Surrounded by fabulous scenes from the Visscher-Berchem map of 1658, this is probably the most decorative of Dutch Bible maps. The classic scenes depict the abduction of Persephone, Zeus being carried across the heavens in an eagle-drawn chariot, Poseidon commanding his entourage, and Demeter receiving the fruits of the Earth. California is depicted as an island with a flat northern coastline labeled Nova Albion. A small island in the vicinity of Alaska is labeled Anian. In Asia, the Great Wall of China is illustrated and the northeastern coastline is severely truncated. Northern and Western Australia, Van Diemens Landt and New Zealand have incomplete coastlines. New Guinea looks as if it may be attached to Australia. Tucked between the cusps of the map are astronomical diagrams illustrating the Copernican and Ptolemaic solar system theories. Dutch text on verso. This is the first state with the imprint of A. Hogeboom Gelettert below the bottom neatline.
A sharp, early impression on a bright sheet with professional repairs to a few small worm holes in the image and short centerfold separations at top and bottom.