period: 1696 (circa)
Publication: Mundus Mirabili…
Color: Hand Color
16.7 x 14.1 inches
42.4 x 35.8 cm
This unusual map is a very scarce example of early thematic cartography. It depicts ocean currents, volcanoes and deep-sea chasms; each is marked by the appropriate symbol noted in the title cartouche. The continents are void of political detail and only major lakes, rivers and volcanoes are shown. There are prominent Northwest and Northeast Passages and a vast southern continent. The magnificently decorative title cartouche is formed within a florid pediment supported by cherubs. The map is based on Happel and Kircher's theories of 1675. Zahn was a philosopher of the Praemonstratensian order at Wurzburg who wrote a number of pseudo-scientific works.
References: Shirley #583.
Condition: A
A crisp impression on a bright sheet with the watermark of the top half of a knight with "PR" on his helmet and brandishing a sword. There is a worm track along the centerfold at bottom that has been professionally repaired, with a minute amount of the image skillfully replaced in facsimile.