This mid-20th century oil promotional piece was locally produced by Manning Barber with some of the same characteristics of the oil promotion lures from the 1920’s including newspaper clippings, authoritative sources quoted, and a sense of urgency to act including “Oregon Now in Midst of Greatest Leasing & Drilling Program in History,” and “Nation’s Oil Fraternity Keeps Close Watch.” The map shows the entire state with several inset maps, names “operators in the active areas” and the location of the first commercial gas well. The verso features many newspaper clippings and promotional text including Manning’s bio and reassurance he can be trusted. A “Short Order Form” offers 40 acre leases for $200. We located only one institutional example on OCLC (University of Oregon).
Condition: B
Issued folding with light toning and soiling at upper right and a few short fold separations that have been closed on verso with archival tape.