"Mapa dos Reynos de Portugal e Algarve Feita Sobre as Memorias Topografica de D. Vasque de Cozuela as do P. Lacerda e Varios Outras", Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio
An uncommon and well engraved chart that details the coast from Marbella, through Gibraltar and up the Portuguese coast to Lisbon and north of Cabo da Roca. Excellent details with scores of villages and towns, roads, plus much topo information. Locates Merida, Badajoz, Beja, Seville, etc. Large, decorative cartouche features the coat-of-arms, flags, flowers and Christ on the crucifix.
Condition: A
Contemporary outline color in the map with later color in the cartouche, on paper with the watermark of a Maltese cross encircled in rosary beads. There is some faint soiling and marginal toning.