"Rand, McNally & Co.'s Improved Indexed Business Atlas and Shippers' Guide. Containing Large Scale Maps of the Dominion of Canada, Old Mexico, Central America, Cuba, and the Several States and Territories of the United States...", Rand McNally & Co.
This complete atlas is much sought after for its great number of large maps. Our count shows a total of 106 colorful maps composed of 25 single page and 81 double page maps. The double page maps are folded and pasted to a backstrap from the spine as were earlier atlases, but are usually printed both sides. All of the maps are accomplished using several colors resulting in handsome images. Most of the maps are dedicated to the United States with extensive listings of cities, counties, lakes and rivers followed by maps showing the railroad network and political boundaries. The atlas begins with an 11pp. index detailing the railroad system. Hardbound in brown cloth with gilt title on front cover and spine. Folio, 597pp.
Condition: B+
Maps are fine to very good with some light even-age toning. Contents are tight, the hinges are starting, and both the covers and spine are worn and bumped.