1) Examination and Survey of Lower Williamette and Columbia Rivers..., 1900, 56th Congress, 1st Session, Doc. No. 673. Eleven large maps detail the rivers from Portland to Astoria. All very good (A).
2) 1890 Report of Maj. Gillespie with map, Alsea Bar and Harbor, 1879, (22.5 x 17.3"). 46th Cong 2nd Sess Ex. Doc. No. 34. (A+).
3) 1895 Survey of Port Orford, Oregon, with three maps, Port Orford, Oregon..., (18 x 18.5"); Wharves Proposed at Port Orford…, ( 23. X 20") and Vicinity Map of Port Orford…, (12.5 x 13.8"). 53rd Cong 3rd Sess Ex. Doc. No. 313. (A+)
4) 1895 report with Map of Coos River, Oregon…, (17.5 x 10") 53rd Cong 3rd Sess Ex. Doc No. 237. (A+).
5) 1895 Survey report with Map of Alsea River.., (14.3 x 12.8"). 53rd Cong, 3rd Sess, Ex. Doc. No. 235. (A+).