"A New and Accurate Map of the Province of New York and Part of the Jerseys, New England and Canada, Shewing the Scenes of our Military Operations during the present War. Also the New Erected State of Vermont", Lodge, John
A detailed and interesting map of the field of military operations during the Revolutionary War from the St. Lawrence River and Lake Champlain down to Long Island and west to Lake Ontario. It shows the various boundary disputes between New York and New Jersey, roads, forts, land grants and Indian territory. Vermont is labeled "The Hampshire Grants or the New Erected State of Vermont." The imprint below neatline is dated October 31, 1780 by J. Bew. Engraved by John Lodge.
References: Jolly POL-14; Sellers & van Ee #176; McCorkle #780-9.
Condition: B
Issued folding, now pressed. A short binding side tear is closed with old tape on verso. The dark impression has left some light offsetting throughout. On sound paper with original margins.