The frontispiece from the second volume of Chatelain's historical atlas was designed to convey to the reader that the work was based on the classics; thus it is filled with mythical figures. Seated on the plinth at center is the allegorical figure of Truth gazing into her mirror at the past and assisting a scholar in recording historical events. Above her sits Zeus identified by his attributes of an orb, scepter, and eagle. Other figures in the complex scene include Time with his scythe and figures representing maritime trade, the Holy Roman Emperor, and the European nations that are described in volume II. The beautiful composition was designed by Romain de Hooghe and engraved by P. Sluyter. It was published by les freres Chatelain, a partnership of Henri and his brother, Zacharie Jr., which flourished between 1707 and 1715.
References: Shirley (TP) #75A.
Condition: A
A crisp impression on paper with an "IV" watermark and marginal soiling.