"Den Aardkloot nade Zondvloed, in haar gebroken stand, met Bergen en dalen, groote Zee-Boesem, en der selver Eilanden en Ondiepten vertoond", Goeree, Willelm & Jan
Very unusual world map from a Dutch book on church history published by the Goeree brothers. While not mentioned by Shirley, this map is obviously based on the hemispheres by Thomas Burnet in his Telluris Theoria Sacra… of 1681. Thomas Burnet was the first Englishman to attempt a scientific account of the origin of the earth. His popular and controversial treatise focused on the breaking up of "the fountains of the great deep" as the cause of the flood, as described in Genesis 7:11, and it presented a model of the earth's structure with ample stores of water within subterranean chambers. This adaptation presents the hemispheres, one above the other, and slightly overlapping. The earth is shown after the Flood; the continents in outline with accentuated chains of mountains and no place names. Numerous islands are shown throughout the oceans denoting hypothetical lands that existed before the Flood. California is depicted as an Island and Australia and New Zealand are partially formed.
Condition: A
Couple of stains in margins, well away from image.