"Carte Hydrographique des parties Connues du Globe, Entre le Soixante-Dixieme Parallele au Nord et le Soixantieme au Sud…", Beautemps-Beaupre, Charles Francois
Subject: World
Period: 1798 (published)
Publication: Claret de Fleurieu's Voyage autour du Monde
Large world map on Mercator's projection, with the Pacific Ocean at center and ship's tracks of Capt. Marchand. This expedition, the second of the French circumnavigations, was commanded by Capt. Etienne Marchand. Specifically on a fur-trading mission, Marchand's ship sailed around Cape Horn, touched at the Marquesas and at Hawaii, and visited Norfolk Sound, the Queen Charlotte Islands, Nootka Sound, etc.
Condition: A
Issued folding, now pressed. Repaired short binding tear in blank margin. Bit of faint foxing, mostly in blank margins.