This atlas contains 19 maps and plans and 15 additional double-page engravings of genealogical charts, coats of arms, portraits, histories of various governments, a chart on military fortifications, and other historical information. The maps and plans are of the world, ancient world, celestial chart, eastern hemisphere, western hemisphere, Europe, France (2 maps), Low Countries, Spain & Portugal (2 maps), Italy, Rome (3 plans), Greece (2 maps), the eastern Mediterranean & Middle East, and a page of battle plans in Germany. Of particular interest are:
Mappemonde ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre. This captivating double hemisphere world map is surrounded by a florid vine pattern with depictions of the sun (based on Kircher), moon (based on Cassini), and a compass rose. The map depicts California as an island with the coastline above stretching nearly to Asia. This map includes a particularly extraordinary version of Terres Australes Inconnues; it is shown across the entire base of the map and is connected to Australia at Terre de Nuyts decouverte l’an 1627. There is no sign of New Zealand or any other Pacific islands. The voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and others are shown, and several ships sail the oceans. The Great Wall is shown in China. Below the map are tables of French text listing the nations of the world and geographic terms.
Carte du Gouvernement de l'Amerique. This sheet is filled with fascinating French text, statistics and four engravings showing the Council of the Indies dividing up Spanish Empire in America. The map itself (3.7 x 5.2") shows an unnamed island of California on the Sanson model. The only political detail is the division of the regions between the colonial powers. Far to the south, a purely speculative Antarctic continent is suggested as Terre Inconnue.
Carte d'Espagne et des Principaux Etats Appartenans a Cette Monarchie dans les 4 Parties du Monde. Handsome map of the Iberian Peninsula (6.3 x 5.5") surrounded by descriptive text and tables in French. Bordering are 14 smaller maps of the Spanish possessions around the world, including the Philippines, Chili, Peru, Mexico, Naples, and Nouveau Mexique -- showing Santa Fe, Indian tribes, and locating Nova Grenade and Pey Coromedo, Xila, Hemes, and Quivira.
Also included in this atlas are a title page, table of contents, and 156 pages of text and tables (including the preface). This example is missing the frontispiece, 1 map of Italy, and several pages of text. Small Elephant Folio, full leather, with raised bands and gilt tooling on spine.
Condition: B+
The maps and plates are in full contemporary color on bright sheets with occasional minor soiling or short fold separations or tears. The majority of the maps are in "A" condition. The title page is almost completely detached. The covers are heavily worn with tears and chips to the leather, and the front cover is beginning to detach. The spine is mostly detached with large chips.