This copper engraving is from a remarkable series of publications, illustrating voyages of discovery and travels of exploration to various parts of the world. The project was begun by Theodore de Bry of Frankfurt, in 1590 and was to continue for another 54 years. They became known collectively as the Grands Voyages (to America and the West Indies) and the Petits Voyages (to the Orient and the East Indies). De Bry died after the first six parts of the Grands Voyages were completed. The project was completed initially by his widow and two sons, Johann Theodore de Bry and Johann Israel de Bry, then by his son-in-law, Matthaus Merian in 1644.
This attractive title page is from the second German edition of Volume II of the Grands Voyages. The series recounted the voyages of discovery to the Americas, and provided many Europeans with their first view of the New World. Volume II recounted the French attempts at settlement in Florida, including the explorations of Laudonniere, Ribault, and Le Moyne. This title page depicts an architectural facade featuring Timucuan Indians, as drawn by Jacques le Moyne.
Condition: B+
A nice impression on a lightly toned sheet with minor foxing and light soiling that is largely confined to the blank margins. There is a tear that enters about 1/2" into image at right that has been closed on verso with archival tape, as well as a number of tiny tears along the edges of the sheet.