"Moral & Statistical Chart Showing the Geographical Distribution of Man According to Religious Belief with the Protestant Mission Stations…", Johnston, Alexander K.
This large map is a superb example of thematic mapping with various colors and diagrams used to illustrate the distribution of religions throughout the world. Through color, the map illustrates the predominate religions with the major categories being Catholics, Protestants, Mohammedans, Jews, and Heathens. Three insets show the distribution of Protestant Missions in India, South Africa and Canada. Two other insets show comparative charts of Europe for language and religion. This handsome chart is from the English version of Heinrich Berghaus' Physikalischer Atlas, which resulted in the first truly comprehensive thematic atlas. It is a very early example of printed color, the development of which made a huge impact on cartography in general and specifically the graphic portrayal of geographical data on thematic maps.
References: Phillips (A) #225; Robinson, pp. 64-67.