"A Topographical Map of the Northn. Part of New York Island, Exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the Rebels Lines to the Southward…", Sauthier/Faden
Revolutionary War battle plan depicting northern Manhattan Island. The title continues "which were Forced by the Troops under the Command of The Rt. Honble. Earl Percy,...Novr. 1776...To which is added the Attack made to the Northd. by the Hefsians. Survey by order of Lieutt. Genl. Knyphaufen." Nebenzahl says this is the "most accurate delineation of Upper Manhattan to have been published up to this date." It gives a detailed look at the British and Hessian troop movements in their attack on Fort Washington, the last American stronghold in the battle for Manhattan. General Nathaniel Greene lost 2,800 American men in a major defeat for the Americans. His army surrendered to German mercenary soldiers, commonly called Hessian. A very detailed map that gives important topographical information on waterways, slopes, farmlands, roads, batteries and the fort. A scarce and most desirable map.