"A Passage by Land to California Discover'd by the Rev. Father Eusebius Francis Kino Jesuite between ye years 1698 and 1701", Kino, Eusebio Francisco, SJ
Subject: Southwestern United States, California and Mexico
Period: 1721 (published)
Publication: The Philosophical Transactions from the Year MDCC. Vol. II
This is an English version of Father Kino's important map that disproved the theory that California was an island. This was the first map to accurately depict the region, in particular the relative positions of the Colorado and Gila Rivers and the correct location of the rivers, valleys and mountains of part of Sonora and Arizona. Kino's publication, first issued in 1705, was intended to disprove the island theory, but instead actually fueled the controversy and thus the map was reprinted many times. This edition does not carry attribution for engraver. This scarce map is essential to any collection of California or the American Southwest, and this example is more desirable as it is still bound in its equally scarce source book. Also contains "A Map of the New Philippine Islands."
The maps are still bound in the original "The Philosophical Transactions from the Year 1700 (Where Mr. Lowthorp ends) to the Year 1720. Abridged and dispos'd under General Heads. Vol. II: Containing Part III. The Physiological Papers. [and] Part IV. The Philological Papers, by Benjamin Motte (editor), 1721, Printed for R. Wilkin et. al., London." This volume contains numerous papers on weather observations, accounts of meteors, aurora borealis, physical and pneumatical experiments, accounts of water spouts, mineral waters, eruptions of Vesuvius, information on various minerals, metals, and fossils, subterraneous trees, botany, zoology, explorations and travels, art of printing, etc. In original full leather with gilt spine title "Motte's Abridgemen Vol. 2," raised bands. Small quarto, title page, dedication page, Part III: 399 pp. plus 20 copper engraved plates on 20 sheets (numbered I to XX with most folding, Plates I and II on one sheet and Plate XIII on two sheets); Part IV: 266 pp. plus 20 copper engraved plates on 22 sheets (numbered I to XX with most folding, Plate VIII on two sheets and one extra unnumbered plate). In addition to the important Kino map, this is a fascinating assemblage of early scientific and philosophical papers.
The Kino map is fine with early impression showing some layout lines. Covers with light shelf wear and front board, endpapers, and title page. detached, rear board holding by a thread. The volume is internally clean, a few pages with occasional foxing. Plates very clean, a few have short gutter tears. Very good volume less binding problems which are easily solved.