This mammoth map covers the entire western United States from the 97th meridian to the Pacific coast. The base map shows incredible detail including the progress of public surveys, Indian Reservations, Forest Reserves, drainage, railroads, and much more. Layered on top of the map is a colorful rendering of the withdrawal of "workable coal lands" in the region. This withdrawal was ordered by President Theodore Roosevelt in order to address the rampant misuse of natural resources. Up until this point, many large coal companies paid individuals to homestead these mineral-rich regions. Shortly after the land grant was issued, these companies would come in and fraudulently extract the coal in the subsurface. Withdrawing the land enabled the government to properly classify these tracts and how they should be awarded.
This map was issued as part of a congressional report on the status of public lands. The base map which is missing the border at right and bottom appears to be the upper left quadrant from an earlier GLO map.
Condition: A
A clean and colorful example with a short edge tear confined to the right blank margin. Binding trim at left.